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2� 17��754 <br /> The runds shall�ae held in an ins�itution�hos�deposits are insured b}�a f�de�al ag�n�y,instrumenta�ity,ar <br /> entity(including Lender, if Lender is an�nstitution whose depo�its ar�so insured}ar in any Federal Hame <br /> Loan Bank.�ender shalt apply the runds ta pay the Escrovv items na later than�he time spec�fied under <br /> R�SFA.L�nder shall nat charg�Borro�re�for h��ding and�appl�ing the Funds,annually anaty2ing the <br /> escro�v acco��nt,or t��rifying the�scrow It�ms,unless Lender pays�orrower interest on the Funds and <br /> Applieab�e Law per�nits Lender to make such a charge.Unless an agreement is made in�riting or <br /> App�icabie La�v reqt�ires in�erest to b��aid on�he Funds,Lender sh�l�not be required to pa�Borrow�r any <br /> �nterest ar�arnings c�n the Funds. Borr�wer and Lender can agree in writing, howe�er,�ha�interest shal�be <br /> paid on th�Funds. L�nder shall gi�e to Borrower,�vithout�harge, an annual accountit��of th�Funds a� <br /> required by R�SpA. <br /> �f there i�a surplu5�f Funds heid in�scraw,as defined under RE�PA,Lender shall ac�ount to Bar�rower for <br /> th�exccss funds in acc�rdance w�th RESI'A. If there is a shortage a�'Funds held in es�ro�t,a�defined und�r <br /> R��P�,L,ender sha��notify�orrawer as required by RESPA,a�d B�rrower sha11 pay to Lender�he amount <br /> n�cessary to make up�he shortage in accordance�.�vith RESPA,but in na more than 12 manth�y payments. If <br /> there is a def ciency�f Funds held �n escro�v,as defined under RESPA,Lend�r shall notify Bonro�ver as <br /> rcquircd by RE�PA, and Borrat�ver sha�1 pay ta Lend�r the amount neccssary to make up the d�ficiency in <br /> ac�4rdance vvit��RE�PA,but�n na more than �2 monthiy payments. <br /> Upon payment in fu�1 of all sums secured b�this Securi�y Instrument,L�nder shall promptiy refund to <br /> Barrawer any Funds hel�by Lend�r. <br /> 4. Charges;Liens.Borr��v�r sha11 pay alI t�.xes, ass�ssments,charges, fines, ar�d ixnpositior�s attrib��able to <br /> the Property wh�ch can attain priority over this Security�nstrument, leaseho�d payments or ground rent�on <br /> the Fraper��, if any,and�ammunity As�ociation Dues,Fees,and Assessments, if any. To the extent that <br /> these itcros arc Es�ra4v I�crns�Borrowcr shal�pay them in the mar�ncr pro�ided in Scction 3. <br /> Borrower s�all�r�m�t�y dis�haxge ar�y lien�hich has pri4�it�o�er t'h�s�ecuxifiy�nstrumet�t unless <br /> Barrawer: �a}agrees in��riting ta the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien�n a manner acceptable <br /> to Lender,but nnly so long as�orro«rer is performing such agreemer�t;(b}contests the tien in gaod faith by, <br /> or d�fends ag�in�t e��fo�cc�ent af'th�lie�in, l�gal proc�eding�whi�h in Lender's opinivn operate��pr�vent <br /> , <br /> the enforee�nent af the lien�vhile�hose proceedings ar�pending,but only until su��a proce�dings are <br /> coxlcluded;or(c}�ecur�s fro�n the ha�d�r of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lend�r subordinating the <br /> �ien t�this S�c�rity�nstr�n�ent. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is�ubjeet to a Iien which <br /> �a��a�t�in priori�y aver this Security Instrument, Lend�r ma�give Borrawer a notice identifying the�ien. <br /> �ithin 10 days of th�da�te on��hich that r�otice is gi�en,Barrower shal�satisfy the lien or�ake ane or m�re <br /> of the actio��s���forth above in this SectiQ�i 4. <br /> Lender may requ�re B�rrower to pay a one-time charge for a real estate tax�erifrcation and]or repor�ing <br /> �ervice user�by Lend�r in c�nnec:tian�vith th��Loan. <br /> 5. Pr�pQrty Insurance.Borrower shail keep the improvement�now�xistiug or hereaft�r er��t��on the <br /> Property insured a�ainst loss by fire,ha2ard�ir�cluded within the term"ex�ended coverage,"and any other <br /> hazard�iuc�ud�ng,but��o��im�ted to,earthquakes and fl�ods, for which Lender requires insurance.This <br /> �nsuran�e sl�arl be maintained in the amaunts(inciudi�g deductible leve�s�and for the periods that�ender <br /> requires. What Lender reQuires pursuant to the pre�e�ing sentenees can�hange during the term of the L4an. <br /> Th�insurance carrier pr�viding�he insurance shall be chosen by B�rrower subjeet to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove�arro�v�r's choice,�vh.ich right shall no�be exer�is�d unreasonably. Lender n�ay require <br /> Borrower to pay, in connection with this L�an,either: ��}a one-time charge for fload zone determinatian, <br /> cer��fic�.t�o��an�tra�king services;or�b}a or�e-txme�harge for fload zone determination and cer�ification <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�le Family-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM iNSTRl1MENT tNITN MERS Form 34Z8 1141 <br /> 1fMP Cl VMF8A�1�E)�13�2}.DO <br /> Wviters Kluwer�inanciai Servic�s Page 6 of 17 <br /> q0335696415� ��33 S1S D��� <br />