2� 17��5�3
<br /> Instrum�nt. MERS�s organi2e�and e�is��ng under the laws of De�aware,and has an address and�elephane number
<br /> of P.�. Box 2�2d, Flxnt, IV�� 455��-2�26, te�. �88�}G79-�ERS.
<br /> (F) "Note"m eans the promissory raate signed by Barrower and dated JANUARY 17, ��17 .
<br /> The Note s�a�es#ha�BarrovWer owes Lender �NE HUNDRED S I� TH�USANL� F�UR HUNDRED
<br /> E IGHTY-�NE AND ���l�� Do�Iars�[J.S. $ 10�. 4$1 . 0� }
<br /> p�us interest. Borrower has promis�d to pay th�s debt in regular Period�c Payments and to pay the deb�in full not�ater
<br /> �han FEBRUARY 1, 2�4? .
<br /> �G} '�Property"means the property that is described below under the head�ng"Transfer�f Rights i.n the Property."
<br /> � "Loan"means�he debt evidenced by�he Not�, plus�nterest, late�harges due under the Note, and aI�sums due
<br /> under this Securi�y�nstrurnent, p�us in�eres�. _
<br /> �I} '�iiders"means ail R��ers�n th�s Security�nstrumen�that are execute�by Borrow�r. 'I�e fo��ow�ng Riders are
<br /> ��be exe�uted by Bflr.r�wer [eheck bo�c as applicable]:
<br /> � Adjus�ab�e Ra�e Rider [] Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> [� �ondominium Rider � �her(s� �spe�if}��
<br /> (J} "Appiicab�e Law"means al]controlling app�icable fe�eral, s�a�e and Iocal statu�es, reguiations, ord�nanc�s and
<br /> administrat�ve rul�s and arder��that have t�he effec�af law� as we�.� as all applicab�e fnal, non-appealable judicial
<br /> apinior�s.
<br /> (K} "�ommunity Ass�cia�ion Dues, FeeS, and AssQssments"m�ans all dues, fees, assessments and other charges
<br /> that are imposed on Bo.rrawer or �he Property by a condom�nium associa�ion, homeowners ass�cia�ion or simi�ar
<br /> o.rganiza�ian. .
<br /> �L} "Electr�ni�Funds Transfer"rneans any tra�sfer�f funds, o�her�han a transactiori originated b}�check, draft, .
<br /> �r s�m�iar paper instrument, which is initiated�hrough an ��ectronic terminal, �elephonic ins�rument, computer, or
<br /> rnagmetic tape s�as�� arder, ins�ruct, or authorize a f nancial �nst�tu�ion to deb�t or crediti an account. Such�erm
<br /> �ncludes, bufi is not lim ited to, point-o.f.-sale transfers, au�oma�ed teller machi.ne transactions, �ra�nsfers�nitia�ed by
<br /> t�lephone, wire iransfers, and automafed clearinghous�transfers.
<br /> (M� "Escrow Items"rneans�hose item�that are de�cribed in Sec�ion 3.
<br /> (N} "Miscellaneous Prnceeds"means any compensa�ion, settlement, award of damages, or pro�eeds paid by any
<br /> third par�y �other than insurance praceeds paid under the coverages des�ribe� �n Sec�ion 5� for: �i} damage�o, or
<br /> destruc�ion �f, the Property; (ii��andemna�ion or other taking of ali or any part of the P.roperty; �iii� conveyarice in
<br /> �ieu of condemna�ian; ar �i��.misrepresentations of, or omissioris as to, �he�alue andlor c�ndition of the Property.
<br /> ��} "Mortgag�Insurance"means.insurance protecting Lender agains�the nonpayment of, or default ori, the L�an.
<br /> �P} "PeriadiC Payment"means the regularly scheduled amoun�due for (i}principal and interest under the Note,
<br /> plus��i�any amaunts urader Section 3 uf this Security Instrumen�.
<br /> ��) '�.ESPA"means the Real Estate Settlernent Proc�dures Act �12 U.S.C. §26�1 et seq.} and��s implernenting
<br /> regulafiori, Regu�ation� �I 2 C.F..R. Part I 424}, a�they might be amended from tune�ti time, or any additional or
<br /> successor�egisla�ion ar regula�ian that governs the same subjec�matter. Ass used in this Secur.ity�nstrumen�, "RESPA"
<br /> refers ta all requirem�n�s and restricti�ns that are�mposed in regard to a"fe�era��y re�afed mor�gage Ioan" even if the
<br /> Loan does no��ualify as a "federally relat�i mo.r�gage loan" unde.r RESPA. .
<br /> {R} "Secr�#ary"means the Secretary of�he Un�ted Sta�es Departmen�of Housing and Urban Development ar h�s
<br /> �esignee. �
<br /> ��} fT�uccQss�r in IntQrest of�orrawer"m�ans any par�y tha�has taken ti�le to the Prapert}�, whether or not that
<br /> party has assume�Bor.rower's��l�ga��ans under the Note ar�dl�r this Security Instrument.
<br /> N ED�TZ�.FHA �91141'15 Pag e 2 of 13 www.dacmagic.com
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