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2� 17��735 � <br /> right, tit�e ar�d interest �n �i} aI1 of the buildings, structures and other improvements nn�r standing <br /> or at a�y ti�m.e her�after constructed �r p�aced upor�the Land; (�i� alI lighting, heating, �rer�tilat�ng, <br /> air-c�nd�tionir�g, spr�nk��ng and plumbing fixtures, water and pow�r systems, engines and <br /> �nachinery, boilers, furnaces, oi� burners, e�evat�rs and matars, commur�ication syste�r�.s, <br /> ; <br /> dyr�amas, tran�formers, electrical equ�prnent and al� other f�xtures of�very descript��r� Iocated �r� <br /> or an, or used, or �ntended t� �e used in connection �vith the Lar�d or a�ny bui�d��.g nov� or <br /> hereafter Incated therean� �iii) al1 heredita�rnents, easements, appurtenances, r�par�an rights, rents, <br /> rssues, profits, condemnation avvards, minera� rig�.ts and�vat�r rights no�v or hereafter belang�ng <br /> ar �n a�.y v�ay per�aining to �he Land ar to any bu�ldir�g no�v ar hereafter I�ca��d th�re�r� and a�l <br /> the estates, rights and interests of the Grantor �n the Land; (iv} al� bui�ding materials, furn�ture, <br /> furr�ishin�s, ma�ntenance equipmer�t and a�l o�her personal prap�r�y no�v or hereafter �ocated in, <br /> or or�, ar used, ar intended t� b� used in connection v�ith the Land or a�y build�ng no�v or <br /> h�reafter located ther�on a�d al� replacements and additions theretQ; ��} a1I add�tions, access�ons, <br /> increases, par�s, f�tt�ngs, accessories, rep�acements, subst�tutions, betterments, repairs and <br /> pr�ceeds t�, of or for any and aIl of the f�regoing; and ���} any ar�d a�� after-acqu�red int�rest of <br /> th� �-rantor�n any af the farego�ng, �ncluding the Land. <br /> T��ETI-�ER �'�NITH a�� easements, r�ghts, r�ghts-of-�vay, strips ar�d gores �f la�.d, al�eys, - <br /> sewer rights, �vater and Vvater rights re�at�ng to the Land, �nc�uding re�rers�or�s and remainders, if <br /> any, of �rantor, r�o�v avvned or hereafter acquired, in ar�d to ar��r Iand �y�r�g within the right-of <br /> �ay of any street or h�ghway adjoin�ng th�Lar�d. <br /> T��rETHER �IT�-I al� Ieases, sub�eases, ��ce�ses, and other agreemer�ts affecting th� <br /> US�y enj oyme�.t ❑r �ccupar�c�r of the Land, nav� or hereafter entered into, together with any <br /> e�tensions thereof and guarantees relat�ng theret� �collectxv�Iy, the �`Lea�es"), and al� rents, <br /> issues, re�enues, prof�ts, fees, charges, accounts, ir�come, and other sums payable under the <br /> Leases, a1� tenant security and other depasits, oiI and gas or other m�neral r�yalt�es, b�nuses a�d <br /> rer�ts, revenues, issues and praf�ts relating to the Land�col�ectively,the "Rents"�. <br /> T� HAVE AND T� H�LI] the Trust Estate unt� the Trustee ar�d Beneficiary ar�d its <br /> respe�t�ve assigns �ore�er, ta secure the payment ar�d performa�.ce �f the �b�igat�ons, inc�uding, <br /> �vithout Iimitat��n, the due perfarmance of th� covenants, agreements and provisions herein <br /> cantained, ar�d for the uses ar�d purposes and upon the terms, cond�tions, prov�sos and <br /> agreernents here�nafter e�pressed and declared. <br /> The total amour�t of principa� secured by this I�eed of Trust rr�ay be increased or <br /> decreased fr�m time to t�me, but the tota� unpaid pr�ncipal balance s� secur�d at ar�y o�e t�me � <br /> sha�l r�ot exceed the ma�imum pr�ncipai amount of$95�,5��,���.�� p�us ir�terest thereo�. at th� <br /> appl�cable rate therefare and any d�sbursemer�ts made under the Cr�dit Agreements or this Deed <br /> af Trust includi�.g, �vithout Iim�tation, the paymerzt of ta�.es, assessments, levies, insurar�ce �;: <br /> �: <br /> prern�um.s, attorneys' fees, costs �ncurred for the pratection of the Trust Estate, �r ather�v�se ��th <br /> �nterest nr� suc� disbursements at the rate spec�fied in the Credit Agreements, fr�m t�me t�time. <br /> It �s a�reed that any add�tiar�a� surr� or sums loaned, ad�anced, or readvar�ced by Ber�eficiary <br /> pursuant to the terms of th�s Deed af Trust or the �red�t Agreements after the date of the <br /> executi�n hereof s�al� be equal�y secured �vith, and ha�re the same pr�or�t� as, the orig�na� <br /> �- <br />