2� 17��5� 1
<br /> Tra�.�f�a-af th��Proper�y or a B�eneficial In��re�t�n �orrowe�. If all or�ny part of�he Pr�pert�or any�nterest
<br /> in x� �s so�d �r �ransferred �or if a benef cial inter�st in Borrower xs sald or transferred and Borrovt�er is not a
<br /> natura� p ersan} wi��ou� Lender's pr�or v�ritten cons�nt, Lender xrzay, a� its �ption, requ�re �mmed�ate paymen� in
<br /> fu�� flf a_[� sum.� secured by this Security Instruxnent. Hawever, �h�� �p�zan �hal1 n�t be exercised by Lender �f
<br /> exercise is prahibited by f�dera���.w as of the d�.te c}f this Securz�y In��rumen�.
<br /> �f L�nder exers�ises �his n��ion, Lender sha11 gzve Borro�er not�c� of ac�e�erat�on. The no�ice sha11 prov�de a
<br /> period o��not lf�ss than the minir��um number of days established by .�.pplx�abXe Law from the date �he n��i�e is
<br /> de�i�rerec� or m,�i�ed wi�hin whicr� Borrower mus� pay alI sums sec�.�red by this Securzty �nstrument. �f Barrotiver
<br /> fails to ��ay these sums priar �o tl�e expiration of this period, Lender rnay in��ke any remedies permi��ed by �h�s
<br /> SeCurzty Ins�ruxnent without furth�r notice or demand on B�rro�er.
<br /> Bor�rowf3r's �aght to Reinstate,� Yf Barrower me��s certain condi�ions, Z3orr�v�rer sha1l have �he right ta have
<br /> enforcerr�en�af�this Security�nstT-umen� disco��inued a�any time pr�or to the earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such other
<br /> period a�c Ap��i�able Law may specify f�r re�r�stlte�ent}b�fore sa�e af�he Pr�per�y pursuant to any power of sale
<br /> con�aine�� in ���is Secur��y �nstrL:�m.en�; ar �b} entry �f a �udgnaent enfor�ing thzs Securzty �ns�rument. Those
<br /> conditions are ��hat Borr�wer: �a} pays Lender a�� sums wh�ch the�. wou�d �e due under �hx� Secur�ty �nstr-umen�
<br /> and the t,antra�:�as�f no acceleral.ion had occurred; �b}cures an�defau�t of any o�her covenants or agreements;�c}
<br /> pays aIl�xpex�s��s incurred in enfo�rcing th�s Securit�r Instrum�n�,includ�ng,but not lixn�ted tti,reasflnable attarn��rs'
<br /> fees t� tk�e extent p�rmitted by la,w; and�d} �akes s a�h actian as Lez�der ma�rea�onably require to assur� �ha�the
<br /> lien of tr�is Se��ari�y�nstrumen�, L�ender's rights i�the Prop�rty and�orr�tiver's obligation��pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this S ecuri��� Ins�rument shall continue unchanged. �Jp�n reinsta�e�nent Uy B�rrav�rer, this Security �ns�rument
<br /> and the c�b�iga�ions Secure�i here�fy shall remain fully effective as if no acc�i�ration had occurred. Hativever, this
<br /> righ�to re�nstat��hal�not apply in the case of�c�e�erat�on under the se��ion t�tled Tran�fer of the Praperty ar a
<br /> Ben�f�c��a�In�erest in Borrower,.
<br /> Hazardc�us Sulbstances.Borro�v��r shall n��cau�e�r perm���he presem�e,u�e, dzsposal, s�orage, ar release of any
<br /> Hazarda��s Sub,��ances an or in�hE�Praperty. Borr��ver shal�not do,r�or allo��v anyone e�se tfl d�,any�hin�affec�ing
<br /> the Prop�erty that is in viola�ion of any Env�ro�anen�al La�v. The precedin� t�vo sentences shal� not app�y �a the
<br /> pres�nce,use,�ir storage on the P�-flperty of sm�.�1 quanti�ies of Ha2ardous Subs�ances�hat are generally recagni�ed
<br /> �o be ap�r�pria��e to norma�res�den��a�uses amd to maintenance of the P�flper�y.
<br /> B�rro�vver sha1�promptly give Len�der writ��n no�zce of any invest�ga�ion,c1a�m,demand,�awsu�t or o�her ac��on by
<br /> any gov�,rnmen�al or regulatory a�gency or private party inva��ving �he Prfl�ez�y and any Ha�ard�u� S�bstance or
<br /> En�iranr,��nt�� Lav� of wh�ch �3�rrower has ac�ua� knc��ledge. �f Borrovver �earns, or is notified by any
<br /> governmen�al ar regula�or�autho�r��y, �hat any re�cval or c�ther remediati�n of any Hazardous Su�s�ance affecting
<br /> �he Property i�� necessary, Borrotiver shall prom��Iy �ake a�� nec�ssary remedial actions in accordance wx�h
<br /> E�.�z ro nrr�e nta 1:L a w.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are �hose substa�aces detned a�toxic or hazardous subs�anc�s
<br /> by Envi��anmen.tal Law and the f���owing subs�a��es: ga�oline, k�rosene, ��her flammabXe or t�xzc petraleum
<br /> pr�duct�,, t���c pestzcides and herb�c�d�s, volatile s�lvents, ma�erials cnn�ai��ing asbestos nr formaldehyd�, and
<br /> radioact�ve materials. As used in�.h�s parag�ap�, "Environmen�al Lav►�" rneans federa� �aws and�aws of the s�a�e of
<br /> �eb�ask�z that r+�late ta health,saf��ty or env�ronmen�al pro�ectian.
<br /> Acc���r�ltx�n; ��emedies. Lende:r shall give n���ce to B�rrower �r��r �c� a�celerat�on f�Ilow�ng �3orrovv�r'S
<br /> bre��h o�f an���vvenan#�r agre+�men��n thi�Se��ri�y Ins�rumen�or�h�C�ntract under which ac�elera�i�n
<br /> �s permii��e� �bjut not pr��r �� a+�celer�t��n ��nder the sect�o� #itl�d Trar�sfer of the Proper�y ar a Benefi�ia�
<br /> Interes�in Ba�•rower, uniess A�rp��cahle La�v pr�v�des �therwis��. The natice shall spe�ify: (�� th.e defaui�;
<br /> �b� the ac�iv� requ�red� to cu��Q th� dQfaut�; ��) a date, na� le5s �h�n the m�r��mum number of d�ys
<br /> estab���h.ed by App��cable Law iFram�he dat��he not�ce is gi�er� tto �orrowver, by which the defau�t xx�u�t be
<br /> cur�d; and �d) �hat fa��ure to �ur� the def�ul� on or b�fare the da�e s�e�i�ed �n the no�i�e �nay resui� in
<br /> a�celera�tion u:� fhe sum� se�ur�ed b� this Se�u���y Instrume�.f and sal� of �he Propertiy. �'o th� ex�en�
<br /> perrn�it�Qd by �;aw, the natice sh�i�fur�her �nforr��3orra�ve�- af the righ�t �o re�nsta�e after accelera�ivn and
<br /> the right:ta br�:ng a cour��c#ion to assert th�non�-ex�5tence of a�efau��ar�ny ather defense fl���rrovver�o
<br /> acceiera�t�a�. ar�d s�Ie. If the def�uit�5 n�t cur�d �n ar before th� da�e �p�cified in the no�ice, Lender at�ts
<br /> aption may requir� �mmediate paym�n� in fu�� of all sum� sec�re� b� th�s Securi�y InStrurr�e�� vv�th�ut
<br /> furt�er r�emand and may �n�ok:e �he power of s��e and any �th�r r�medi�s perm���ed by Ap�I�cable Law.
<br /> To the ex�en� permitted �y lav��, Lender �hall b� entitl�d ta ����ect ali expenses �ncurred in pursu��.g the
<br /> rem�d����provi.ded�n �his Sec��a�n,includxr�g, but�at l�mxted �a, rea5�nab�e attarneys' f�es anc� costs�f tit�e
<br /> eW�d+ence.
<br /> If�hQ power�i�sa�e is�n���ed, 'Trus�ee shal� re���d a n�txce �f defau�t�n each c�u��y in which any�ar�of
<br /> the Proper�y ����a��.ted a�d shall mai� copie�af s�xch na�ice in th� rr�ann�r prescr�bed bg�App��cab�e Lavv to
<br /> Borra�vver and �o the a�her per��an� pres�ribed by App��cable Lav�o After �he �ime requxred by Applic�b�e
<br /> Law, Trustee ��ha�I g�ve pubiic notice af sal� to �he per5ons and �n th� �n�nner pres�rihed by App��cable
<br /> Law. '�`r�u��e�,�wi�h�u�dear�.and �vn Earrower, �hatl se�� the Pr�p�r�y at puhl�c auc�ion to �he h�ghes� b�dder
<br /> at the�xnne and.p�ace and under the�erms d.�signated in the natice�f s��e�n one or mor�parCels and in�ny
<br /> order T�ru�t�e de�erm�n�s. Tru.��ee rr�ay p�s�pvne sa�e af a�l ar any parcei of the Proper�y by pub�ic
<br /> announcernent a�the�ime and�rlace of a���re�i�ausly s�heduled sa�e.Lend.er ar���designee r�ay purch�se
<br /> �he Pr�perty a��any sa�e.
<br /> Upam re+ve�pf af payment of the price bid, Trust�� �halY de��ver to �he �urchaser Trustee's de�d. can�ey�ng
<br /> the Prvper�yo 7�`he recitals in �h��Truste�$s deed shal�be pr�ma f�cie ��v�d�nce af the�ruth of the��atements
<br /> C���20�4-?�15 Corr�plian�e 5ystems.1r�c.6 l SA-ADA2-2p 1 a.l L.3.�.1 1��
<br /> Consu�er Real Estate-Security[nstrurne��DL2�3G �'a�;e 4 of 5 ��.����u�,compliancesystems.�nm
<br />