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2� 17��5� 1 <br /> Payrmen��f Principal and Intere�s�; �ther�harges.Barrawer sha��prompt�y pay when due�he princ�pal of and <br /> �n�erest flm the deb�ovved under th��Contrac�and la�e charges or any o�her fe�s and charges due under th�Con�ract. <br /> App�icable L���v. As used in �h�s Securi�y �nstrument, the term "Applicab�e Law" sha1� mean �1I �on�ralling <br /> applicabl{� fed�ral, state and �ocal s�atu�es, regu�at�ons, flrdinances and adm�nxs�ra�ive rules and orders �tha�have <br /> the effect af law}as�ve��as alI ap�rlicabX�fzna�,r�o�-appealab�e judici�l apin��ns. <br /> Charge5;. L�en;�. Borrawer shal� pay a�I t�.xes, assessrne�ts, charg�s, f�ne� and impos�tions attributab�e to �he <br /> Prop�rty wh�ch ma�attain pr�orzt�,r o�er this S e�ur��y�nstrument, and �easehold pa�m.en�s or grou�ad rents, if any. <br /> At the rec�ues�of Lender,Borrower sha11 promp��y furnish to Lender�-e�eip�s e�iden�zng the payments. <br /> Borrawez�sha�l.prompt�y discharge any I�en tivhich has priority over�.his Securi�y Ins�rument unless Borra�ver: �a} <br /> agrees zn wrx�zr.�g to �he payment of the obligati�n secured by �h� Iien in a manner acceptab�e t� Lender; �b} <br /> Gontests i.n go�c�. faitih the lien by, or defends agains� enforcemen� �f the li�r� �n, legal prnceed�ngs �vhich in �he <br /> Lender's �pinia�a �p�erate t� prev��nt �he enforcemer�t of the lien; �� �c} se�ures from the holder of�he lien an <br /> agreemer�t satis�a�tary to Lender ,�ubordinating the lien ta �his Secur��y Instru�nen�. �f Lender determines that any <br /> part�f th.e Pra�ert�r zs subj ect tfl �� lien whzch may attain priority�ver this �ecurity Znstrument, Lender may give <br /> Borrowez�a n�ti.ce identifying �he ��en. Borro�ver sha�� sat�sfy�he �ien ar�ak� nne or mflre af the actions set f�x�th <br /> ab�ve wi��hin ��days of the gzvzng;of no�ice. <br /> Hazard ��r Pr�perty InsurancQ. Borr�wer sh�ll �eep the impr�vemen�s now existing or hereafter erec�ed o� �he <br /> Proper�y ir�sure�i against loss by f�re,ha�ards in�luded Wz�hin the term"extend�d co�erage" azad any�ther ha,�ards, <br /> including flaods or flaoding, for which Lend�r requires in�urance. This in�urance shall be ma�nta�ned in �he <br /> amaunts��nd foY-�he periods�ha�L,end�r requ�res. The znsurance carrier prov�d�n�the insurance shall be ch�sen by <br /> Borr�wer sub�ect to Lender`s ap��roval u�h�ch shall �.flt be unreasona�Iy wi�.held. If Borro�vver fails to m�zmtazn <br /> coverage descr�bed above, Lend��r may, at Ler�der's opt�an, obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights �n the <br /> Property�n acct�rdance vvith sect�can tzt�ed Prot���ion of Lender's l��h��i���.e�ropertiy. <br /> A11 insur��nce p{oliCies and renewals sha�� be a�c�ptable to Lender and sha1� inciude a standard mortgage clause. <br /> Lenc�er s��a11 ha,ve �he r�gh��o ho1c��he policie�and r�newals. If Ler�der requ�res, B�rrovver sha�I prompt�y give�o <br /> Lenc�er all�rec�ip�s�f paid premiL�ms and reneva�al not�ces. In�he even�of loss, Borrovver sha11 give promp�nfltice <br /> to the ins�urance carrier and I�ender.Lenc�er may make proof of�oss if not made promptly by Borrflwer. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower o�h.erwise agr�e xn wr�ting, insurance proceeds Shall be app�ied to restora�zo�a or <br /> repa�r of�he Praper�y damaged, i.f, in Lender's sole d�scretion, the res�orat�an or repair is economica�ly f�aszb�e <br /> and Len��er's s�curity is not lessened. �f, in Lender's so�e discre�ion, the re�tora�ioxz or repair is not economica�Iy <br /> feasible e�r Lencler's seCur�ty woulci be lessened,�h�insurance proceeds shal�be appl�ed to the sums secured by this <br /> 5ecurzty �nstru��nent, �hether ar not th�n due, vv�th any e�cess paid to Borrower. �f Borrower abandons the <br /> Pr�perty,ar does no�answer u�ith:in the nuznber of days prescribed���App��cable Lativ as se�f�rth in a notic�from <br /> Lender tc� Borro�er tha��he insurance carrier�ffered�o settle a clai�n, �he� Lender may co��ect�he insurance <br /> pr����ds.. L�nd+ur may use �he pr��ceeds to repaz�-flr res�nre �he Pro�er�y or ta pay sums secured b�this Securi�y <br /> Instrume�a�,whe,ther or not then dL�e.The period of��me far Borr��er�fl ansvver as set forth in�he no�ice v�iT�begin <br /> when the notice is�iven. <br /> Un�ess L�ender��nd Borrfltiver o�h�rwise agree �n writing, any app�ication of proceeds ��princxpa� s�al� no�extend <br /> or postpc►ne th.e due date of the payments due under the Contrac�or change the amoun�of the payments. �f under <br /> �he seG�i��n ti��e+�AcceZerat�vn; l�;emedies, the Proper�y�� acquired by Lender, Borrovver's right ta any�nsuran�e <br /> policies t�nd prUceeds resu�ting fr�om damage t� the Proper�y prior �fl the a�qu�sitzon shal� pass to Lender to the <br /> ex�en�of the�u�ns secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrumen�immediate�y przor ta�he acquisitzon. <br /> PreSer���tian� :�Vlain�enan�e an�� Pro�ectian of t�e Property; Eorr�wer°s L�an App��cat�ong Leasehalds. <br /> Borro�we�-sha�� not destroy, dama;�e or imp�ir�he Property, a1�aW th�Prope���o deterzarate, or camrr�it was�e on <br /> the Frop�.r�y. Borrotiver sha11 be in.defau��if any f�rfezture act�on or�roceedin�;,whether civi�ar cri�inal,��}�egun <br /> tha� �n L{�nder's good faith�udgm.en� could res�It in forfe��ure of the 1'ropex�� or otherwzse materia��y impair �he <br /> �ien created by this Securi�y Instrum�nt or Lender's securxty interest. Borrower may cure such a defaul� and <br /> reinstate, as pr��vided in sect�on ti:tled B�rrower's Right �v Reins�ate, by ca�a�ing the acti�n ar proce�ding to be <br /> dism�sse�i vvith,�.ruling�hat, in Lender's bood faith determination,prec�udes farfeiture of�he Borrower's�nterest in <br /> �he Prap�vr�y o�� ather ma�erial in:�pairment of the lien created by th�s Secur�ty Zns�rumen� or Lender's security <br /> interest.]3orr�v�rer sha�l a�so be�n defau�t�f��rrow�r,dur�ng�he�oan app�ica�ion process,gave ma��rially false or <br /> inaccurate info��nation �r statem��nts ta Lend�r �or failed �o pravide Lender w�th any material informa�tz�n} �n <br /> c��it}n v�ri���the Ioan evid�ncf�d by the Contrac�. If�his Security Instrumen� �s on a �easehold, Borro�er shal� <br /> camply vvith all�he provisions of�the Iease. �f Borr�ujer a�quires fee ti�l�t�the�roperty,�he leasehold and�he fee <br /> ����e sha��nat m��rge un�ess L�nde�-agrees�o�he�aerger�n wrxting. <br /> Pro�e���4�n of :Lender`s�s �n �he Proper�y. �f Borrower fai�s to perfarm �he covenan�s and agre�ments <br /> con�aine��in th�s Security Ins�rument, or there is a legal proce�ding�hat xnay szgnzf ca�.tly affect Lender`s righ�s in <br /> the Prop��rty (s���h �s a pr�ceedir�g in bankrup�cy, pr�bate, for condemnat�on ar forfe��ure or ta enfarce laws or <br /> regulatio:r�s}, �h�en Lender may dc� and pa� for w��atever is nec�ssary to pro�ect �he va�u� af the Proper�y and <br /> L�nder's rights��n the Prap�rty. L�:nder's actians may in�lude pay�ng any sums secured by a l�en Uvh�ch has priorit�r <br /> o�er this Security�nstrument, appearing in��u�rt,paying reasonable a�torneys'fees and enter�r�g on�he Proper-�y to <br /> mak�repairs.AXthough Lender m�y ta�e a��xan under th�s sec��on,L�nder doe�not have tn do so. <br /> Any amc}un�s disbursed by Lend��r under this �e���on sha11 becom� addit�o��l debt of Borrower secured by �his <br /> S�c�rity Ins�ru�nent. Unless Bor��awer and Lender agree �o ather tez-�x�s of pay�nent, these amounts sha11 bear <br /> �t'}?aQ4-?fl I S t�ntn�iiance S�sterns,Inc.518A-ADA2-�:�l5.i?,�,i,i I i� <br /> Consuzner Real Estate-S+�curity Instrument DL2d36 Pas*e?of 5 �������.carr�piiancesy� <br />