2� 17���45
<br /> vEEv oF T�usT
<br /> L�an Nv: ��'i 3����6 ��ont�nued� Page 5
<br /> �o permE�t such participa�ion.
<br /> Compliance Wi#h Laws. Trustvr warran�s �ha� the Property and T�-us�ar's use ofi the Property cvmplies with a[I
<br /> existing appli�abfe laws, ardinanc�s, and reguEations a�gv�ernmental authorities.
<br /> 5urvi�al of Representations and Warranties. All representa�kians, war�anties, and a�reemen�s made by Trustor in
<br /> this Deed of Trust shall sur�i�e'�he execu�ion and deli��ry o��his Deed of Trus�, shall be cantinuing in nature, and
<br /> shall remain in full ��rce and ef�ect un�il such tFme as gvrrower's indebtedness shall be paid in fu�f,
<br /> C�NDEMNATI�N. The�o�lowin� pro�isions rela�ing t� condemnation proceedings are a part of�his Deed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Prviceedings. lf any prviceeding in condemna�ion �s filed, Trustor sha�� prvmp�ly no�ti�y Lender in wri�ing, and
<br /> Trustar shall pr�mpt�y take such steps as may be necessary fio defend �he ac�ian and obtain �he award. Trus#or
<br /> may be the nominai party in such prviceeding, but Lender shall h� en�i�led t❑ pa�ticipa#e in�he proceeding and to be
<br /> represented in the proceeding by counsel o� its own choice, and Trustar will delive� or cause t❑ i�e deli�ered t❑
<br /> Lender such instrumen�s and dv�umentatian as may be reques�ed by Lender from time to time to permit such
<br /> participa�ion.
<br /> Applicativn ❑�Net Prviceeds. Ifi a�l vr any part v�the Proper�y is condemned by eminent damain proceedings or by
<br /> any pro�e�ding ❑r pur�hase En lieu o�condemnation, Lender may afi Ets electivn require�hat all ❑r any porti�n of the
<br /> net prviceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness or the repair or restvratian o� the P�operfiy. The net
<br /> pra�eeds of�he award shal� mean the award after payment of all reasvnable costs, expenses, and attvrneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee ❑r Lender in cvnnection with the �vndemna�ivn.
<br /> lMP051TIDN aF TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH[]R1T�ES. The following pro�isians relating
<br /> to go�ernmen�al taxes, fees and charges are a part o�th�s Deed of Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upvn request hy Lender, Trustvr shall exe�ute such dacuments in additivn �o
<br /> this aeed ❑f Trust and �ake wha�e�er other a�tian is requested by Lender�o perfec� and continue Lender's lien on
<br /> the Real Property. Trustor shafi reimburse Lender tor all �axes, as ciescribed belflw, together wi�h all expenses
<br /> incu��ed in recvrding, perfe�ting vr continu�ng �his Deed of Trust, including withou� ��mi�a�ian a!E taxes, �Fe�s,
<br /> documen�ary stamps, and o�her charges�vr recording or registering�his Deed v�Trust,
<br /> Taxes. The follawing shall constitute taxes t❑ which fihis sec�ivn appli�s: ��y a speci�[c tax upon th�s type o�
<br /> ❑eed ❑f Trust ar upvn a!I or any part ot the lndebtedness secured by this Deed o�Trust; �2} a specific tax on
<br /> Borrawer which B�rrower �s auth�rized or r�quired �❑ deduct from payments �n �he Indebtedness secu�ed by th�s
<br /> type of Deed o#Trust; �3� a tax nn �his type of Deed of Trus� chargeable against the Lender vr�he holder ot the
<br /> Note; and {4� a sp�ci�ic tax on all or any partion o� the lndeb�edness or an paymen�s of prin�ipal and in�erest
<br /> made hy Barrouver,
<br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. l� any �ax to whi�h th�s sec�ion applies is enacted suf�sequen# ta �he date of fihis ❑eed ❑f
<br /> Trust, this ��en� shall ha�e the same effec� as an Even� v� Defaul�, and Lender may exercise any vr a!i o� i�s
<br /> a�ailable remedi�s for an E�en� of Default as pra�ided bei�w unless Trustor eithe�- {�} pays the tax befare it
<br /> becames delinquent, ❑r {2y cvntes#s the �ax as p�o�ided abo�e in �he Taxes and Liens sec�ion and depvsits with
<br /> Lender cash❑r a su�fficient corporafie sure�y bvnd or❑ther securi�y sa�isfactory t❑ Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCiN� STATEMENTS. The following pro�isions rela�ing t❑ �his D�ed �� Trust as a
<br /> security agreemen�t are a part vf�his Deed o#Trus�:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreemen#. This instrumen� shall constitute a Security Agreement ta �he extent any af the Praperty
<br /> cansti�utes fiixtures; and Lender shall ha�e all v#�he rights af a secured par�y under the Uni�orm Comme�rcial Code
<br /> as amended frvm�ime to time.
<br /> Securi�y lnterest. Upon request by Lender, Trustor sha�i take whate�er action is r�quesfied by Lender t❑ perfect
<br /> and continue Lender's securi�y interest in the Rents and Pers�nal Property. In addi�ion �v recording this Deed of
<br /> Trusfi in the reaf property records, Lender may, at any �ime and wi�hout further au�harization fram Trustar, file
<br /> execu�ed counterparts, copies ar reprvduc�ivns ❑fi thEs ❑eed of Trust as a financing statemenfi, Trustor shaE�
<br /> re�mburse Lender�or all expenses incurred in perfecting or cvn#inuing this security interest. Upan de�auft, Trustor
<br /> shall not remo�e, se�er vr detach �he Persona� Praperty �rom the Property. Upon default, Trustvr sha�l assemble
<br /> any Persanal Property nat a��ixed tv the Prvperty in a manner and at a pface reasonably can�enien�ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailable to Lender within three �3} days after rece�pt ❑f written demand fram Lender �o the
<br /> �xtent permi�ted by applica�le �aw,
<br /> Addresses, The mai�ing addresses o� Trustor �debtar} and Lender �secured party} �rom which infiormatEon
<br /> concerning �he security Enteres� granted by this Deed o#Trust may he abtained {each as required by the Unifvrm
<br /> Cammercial Code} are as stated ❑n the first page❑�this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN�FACT. The following pro�isions reEat�ng to fiurther assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-fact are a par�❑�this Deed�f Trust:
<br /> Fur�her Assurances. At any time, and �rom time to time, upon request of Lende�-, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, ❑r►niill cause tv be made, executed ❑r deii�ered, ta Lender o�tv Lender's d�signee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, caus� fi❑ be �iled, recorded, �-efiled, flr r�recorded, as the case may be, at such �imes and in such ❑ffices
<br /> and pEaces as Lender may deem apprvpriate, any and all such martgages, deeds ❑f�rust, security deeds, security
<br />