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2� 17��525 <br /> The Funds shai�be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, <br /> ar entity 4includin�Lender,if Lender is an institutioa whose depasits are so insured}or in any Federal <br /> Home Loan Bank. Lender shall app�y the Funds to pay the Escrow Ite�s na�ater than the time specified <br /> under RESPA, Lender s1�a11 n.ot charge Borra�ver for holding and applying th�Funds,annually ana�yzing <br /> the es�row accaunt,or��rifying the Escr�w Items,unless Lender pays�arrower interest on the Funds <br /> and Applicable Law per�nits Len�er ta make such a charge.Uniess an agr�ement is made in�vriting or <br /> Applic�.ble Law requires int�rest to be paid on the Funds,Lender sha11 not be r�quired to pay�orrower <br /> any in��rest ar earnin�s on th�Funds. Borraw�r and Lender ca�agre�in writin�,howe�er,that interest <br /> sha�l be paid on th�Funds, Lender sh�ll giv�to Borrawer,vvi�hout cha�ge,a�annua�accounting of th� <br /> Funds as requir�d by RESPA. <br /> If there is a�urplus of Funds held in escravw,as de#ined under RESPA,Lender shall account to Borrawer <br /> for the e�cess funds in a�cordance with RE SPA. �f there is a shortage af Funds held in escrow,as defin�d <br /> under RESPA,Lender sb.all natify Borrawer as required by RESPA,and B�rro�uer sha11 pay to Lender <br /> the amoun�aecessary to make up the shortage in acc�rdance with RE SPA,but in no more thaa 12 <br /> month�y payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds hel�in escrow,as def ned under RESPA,I�en�er <br /> shall notify Borrower as required by RESPA,and Barrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to <br /> make up the deficiency�n aceordance with RESPA,but in no more than 12 monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment in full of ail sums secured�y this Security Instrument,Lender sha11 promptly refund to <br /> Borrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harges;Lien�.Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges, fines, and imposit��ns attributable <br /> to the Proper�y wl�ich can attain priority aver this Secur�ty Instrument, leas�hold payments or�round <br /> rents on the Praperty, if any,and Commu�aity Associatian Dues,Fe�s,and Assessrnents,if any. T�the <br /> extent that these i�ems are Escrow�tems,��rrower sha�l pay them in the manner pravided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower shall�romptly disc�rarge any lien which has priarity aver this Security Instrument unless <br /> Borrower: �a}agrees in writ�ng to the�ayment of the obligation secu�ed by the lien in a manner <br /> acc�ptable to Lender,but only so long as�arrower is performing such agreement; �b�contests the l�en in <br /> good f�ith by,or defends against enforcem�nt of the tien in, legal praceedings�hich in Lender's opinion <br /> operate to prevent the enforcement of the�ien�uhi�e those proceedings are peading,but only untii such <br /> proceedings are concluded;or(c}secures from the holder o�the�ien an agr�ement satisfactory to Lender <br /> subardinating the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is <br /> su�j ect to a Iien wh��h�an attain pri�rity over this Se�urity Instrument,Lend�r may give Ba�rraw�r a <br /> notice iderxtifying the lien. �ithin 1�days of the date�n which that notice is given,Borrower�ha11 <br /> satisfy the lien or take one or m�re of the aetions set forth above in this Section 4. <br /> 5. Property insurance.Borrawer�hall keep the improvernents now e�istiag or hereafter erected�n th� <br /> Proper�y insure�i against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended co�erage,"and any <br /> ather ha.2ards including,but nat limited to,earthquakes and floods,fflr whi�h Lend�r requires insuran�e. <br /> This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts(inc�udin,g deductible le�els}and for th�p�riods that <br /> Lender requires. What Lender re�uires pursuant t�the preceding sentences can change during�h�term of <br /> the Loan.The insurance Garrier providing the insurance shall be ehosen�y Bor�rower subj ect to Lend�r's <br /> right�o disapprove Borrower's choice,wh�ch right shall not�e exercised unreasor�ably.Lender may <br /> require Borrower ta pay, in cannection with this Loan,either: �a}a one-time charge for flaod zane <br /> determination,certifica�ion aad tracking services;or(b)�an�-time charge for flvad zone determinatior� <br /> and�ertification services and subse uent char es each time rema in s ar similar chan es occur which <br /> FHA E]eed of Trust W�th MERS-NE 913UIZ�94 <br /> 9ankers Systems� VMP Ca VMP4M(NE}�154B}.QQ <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Ffnanciai Sefvices Page B af 1? <br /> q 3364�g 6 4 a� s o�l� <br />