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2� 17���43 <br /> DEED DF TRUST <br /> ��ontinu�d� Page Z <br /> authorized user o�the Property �ha11 use, generate, manufacture, store, treat, dispvse �of or release any Hazardous <br /> Substan�e on, under, about or fram the Property; and �by any such acti�ity sha�l be cc�nduc�ed �n compliance with <br /> a11 applicable federal, state, and Iocal laws, regu[at�ons and ordinances, inc�u��ing without lim�tati�n all <br /> En�iranmentaf Laws. Trustor authvri�es L�nd�r and its agents �o enter upan t��e Property to make such <br /> inspe�tions and �ests, at Trustor°s expense, as Lender may d�em appropriate ta d���ermine comp[�ance o� the <br /> Proper�y with this sectivn of the ❑eed of Trust. Any inspections or fiests rnade by l_ender shall be fvr Lender's <br /> purpases only and shall not be construed to create any responsibility or iiahii�ty on the part of Lender ta Trustor or <br /> to any o�her person. The representa�ivns and warranties contained here€n are based c�n Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Proper�y for Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby 41} �e�eases ar�d wai�es any future claims <br /> agains� Lender for indemnity or cantribution in the e�ent Trustor becomes liahle for cleanup or other costs under <br /> any such laws; and ��� agrees tv indemnify, defend, and ho�d harmfess Lender agains;t any and all claims, loss�s, <br /> liabili�ies, damages, penaities, and expenses which Lender may direct�y ar indirectly su;�tain or suffer resu�ting�rom <br /> a breach of this sectivn ❑fi the Deed of Trust or as a cvnsequenc� o� any us�, gener��tion, manufacture, storage, <br /> disposal, release or threatened release occurring prior to Trustor's ownersh�p or inter�st:in the Praperty, wh�th�r or <br /> not �he same was or should ha�e been known to Trustor, The pro�isions o� this section af the Deed o� Trusfi, <br /> including�he obf�gation tD �ndemnify and defend, shall survi�e the payrrt�nt o�the Indehtedness and the sat�sfact��n <br /> and recon�eyan�e o��hE lien �f this Deed of Trus#and shall n�t be a��ected by Lend�r's acquisi�tion of any interest <br /> in the Property, whether by#oreclosure❑r otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vllaste. Trustar shall nat cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor cornmit, permit, or su�fer any <br /> stripping of ar waste on or to the Property ar any portion of th� Property. Withaut Iimiting ths generality of the <br /> faregoing, Trustvr will n{�t r�ma�e, �r grant to any vther party the right to remo�e, an�y �imbe�, minerals 4including <br /> oi� and gas}, coal, clay, �caria, soil, gra�e�vr rack products without Lender's privr writtf�n cansenfi. <br /> Remo►►al af imprv�ements. Trusto�shall not demvlish vr rema�e any Impro�ements�r�m the Real Property without <br /> Lender's priar written cansent. �►s a condition to the remo�al of any Impro�ements, L�:nder may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements sa��sfactory to Lender ta replace such Impro�ements with �mpro�ements of a� �east equaf <br /> ua€ue. <br /> Lendsr's Right to Enter, Lender and Lender's agents and represen'�a�i�es may enter upvn �h� Real Proper�y at all <br /> reasonahle times to attend to Lender's 3nterests and to inspe�� �he �ieal Property for purposes of Trustor's <br /> c�mp�iance with the terms and condit�ons o�this D�ed of Trust. <br /> Gompl�anc� with Gover�mental Requirements. Trustflr sha11 promptly camply wi�h all laws, ordinances, and <br /> re�ulativns, now vr hereafter �n effect, of a�E go�ernmenta� authvr�ties applic�hle to tf�e use or occupancy v� the <br /> Property, inc�uding without limi�a�ion, the Americans With Disahilifiies Act. Trustor mG�y contest in goad faith any <br /> such �aw, �rdinan�e, or regula�ivn and withhold compliance dur�ng any proceed�ng, in��luding appropriate appea�s, <br /> sa �ang as Trustor has nati#ied Lender in wri�ing priar ta doing so and so fong as, in Lender's sole apinion, Lender's <br /> int�rests in the Pr�perty are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may require Trustar ta post adequate security or a surefiy <br /> band, �easonably satisfa�tory to Lender, �o protect Lender's interest. <br /> ❑uty tv Prvtec�. Trustor agrees neither to a�andon or I�a�e unattended the Property. �rust�r shall do all a�her <br /> acts, in addition to thos� acts set forfih abo�e in this sect�on, which fram the character and use o��he P�oper�y are <br /> reasonably necessary t❑ protect and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE DN SALE- C�NSENT B� LEN�ER. Lender may, at Lend�r's option, dec�a�e immed�ately due and payabfe a�� sums <br /> secured E�y this D�ed af Trust upon the sale ar transfer, withaut Lender's pr�ar w��tt�n �onsent, ❑f all or any part of the <br /> Real Prop�rty, or any interest in the Real Prvperty. A "sale or transfer" means the con�eyance of Real Property or any <br /> right, title or in�erest in �he Rea� Praper�y; whether �egal, henefiicial vr equitable; wheth3�r ��luntary or in�ofuntary; <br /> whether by outrigh� sale, deed, installment sale contrac�, land con�rac�, cvntract far deec�, leasehold interes� vvith a <br /> term greater�han �hree 43y y�ars, lease-option cont�act, or by sale, assignmen�, or transfer of any bene�icial interest in <br /> ar to any land firust hvlding t�tle to the Real Pr�perty, or hy any ather methad o# can�eyan+:,e of an interest in the Real <br /> Prape�-�y. H�we�er, this optivn shall not be exerc�sed by Lender i� such exercise is pror�ibited hy federal law or by <br /> Nehraska law. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The fv�ivwing pro�isions relating to the taxes and �iens on th� Property are part of this D�ed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trus�or shaff pay when due �and in all e�ents prior to delinquencyy all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charg�s �including water and s�we�}, fines and impositions le�ied agains�vr fln accourat of the Property, and shal[ <br /> pay when due all claims far work done on or #or ser�ices rendered or ma�erial furnish�rd to th� Property. Trustor <br /> shall maintain the Property free of alf liens ha�ing prior�ty orrer or equal to the interest❑f Lender under�his ❑eed af <br /> Trust, �x�ept �or the lien of taxes and assessments n�t due and except as vtherwi:�e pro�ided in th�s Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> R'rgh#tv �on�est. Trustc�r may withhold paymen�af any�ax, assessment, or claim in c�nnectifln wi�h a good faith <br /> disput� a�er the ohligation�o pay, so Iong as Lsnder's interes�in the Prvperty is not Jec3pa�dized. If a lien arises ❑r <br /> is �i[ed as a resul� af nanpayment, Trustor sha�1 within fifteen {�5� days af�er the lier� ar�ses or, i� a fien Es �iled, <br /> within fifteen t�5� days after Trustor has no�ice o� the #iling, secure the discharg� of the �ien, or if requested by <br /> Lende�, deposit with LenE�er�ash�r a sufticient c�rp�ra�te surety bond ❑r ather se�urity satisfactory ta Lender in an <br /> amvunt suffici�nt to discharge�he lien pfus any costs and attorneys' �ees, or other charges that�ould accrue as a <br /> result vf a fvrec�asure vr sale under�he lien. 1n any contest, Trust�r sha�(de�end ifiself��nd Lender and shall sat�s�y <br /> any ad�erse judgment t�E�ore en#vrcemen�agains��he Property. Trustor shafl name Le��der as an addi�ionaf obligee <br /> under any surety bond f�:rnished in the cvntest proceedings. <br /> E�idence o� Payment. Trustor sha�l upan demand furnish ta Lender satisfac�ory e�ider�ce of paym�nt af the taxes <br /> Qr assessm�nts and shal authari�e the appropriate go�ernmental official to deli�er to Lender at any ��me a written <br /> sta�ement of th�taxes and assessmen�s against the Prope�ty. <br /> Nvtice of Constru�tian. Trustor shall no�ify Lender a� leas� fifteen �15� days befvre any wvrk is commenced, any <br /> � ser�ices are �urnished, ar any materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or <br /> other lien �ould be asserted an account of the work, ser�ices, or materials. Trustvr �►vi[I upon reques� af Lender <br /> furnish tv Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactary to Lender thafi Trus�ar can and wilf pay the cost of such <br /> impr��em�nts. <br /> PRQPERTY QAMAGE INSURAaNCE. The foflvwing pro�isians r�lating to insuring the Praper�y are a part a�this De�d of <br /> Trust. <br /> IVla�ntenan�e of Insurance. Trustor shaff procure and ma�ntain poli�ies of fire insurance rrvith standard extended <br /> co�erag� endorsemen�s +�n a rep�ac�m�nt basis for the fu11 insurab�e �alue co�ering all Impro�ements on the Real <br /> Prvperty in an amount sufficient to a�aid applicatian o� any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�o�❑f Lender. Trustor sha�l a�so procur� and maintain cvmprehensi�e general iiahility insurance in such <br /> cv�erage amounts as L�:nder may request with Trustee and Lender f�eing named as additional insureds in such <br /> �iabili�y insurance pvlicies. Additionally, Trustor shall maintain �uch ❑ther insurance, including but not �imited �o <br /> hazard, business interruF�ion, and boiler �nsurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Poli�ies sha[l b� written in <br /> form, amounts, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a company or companies <br /> reasanak�ly acceptable te} Lender. Trustor, upon request v� Lender, will deli�er to LeE�der from tirr�e �o time the <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> .� <br />