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2� 17��7�2 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan N�: ��'13D2'1'i4 �Contl�lued} Page � <br /> in�erest in and tn all present and future leases o� the Prvperty and all Ren�s from �he Prvperty. In addi�ion, Trus�tor <br /> gran�s ta Lender a Uni�orm Comme�-cia� Code security interest in the Personal Praperty and R�nts. <br /> TH�S DEE❑ �F TRUST, tNCLlJD1NG THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY �NTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRDPERTY, [5 �IVEN T4 SECURE {A} PAYMENT �F THE INDEBTEDNE55 AN❑ (g} PERF�RMANCE OF <br /> ANY AND ALL ❑gL�GATI�NS UNDER THE N�TEr THE RELATE❑ DOCUMENTS. AND THiS DEED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED �F TRUST IS G1VEN AND AGCEPTED ON THE F�LLDINING TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise prvWided in this Deed ❑�Trus�, Trustor shall pay �v Lender a!l <br /> amoun�s secured by this ❑eed of Trust as �hey become due, and shall s�rictIy and in a timely manner perform all ❑f <br /> Trustar's vhligativns under the Note,this ❑eed o�Trust, and the Related Documents. <br /> P�55ES5iDN AN❑ MAINTENANCE ❑F THE PR�PERTY. T�ustor agrees that Trusfior's possessivn and use ❑�F the <br /> Property shall be g��erned by the following pro�isions: <br /> Pvssessivn and Use. Until the ❑ccurren�e of an E�ent o� C�efaul�, Trus�kor may {1} remain in possessian and <br /> control ❑fi the Prvperty; �2} use, vperate ar manage the Praperty; and �3} colle�t�he Rents�rom�he Praperty. <br /> Duty fio Maintain. Trustar shall mainta�n the Property in tenan�able conditivn and promp�ly perform all repairs, <br /> replacemen�s, and main�enance necessa�y t❑ preser�e its�alue. <br /> Compiiance �JIJi�h Enrriranmental Laws. Trustor rep�esents and warrants t� Lender�hat: �3� During �he perivd o� <br /> Trustvr's awnership vf fihe Property,ther� has been no use, genera�ion, manufa�ture, storage, fireatment, dispasai, <br /> release or threatened re[ease ❑� any Hazardous Substance by any persvn on, under, ab�u� vr from the Property; <br /> {�� Trus�or has nv knowled�e ❑f, or reasvn�o belie�e tha�there has been, except as pre�iously disclased �o and <br /> acknawledged by Lender in writ�ng, �a� any breach or vivla�ivn of any En�ironmental Laws, {h� any use, <br /> genera�ion, manu�ac�ur�, s�orage, trea-�ment, dispasal, re(ease ❑r�hrea�ened release af any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, a�ou�k ❑r from the Praperty by any prior owners ❑r vccupants o� the Pr�perty, ar �c} any a�tual ❑r <br /> threafiened fitigation or claims ❑� any kind by any pers�n relating to such matters; and {3y Excep�t as pre�iously <br /> discfased ta and acknawledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} neither Trustvr nor any�enan�, �on�ractar, agen�or vther <br /> authorized user v�th� Proper�y shall use, generate, manu�acture, sfiore, trea�, dispose vt❑r release any Ha�ardaus <br /> Sul�sfiance on, under, abaut or�rom the Property; and {b} any such ac�i�i�y shall be conducted in compliance with <br /> all appli�able federal, sfiate, and local la�rvs, reguIations and ❑rdinances, including wifihou� limitation all <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trus�kar au�horizes Lender and ifis agenfis to enter upon the Praper�y to make such <br /> inspections and �eStSr at Trusfior's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to defiermine cvmpliance ❑f the <br /> Proper�ty with this sec�ian af�he ❑eed o# Trust. Any inspecti�ns or t�sts made by Lender shall be -��r Lender's <br /> purpases anly and shall not be construed to create any responsibility or fiabili�y on the par�v�Lender to Trustar or <br /> �o any other person. The r�presenta��ons and warran�ies �nntained hereEn are based vn Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> inWestigating fihe Propsr�y �or Hazardaus 5ubstances. Trusto�- herehy �1} releases and waiWes any �future �laims <br /> against Lender�vr indemnity ❑r cvnfirihutian in �he e�en�Trustor becames liable �or cleanup ❑r other �asts under <br /> any such [aws; and {2} agrees ta indemn��y, de�end, and hald harm[ess Lend��-agains�any and all claims, I�sses, <br /> fiabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may dfrectly or indirectly sus�ain or su�ter resulting fram <br /> a breach of this sec�ion o�f the Deed of Trust ❑� as a cansequence of any use, genera�ion, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, release or�hreatened re[ease occurring prior tv Trusfior's awnership vr in�erest in the Pr�perty, whefiher or <br /> nofi the same was ❑r shvufd ha�e been known �o Trustor. The pro�isions of this sectivn v� fihe Deed ❑f Trust, <br /> including the ohl�gation ta indemnify and defend,shall sur�i�e�h� paymen�of the �ndeb�edness and�he sa�isfacti�n <br /> and reconW�yance of�h� �ien of�his Deed ❑f Trust and shall not be a�fiec�ed by Lender's acquisition o#any inte�-est <br /> �n the Prvperfiy, whefiher hy fo�ec�osure or otherwise. <br /> NuEsance, 1Nas�e. Trus�vr shall nvt cause, conduct vr permit any nuisance nvr commit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> stripping o�F ar waste ❑n or to �he Praperty or any p�rtivn of the Prop�r�y. Vllithvut 1imi�ing the generali�y of�he <br /> faregoing, Trustvr wilf not remo�e, ar gran�to any other party the right to remo�e, any�imber, minerals �including <br /> oif and gas}, coal, clay, scoria, sail, gra�e�or rack produ��s w�thaut Lender's p�ivr wr�tten cvnsent. <br /> RemvWal of Impro►rements. Trus�or shall nvt demolish ar remove any lmpro�ements�rom the Real Praper�y wi�haut <br /> Lender's privr writ�en �ansent. As a condi�ivn�❑the remo�al of any Impro�ements, Lender may require Trustvr to <br /> make arrangements satisfa�tary to Lender tv replace su�h lmprv�ements with Impro�ements �f at least equaC <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Righ#to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representa�i�es may enter upon the Real Property at a�� <br /> reasvnable times �to attend �o Lender's interests and to inspect �he Real Property for purposes vf Trustar's <br /> campliance vui�h the terms and conditiflns❑f this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Campliance wi�h Gv�ernmental Requiremenfis. Trustor sha!! pramptiy comply with all laws, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, now or herea#ter in effect, o� all go�ernmental authorfties applicah�e to the use vr oc�upancy af the <br /> Property, in�luding wi�hou� limitation, �he Americans V1lith I�isal�ili�ies Act. Trus�or may con�est in good faith any <br /> such law, ordinance, vr regulatian and withhold compfian�e during any proceeding, includin� appropriate appeals, <br /> s� lang as Trustor has no�ki�ied Lender in writing prio�-�a doing s❑ and so lang as, in Lender's sole❑pinion, Lender's <br /> interes�s in �the Property are not jeflpardi�ed. Lender may require Trustor to post adequate security ❑r a surety <br /> bvnd, reasvna�ly sa�isfactvey t❑ Lender,ta prv�ect Lender's infieresfi. <br /> ❑uty�o Pro�ec�. Trus�or agrees nei�he�- to abandan vr lea�e unattended the Pr�perty. Trust�r shaf I d❑ all o�her <br />