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2� 17��599 <br /> �1. Hazard o u s S u bstar��es.As used in this Section�1: �a} "��z���o�.s Su�,rta►�ce.�"ar�tha se�s <br /> defined as toxic or ha�ardous substances,po�lutant�,or wastes by Env�ronmenta�Law and the following <br /> substances: gasoline,kerosen�,other flammab�e ar toxi�petraleum praducts,toxic pestiGides and herbicides, <br /> �olat�le sol�ent�, materials cont�ining asbestos or farma�dehyd�, and radi�a�tiv�materials;�b) <br /> "���iro�t�ter�tal Law'�means federai laws and laws of the jurisdietion�vhere the Proper�y is located that <br /> relate to health, safety or�nv�ronmental pro�ectxon; (c} "E�virontnental�lear�up"inc�udes any response <br /> acti�n, remedial actian, �r remo�al action, as defined in Er�viranmental Law; and(d}an "Er�v�ror�rraer�tal <br /> Cor�ditio�c"means a condition that can cause,contribute ta, or otherwise trigger an En�ironmental�leanup. <br /> Borrt�wer shall not cause�r p�rmit the presence,use,disposal, storage,or release of any Hazardous <br /> Sub�tances,or threaten to release any Hazardous Substa.nces,on or in the Property. Borrower shall nat da, <br /> nar allow anyone e1�e to do, anything affe�ting the Prop�rty(a}that is in�rio�atian af any Environmen�tal <br /> Law,(b}�uhich crea�es an Envi.ronmental Con�itian,or��}which,due to the preser�ce,use,or release of a <br /> Hazardous 5ubstance,creates a cond�tian that a�tversely affects the value of the Property.The preceding two <br /> � sentences shall not apply to the pres�nce,use,or storage on the Property of sma11 quantities of Hazardous <br /> Substaaces that are general�y recogni�ed to be appropriate to n�rmal residential uses and ta maintenan�e of <br /> the Praperty�inc�uding,but nat 1�mited to,hazardous substances in consumer praducts). <br /> Borro�er shali prom�at�y give Lender written notrce of�a)any inv�stigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any go�ernrnental or r�gulatary agency or private party invol�ing the Property and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Enviranm�ntal Law of which Borrower has actual kna�vle�ge,�b)any En�ir�nmenta.l <br /> Condition, including but not limited to,any spilling, leaking,discharge,release or threat of release of any <br /> Ha2ar�aus 5u'b�tance,and��}any cond�tion c�use�by the presence,use ar release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> whi�h adversely affects the value of the Froperty.If Bonawer learns,or is noti#"ied�y any go�ernmental or <br /> regu�atary authority,�r any pri�ate par�y,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance <br /> affecting the Property is necessary,Borrawer shall promptly tak�a�l necessary remedial actions in <br /> accordance�ith Environmenta�La�.l�othing herein shall create any ob�igation on Lender for an <br /> En�ironmental Cleanup. <br /> Nvn-Uniform�a��nants.Borrower and Lender co�enant and agr��a�follow�: <br /> ��. Acce�eration;Remgdies.I�ender sha�l gi�e notice tu Borrawer pr�flr to a�celeratifln fallow�ng <br /> Barrower`s brea�h of any cavenant�r agreement in�his Se�urity Instrumen��but not prior ta <br /> acce�eratian under Sectivn 1$unless Appl��able Law pra��des�therwise}.The n�ti�e shal�speeify; �a� <br /> the defau�t;tb�the action required ta cur�the default;�c)�date,not less���n 3U days fram the date <br /> t�e�4tice is given to ���r�awer,by whi�h the defau�t must be cured�and td}that failure to�ure the <br /> default an or before the d�te specified in the natice may result�n acceleration vf the sums se�ured by <br /> this Security Instrument and sale 4f the Property.The notice shall further inform Barrawer�f the <br /> rig��to reinstate after accelera�i�n and the right tv�ring a c�urt�cti4n tv assert the n�n-existence of a <br /> def�ult�r any other defense nf Borr�wer to a�celeratinn and sa��.If the default�s nat cured on�r <br /> befare the date specified�n the notiCe,Lender at its option may require immediate payment ia full af <br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument withaut furth�r demand and ma�inv�ke�he pawer of sale <br /> and any�ther remedies permitted by Appli�able Law,Lender shall�e entitled to Collect�li expenses <br /> incurred�n pursuing th�remedies pr�vided in�his Sec�i�n Z�,inciuding,but not��mited to,reasonable <br /> at��rneys'fees�nd casts of title e�rdence. <br /> �U3367995912 OZ 3 3�3 1417 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FQRM��ISTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 1la1 <br /> VMP� VMPBA{NE}{13Q2].�4 <br /> WoEters Kluwer Financial Servfces Page 14 of 17 <br />