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2� 17��7� 1 <br /> �e�t�.on 31 0��rhi�h A.s�x�n�r �s trans.f�rrxng �e�a�n �f�he Purc�ase ��t�on �ites [as d�f�r�ed in <br /> th� Purcha.s� �.gr�em�nt) �� .�ssign�e. <br /> B. Assign�r �s th� cur�ent �e�s�� �r ���ensee u�.d�r that ��r�a�n �eas�, l�cense �r <br /> �i�z��� a�reem.ent n��r� part��u�ar�� d�scri��d on ���.��a�� .�.-�1 attach�� �er�t� �t�.e �����r��d <br /> ���'�, re�atxn� to a part��n af t�e �ar�el of re�.1 praperty that is d���ribed or� ��hi��� ,�. <br /> at��.�h�d �er�ta �t�e `���r�n� P�.����'s�, w�t� th� portion �� f�e P�r�r�� P�rce� b�i�g �eased or <br /> l�cens�d a��� be�ng descr�bed on�������.�. �su��.por��on, �he "I���.��� �r��rr����s"�. <br /> �. If re���de�� t�i� �`rr�und I��as� �s evzdencec� �f re��rd �.s m.�r� �aart��ul�I� <br /> des�ri��d o�E��ibit F� attachec��.er�to. <br /> I�. In �.cc�rdar��e �it� th� tern�.s �f t�� �'ur�has� A�r��ment, ��sign�r des���s t� <br /> a���gn��s r�ght, t�t�� ar�d �nt�re�� �n and�� �h� �'�-r�ur��I L�as� �o �s�rgn�e, ar�d As�igr��� d�si�e� to <br /> a�c�u�r� �d a.s�um.e A�s�gnor�s ri�ht� and ab�i�at�o�.s unc��r�h� �rour��.L�a�e. <br /> ���N, THE���I�E, �n �ans�de�ation af the agr��mea��s �antained h�r��n ar�d ath�r <br /> ��od and ��.�uab�e ��r�siderat�or�, the r��e��� an.�. �.d�qua�y of v�h��h ar� �.��.o�vledge�, th� <br /> �art�e s h�r�to a�r�� a� fo 1�ov�rs: <br /> 1. A.ssi�.en� o� �r�und ]Leas�. �s of th� Eff�����re I��.te, ��s�g�or d�es h�r�by <br /> ass�gn, transfer, and �et ov�r ur�.t� As����ee, �ith a��� the �varr�ntx�s ���ress�� stated in th� <br /> Pur�has� �gr�erne�.ty a�� �f the r�ght, t�t�� a�.d znter��t �f�ssign�r �n, ta ar�d under th� �rour�� <br /> L�as�, subj e�t to the ��rm.s� ����n.ants ar�d c�n�.�t�an� c�ntain��. �n �r w�t1�.r�sp�c� to th� ���und <br /> L�as� a�.� al�t�rm� �n��ax�dit�ons of a�1 re�ated.�asen�.�r�ts and a.n�i��ar�agr��ments. <br /> �. �..ssurn t��r� �f �rou��� L�ase. Eff��t��r� as �f the �f�e�t��e Date, �s��gne� <br /> h�r�by a��ume� ��. acG�pts th� �or�g��n� ��s��r�.rn�r�t �� th� t��ms and ����it��r�s �et f�r�h ir� <br /> �his A.gre�rn�n�, and ����gnee �.ereb� �.ssum�s and �.gree�t� k�ep, obs��v� an�.p�rforz�. a�l �f�he <br /> terms, c�v��antsy agreer.�.�n.�s, �a�drt��ns5 �ia����t��� and. o1���gat�or�s �f`fhe �rour�� L�ase o�. the <br /> part �f�ssignar to b� ��pt, �b�erve� a�.�. perf�rm�d ��i�� ar���, accr�.� �r ar� attribu�ab�� ta <br /> pe��o�.s �n or aft�r the �ff�ct�ve Dat�, with the sarr�.e f�r�e and eff��t �.� �f��si�n.�� �n���ad of <br /> .Ass��nor ��r�ts pr�dec���oa�� �.ad orxgir�a�l� �i�ed th� �raun�L�ase. <br /> 3. I�.demn�t�. Ass�gn�e agr��s to c�e�end, �nd�mn�fy a.��. ho�� harm.�ess .�.�s�gr��r <br /> fron� ar�d a�a��.�� a.�.y �..r�.d a�I ��airns what�o�ver ax���n� out o�` �r �� ar�y �a� c�r�ecte�i ����. <br /> As�x���e's fai�ur� t� p�rf�rrn a�nd d�s�harge aI� of th� ter�m�5 c�ven�.nts, a.gre�ments, c�nditxa��, <br /> 1�abil�t��� and ���x�atio�s r�quir�d to �e �erfor�n��. ���gne� a,� Iess�� und�r the �r�ur��. <br /> L�e�.s� on �r �.�t�r the Fff�ct��� I�ate, �r ath�r ��ts or ��r�d.u�t �n �r after the Effe�t�v� D�.te f�r <br /> �vh�ch th� iesse� �s res�������e u.nder the term� �f th� �round L�as�. �N�t�thstar�d�n� t�e <br /> foregoi�.g, .�.ss���.�e� �.�.v� �.� �b��gati�n t� �ndemn�fy ,�.s��g�or if th� ��.��s af �. c�ai�n f�� <br /> inderr�nifi�ati�n a�is�� from �r �s �ther�v�s� at�r�bu�a��� t�? on flr af�er �h� Effe�ti�� t�at�, ��� <br /> �ssx��.�r's aeti�n�, perfarrr�a��e or �o�.du�t �or fai�ur� af a�t��r�, ��r���rnan�e �r c�nduc�} �n <br /> �r�o��.ti�n of t�.� a�r�e�n�nt��} t�ier� ir� eff�ct �����n .�.ss�gn�r and .�.ssi�n�e (�r th��r resp����v� <br /> sub��dzar�es, �.ffi�i�.tes, su��essars ar as�l�ns� f�ar Ass�gn�r'� �or�t�nued us� and oc�upancy �f�h� <br /> I��as�d.Prern�s�s as .�..ssign��'s �ub-t��a�.t, sub-I��ensee, �r th� I���, �r �i�) an�persana� I�j�r� ar <br /> � <br /> V�V��'rL#1CantraG�#:��9397{S3S0$ <br /> AT�5�te#IName:98�8315HELT�N���) <br />