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. S � ' �I, :-„�. _ ;,�: �.,, t' .,��ia �YCr.i�..:..'r.3n�rcmvsu�'.�.==o;. . <br /> :Z�m��bs,.�v`� �"�d�....���!-atri£� i•1..:�a_b1.. ..c'_.,._.F1..}�n�F=.s��--'-�� ' -z..d-. .wc,:.._t __ „d.,.......n. iz;,,��' _ -' <br /> . 1 �.-- � , ._"_ " � <br /> s }� , t �� . <br /> (• j <br /> t� iM—DlIRAaLE lOWEB OF A1TDItNEY Huffm�n uM FNton�Wolf,Waltoa,tk 684fi1 � '� � <br /> ;.�._ �.r- __�_.______�..��_._.._. _...._�_._.___.__._._ __�_._�___r___._.___�.__—�.-----..:�o--�O __ i <br /> 073�; I <br />- • � ; �vaw�.���.8����>��sE�rrs: ° � : � <br /> � � : . , f� , <br />,� . ' r: ' . !� <br /> § :� � _ . T � ��.t� � 1� <br /> `•'J :'a"�,-at 1. � �the►�- J ��Qt.��i7,j�o�.i'.;.� C�b�mt3+.Nehzaska.hace m3d� <br /> ;. : . . 1 I <br /> �: ; ' : .,. . . .. .. 1�1ar�ler�� � ��e5 ; i <br /> _ '�`" , , , ccaw�cwe�.�3 ep�n1�aa�Es3 t�er��ao malce.rantti4c�e�ri�t � �------ ,� , <br />-�� r ,f [� � <br /> ' . ��� �S�lr1(A-, !TQ�� County.Nebrasica.trne and lawfiil euameY far me and in a�y naa►y Dlace and sGrad. • � <br /> � snd oA my�s�bl���P�of Fara�raph 13 hereo£tn du and ezecute aA or aay of the foBowinB actR deeds and tlnngs ` <br /> , 1.To recdve de6b.psym�nts ead 9�D�Y.To esY,demand�fizr,reeasrrand reai�re all sums of mor.ey.de6ts.dtse�,goads.waree.merchan• � �, <br /> - : � , disqdiattdn,effe�taundthin�ofwf�atenevernaUUCOrdeirsiptionwhichnowareoche:tnR�seha116eorbernr.udue.owipg.paYnble.oabelongingtome S� <br /> . in a 6y a�y righR titie ways nr meanr hoaBne��er,and apon rieceipt thmnf,or vfnny part thereA�W makG sign.execute nnd deliver such mceiyta,rrfcaecx � <br /> oe ather d;�hR.e..for the same rc+�pertively ns my eaid uCumey ehall dems advisabie ' �; <br /> 2 To�ettte�000w�ta.To eettJe aay acmunt or reckoning whataoever wherein I naw om or at any time hereafter ahall be in any wiix inter�ted ur ;( <br /> - � mneerlxd with any p e r wn whomscevar,cusd to pay or receive the balanra therenf as th�cate may re�uire. ( <br /> 3 To satWy w.vriey interertaud�ortLr+Rn.To reoeive ecery ss�m af moncY Afiich now ie oe hereaRer shal!bedue ar betangfing taaie upon the '�� <br /> sec�ity.or by virtue of any trecurity irrteress�r u8f��x a�RSaB4+�d on�eeept of the fu11 amount cec�ued theccby tn eYecute a good andeufficient <br /> �YMre os other difchasYe of euch�uiri inLemst.or racx4CeRc 6Y dKd or othawi�e : � <br /> � 4..'Ibaomoound.wbsitwarbitntfon.orother�viee�ettleor�djustdlliereaoes.Toonmpoundwithormakealk�wanresmanyyeesonforarin '• <br /> � . ee�pecLmaaydebterdemandwhat�oeverwhi.hnowieorehnUutanyWnehereaResbecomedutandDaYebtewme.abpme.araponmyaa�o�t,andto ; �� . <br /> tiii�i and teceive.a eo p�y nad diachnrRo(+�thr ca�e gsav liel.nny ccmP�'t�inn o�dividend th�f n►thPrPUDon.nnA tq rrceive releases ar r�t}ter J <br /> F �gee fur the wfiole of aucfi debta o►demande,or ta settie,mmpmmLSC,or subneiL W arbitrnfion every auch de6t or demand and every other righ� j I <br />_ . ' ruatta,attd thing d�W oraonenning me aa my ettnmeY chall thini�beat.and forthat piupooe toentcr imm�nd euecvteauddeliver auch bonda utasbiuu• �� <br /> • tion os other in-9br�ent�ns my attomey may deem advisuble in We�^*'�. � I <br /> r 6�To pra�eente ead defend.To eommenae,p*�+^"� ��@^-`�°��arddead all actions or other Iexal proceedir�tnw�ing my estate orany part + j <br /> ' thereoY.os touching any matter in arhirh I or mY�»-��=5��'�=�R"����- � <br /> � ` &Tom�ar{q=n*sle�tate.Toenkzintoandupoaai3an:�,.,'��r_;�tcaf��c.�dtole�ma��e,andimyrovethesameorany�.attEmof.=-3i� <br /> ' m{wir•�:r��xra�•,�yave.alter.nrcernn�ad.undtoi�uure a�yL�..Ti�,=;r�aratractc.�sthereon,andfm:herWCOntrncewithuthetsfactina •n.�,3get^-�3:L' <br /> . , i <br /> i eacir.cet).'��.:��=�µrantmcnc�h,-�ersallthepow�e�swith�:t_KS.".realcs.ete�aualinrealestatemanaKementcontracte.a.��;zi;x::��?;.k.7.� ; <br /> ' , 3Cr8�ir1'I�ts�. ' ' ' , <br /> � � �.�o p'�e►t[e�cea.receive renU.and otherwiee Qeal witfs Cenants snd[es�d p�oprriy.To contruct with any peraan for len�irut fer e:,i�is � •' : <br /> - , , per•r�,iacladingper.Jdslongertha.hmylife,andwithoatregardu;uT:erminationa!'r�power��tattomey,atauchrenfsandaubjectmauchconditic�r�s 1 :; <br /> , ���estarneyehaUeeefi�nlloranyofmyeafdrealestat�andmIe!�4-�auchperaanintopoaseeeionthereof.andtoexecuteaUsuchlea�esandmntracts.:s � <br /> � sha'1 be nea�seary or pcoper in that Eehal�and to give notice to qc=:;nny tenant or occuyser th�a,T suid to eecxive nnd reoover from all tenarits and : . . <br /> oecupiers thereof or of uny part thereuf all rents,nrrrars ot renE,aa��s of money which now are or shall hercmRer beoome due end payuble in reapert j ' � ^ <br /> ' theroo�andalsoanr.onWY�ntthaeoforofenyPax4t�ernofWtal-.n:Inec�serya=�aDermeansandproceedinSeforterminatinSthefenancyotoocnDa• ' - . �i;'- <br /> 1 tion of aach tennnts or oaupiers,and for ejecting the tJ:.a.:s or oc,-a�icrs nnd ram< the paesceion thrreof. : ;� <br /> 8.To ieU or ezciun�e real or pereonal eata2e."Fa sell,eit���zt pu�.ic or�r,'c�:e sale.urexchnnge onY P�or parts of my real eatate or pe���1 � �' _'" <br /> } �rc�y for such coneiderntion,payable immediatelY�r uyon auck ta^..�aa�p:,:.arney ehall think fit,nnd to exceute and deliver Knrd and�a:r�TM.+: '; <br /> • dr�r.(�?'sofsale,endcraemente.nseighmente.orotherinstrumentsL�i+::.�c�=un;snc2nrtrnnsferofthesame.crithsuchcavenanteaia�..-i±rc:�;±•��:- . "_ <br /> ; ti;:���y nLLo�rtty�thall see fit,nnd tu give goad nnd effectual ree�*_��i�.-all or nny part nf the putehnse price or other oonsIder�Cr.a i �..__ <br /> ; � ;s:i�de�oci�ns�neY+.withdTaw.inveat,andotherwisedealwitbtangibSeproyerty.Tode�ositanymonr9awtuchmaycyrf'::j�ssh�.::.'.��:,v { . <br /> � , � r�adtattotneyc���aT.=�.�.I:ac� � -: <br /> �;�a��r{�arited,ander�iteremploysuchmoneyneheehnllthinkGtinthepuymentofnnydebtaorintereet,paYab/ebyme,orttu�eo.nssceamenvr,::s�,�rc�d � •t�' <br /> � c:;,�:3es due and pnyable or W beoume duv a�d payab!e on aoonunt of my mal and peTSanal eatute.or in or abaut any of the purpn�s hr��e�.:��:::sx�•,or ; <br /> �t ' �;�;etaisefosmyuaenndDenefit,ortoinveateur.hmoncyinmynameinanyetocke,ehares.6ondssecuritieaorotherDroperty.real��e�':t::.e.3:Lemay ! <br />- � � c.'�ink proper,nnd to rceeive and give recripts for Any incume or dividend edsing frum such inveatmente,and k�vary ordispor�e ufall r�-,s�;1�LYVest• i <br /> � rr.ents or othrr investmente for my use and 6enefit as he may think fit. � <br /> f Id.Tovote�t�tockltoMerx'meetin�s.executeDroxiea.andothcrwites�Szetitutefarowner.Tovateatthcr.r��.:�sofetockhotdets�:r�it•r� i <br /> mr.etin�of any corpnrAtiott or a,mDany,ur r,themi9e to act as my attomey��r pmu�•..witfi pnwer of aubatitution,ln rexpecz W f env uu:eScs.ehar�, •L:,12,, ' <br /> ; � �Ja�i'd:�'128,ur othes eviAencen of uwn�hip,or secvrities,now or hereaRer held by cme and iseued by ar on nccount of ewidmr�wr&ur�_;n�m�a.ryc`,:;:�::r � <br /> ti*.at.pirpoee W eattvte hny proxies,limitcKl tn�enernl.or nther ir.:i1:':'M:�. •`, <br /> f � :].To executo decYt�.bllte.notee.end aimilsr in�trumc.�t�.G:r..a r.r w:p uf ehe puryuseb hcrcin etated to entet intu r..�:�r;,�,xeeJ,ez��,:a'�:a. '=""� <br /> nr.knnHledge.nnddeliver itnynmrrnrfs.decda,mother inntruments�c':-�:,c���t,e::3 c.�i:sw.a�vepG mnke.endor�e.�Gscowt.or nthernir:e�i:.:.;uitha�;;;,l-d;;s ; � • �;� <br /> � ofexchange,chtt•ke,qrurnir+snry nous,or nther c�mmerrial c�r metc:-::.5�::::��-»-re:t:•.. � ';�' <br /> i , <br /> — ' 12.Todoallotherthln�nucesseryinwnnectionhereaitlnln�;�at�Ju.����'.'othrru�4a.deeda,matters,andlhin�Khattr.;L+rxia�Cac'.;r�1ny � ; , <br /> c�lsix,prapmty.nna Atioirs,ur tu cuncur with pereuns Jointly in:cr.e:t�:S u:th m��.?t�remin in doing all ncte,deed.q,mattets,uai tls::i,t^tn,either I <br /> . i:r�t5culnrlY a'R�a1b de�cnbeJ,ax fully nnd effe�walty u.nll in�-u und�u�n�a zr l cuuld dn in mY�wn D►�D�e pEnon if persv.;::?•,Frea:•nt,it bring � . <br /> j � intent W Rrnnt to my r�aid nttomey a ttcneral�wwer to uct fi�r me and in my��1:�i:'.:u�d not a�limit,ed wepecial ki the apecific ncte herein � <br /> tkxTibed. . <br /> , 18.Pow�er o�atWreey eKeeBve eotwith�taedln�dL�b!ltqr of prlacipai;ooaNnue�in eKect�ft�e yrEneiprl'�da�t6 until aodoe. <br /> ' ' Pnt�aanttoth�peeW�ionuftheUnifonnihaablePowerofAttartbYAct,idecluethatthi�ymrerofittottiey�hallnotbe�ffacNdisyu�yd�abilityorlt►• � <br /> — caD�itY.�ndthattheauthoeitygransedherein�hellcontinueduringanYDeriudwhikl�mdirabledocinayacitated.Further.0�utu�nttoiald9ectlonr. � <br />� . , all�uchautbority�hs;lcoAtinueaftermydeath.untilnotixofeuchde�tbehaUhaveheenxceivrdbyrayettameywthatheh��ctuallmowted�ealthe II <br /> f�cethstlhavedied.At�yactlontekeningpodfeiNbyaeldatwmeydiuin`anyperiodxhileituuncertainwhetlxrl�melive,beforehereoeive�actual ;� <br /> knowledseafmydeath.ur.inenYevent,takmdurinyenyperiodwhilelamdieabledusincayeaWte�l,ehallbeuvalidariflwerealive.competd►e.end ' • <br /> , not diwDMd. C J� I� <br /> . 1N WiTNBSS Wt1ENl�:UF,i have eigned:in�!acknmvlc�tvt thLV inxtr ene th"vv t�..�.dny ,14►_�� j� 1 <br /> j �� <br /> , f <br /> � �f..a-�j�7.; �,T t<. _ft_4'Kf_a �� <br /> • �►----.-----r__�______ <br /> � �. �eaC �s�;� L�'versr�/ P/ t G S a� 5���' � � �' :-_-___- <br /> s�rn�rE:ur•N�:��tns►tn � ' <br /> � � ' �uf � . � <br /> .�� � ��. Y� �?,3� �/� a`- i; ; <br /> ,..�:�___ruurrrY � ; <br /> , : ., � , ,: . ., �f ; <br /> .' i�:�'i' KPlU1�N. lhat �m the __.--��------ d�v �t _�-../�_"{�'.L:..��..�_ . 19.��, h�fi�re me petsunnlly a;yp::�:•�! ' <br /> � ��� � / �� ._ /� t � '. <br /> �{ ;__��i..:f,..�1�:.L—=�..—.�__:� L��-"-i��.-__�nlH�tn•namcd.wh�,u+ti�me knuwn o�tk•thi•persun di3i�nlxd tn un�l . <br /> � �r whu i�YSeeI the alx,ve l�ureLlc Yuuc{,vf Ai4,nirv.,i►t��kn�nvicd�tcd t}te 6�m�•���be hw ar h�•r wdnntarv u�•L��td dad � <br /> ' l�l 7Eq1'1!Hl1t3Y 14FIF[tF:ill�'.!have hercvintn sutw�nt�t my n5me nCd nf�xcd mv of6t�n1 seal.ihr dey und yeu ttest�tw�•e wntten. ,' <br /> 1� , � <br />�� ' f' �y �!.'.• � k . � . .� � . <br /> �..{' ` �. <br /> - . �' �i�•.i�VL�e.'. . . f= � :t i� /� �t'� �� L ' � <br /> � t � I�OLAJ.fELSK6 : �,.ti„��r��a�, ;,� � <br /> �0■�4�1Ml►�t59Y ` <br /> .; <br /> � t��� , � <br /> _ 'Ir�p <br /> -��/��": <br /> , d. � <br /> �, .. <br /> :; <br /> �`� ; <br /> -- m�.�� _--- __ <br /> �___—_ .�.�.-__ Y �- ._"_ _�:.�- _—_� r-r: ......._._ �— ..—_ '�' _ _ ...—____. TZ-- '_"'���._,__�_..._�'�' _ — <br /> __ ' . _ _ _ _�._._.._� ._'____"..__�� __ _ _ - __ �. _ _ <br /> �.�r.�-__.- ____ _" _' _� —.— � _ <br /> � .. ., -.-.�.,Tv�-_��-. _ ."�-_---. ��-�� � . <br /> - - .�_. .. "'t . . ' . _ __ • '�. _. .-_ . -''" . �.. ._'_'� _ _'_ "_ ' ..- . . . ..-_' �_ __..�__..-. " ' -.. . • � <br />