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2� 17��493 <br /> �EEC� �I� T'RU�T <br /> LQan No: 7��3��$8� ����t�t��ed� Page � <br /> Property, 'snGluding withQut [imi�ation, �he Americans VIlith D�sabilit'res Ac�, Trus�ar may cvntes� in �oad faith any <br /> su�h law, ordinan�e, ❑r �egulation and withf�o�d compliance during any prv�eeding, including apprvpriat� appeals, <br /> so fong as T�us�ar has n��i�ied Lender in wri�ting priar tv dving so and so long as, in Lender's s�le opinian, Lender's <br /> in�eres�s in �he Property are nflt �enpardized. Lender may require Trus�vr to pas� ad�quate security ar a sure�y <br /> bond, reasonably satis�actory to Lender, to �ro�ect Lender's in�ere��. <br /> Du�y ta Prvtect. Trus�or agrees nei�he�- to ahandon �r leave unat�end�d �h� P'r�per�y. Trustvr shaf[ do afl ❑�her <br /> act�, in addi�ivn to�hose ac�s set fQrth aba�r� in this section, which firom�he character and use ❑f�he Prnperty are <br /> reasonably necessa�y�a pro�ect and preser��the Pr�per�y. <br /> DUE �fV SALE- C�iVSENT BY LENDER. Lender rnay, at Lender's opti�n, declare immedia�e[y due and �ayab[e all sums <br /> secured by�his D�ed v�Trus�upan the sale ar�ransfer; uvithout Lender's p�i�r wri��en �onsen�, of all or any part o��he <br /> Real Prop�rty, or any interest in the Reaf Property. A '�sale or t�ans�er" means�he Gon�eyance n� Rea! Praperty ar any <br /> r�gh�; t�tle or in�eres� in the Real Praper�y; wh��her Nega�, benefiGial or ��ui�able; whether �olun�ary ar in�oCun�ary; <br /> whe�her by autright sale, deed, installment sal� c�n�ract, land cantrac�, con�ract for deed, �easehald in�erest w�th a <br /> term grea�er than �hree �3� years, [ease-opt�an can�rac�� ❑r by sa[e, assi�nment, ar�ransfer of any bene�iciaf interest in <br /> or t❑ any [and trusfi hol�ling �itle �a the Rea[ Prap�rty, ar by any o�her methvd a� can�eyance of an interes� in the Reai <br /> Proper�y. F�vv+re�er, this vpt�an shall not be exercised by Lender �� s�ch exercise is prohibi�ed by �edera� �aw or by <br /> Nebraska 1aw. <br /> TA�CES AND L�ENS. The fallowfng provisinns relating tv t�re �axes and lierrs fln �he Prvper�y are part ❑f th`rs Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymsnt. Trustar shall pay when due �and in a!1 e�en�s priar�o definque�ncy� all taxes, �pecia! taxes, assessments, <br /> charges 4in�luding v�rater and sewer�� �lC1�5 and impasitions �evied against vr on account o��he Property, and sha11 <br /> pay when due a[[ claims �vr v+�ork done an or for ser�i�es rendered or material f�rnished tv �tihe Property, Trusto� <br /> sha�� mainta�n fihe Praper�y free of a[l liens h�ving pri�ri�y �v�r�r equal ta the tn�erest a�Lender under�his Deed v€ <br /> Trust, excep� for �he I�en �f taxes and ass�ssments n�� due and �xcept as vtherwise pro�ided in this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Contes�. Trus�or may wi�hhvld payment o�any �ax, assessmen�, Qr claim in cor�nectian with a govd faith <br /> dispu�e a�er�he obligatian�v pay, sa long as Lender's in�eres�in the Proper�y is �nat�enpardi�ed. !�a lien arises ar <br /> is filed as a resui� �f nanpayrnent, Trus��r shal( within fi�teen �15� days af�er the lien arises ar, if a lien is fi�ed, <br /> within �if�een �'�5} days a�t�� Trustor has not�ce of the �iling, secure the discharge ❑f th� Iien, o� if �eques�ed by <br /> L�nder, deposi�wi�th Lender cash or a s�ff�cient carpora�e surety band or o�he�se��ri�y sa�is�actnry to Lender in an <br /> amnunt sufficien�to dis�har�e the Iien plus �ny casts and a�ttarneys' �ees, or v�her charg�s �hat cau[d ac�rue as a <br /> resul�of a far��[�sure or sale under the fien. In any cvn�es�, Tru���r sha�1 defi�nd its�l�and Lender and shall satisfiy <br /> any ad�erse judgrr�en� be�ore enfnrcemen� agains�the Praperty. Trustar sha![ nam� Lende�-as an additiona! ob�igee <br /> under any surety hond�urnish�d in�the conte�t pr�ceedings. <br /> ��idence v# Payman#. Trus�ar shall upvn demand �urnish to Lender sarisfa��ary e�idence vf payment vf the �taxes <br /> ar assessments and sha(� authorize the ap�ropriate goWernmen�Cal o�ficia[ to de���er�o Lender at a�y��me a ►�vrit�en <br /> sta�emen�v�the�axes and assessmen�s against th� P�aperty. <br /> 1Vo�ice vf Constru�tian. Trus�or shaff natify Lender at �east fif�een t15� days be�ore any wark is cammenGed, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, vr any ma�eriafs are �upplied to the Praperty, if any mechan"rc's �ien, ma�eria�men's lien, ar <br /> other li�n �auld be asserted ❑n accvunt af the wark, serWices, ar materials. Trustor will upon request af Lender <br /> �urnish �.o Lend�r ad�ance assurances satisfactary to Lender that Trus�ar �an and will pay the cos� of such <br /> impra�ements, <br /> PR�PERTY DA�IIAGE INSUR�ItVCE. �he follov�ring pro�isians rela�ing �❑ insurin� the Praperty are � par�o��his D�ed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> f�aintenance o� lnsurance. Trus�or shall pracur� and ma�n�ain p�ficies ❑fi fire insurance wi�t�t s�andard �xtended <br /> caverage endor�emen�s an a fair Walue has�s �ar �he fiu�! insurab[e va[u� covering a�� Ir-np�o�em�n�s an �he Real <br /> Prap�rty �n an amoun� sufticient ta avoid application vf any cainsurance Clal.iSEr a�d with a s�andard mortga�ee <br /> clause in �a�or of Lender. Trus�or shal! a[sa pracure and maintain comprehensi�e general liabil`rty insuran�e `rn su�h <br /> �overage amounts as Lender may reques� with Trustee and Lender be�ng narr�ed as additiana! in�ureds in such <br /> liabi[i�� insurance poli�ies. Addi�ional[y, T`rustor shalC main�a�n su�h ❑�her �nsuran�e, in��uding hu� not lirrti�ed �o <br /> hazard, business in�erruptian, and bviler insurance, as Lender may reasvnab[y requir�. Pol�cies shall be writt�n in <br /> �orm, am�un�s, c�Werages and basis reas�nably ac�eptable tQ Lender and issued by a cvrnpany ❑r cnmpanies <br /> reasonahly ac�eptable to Lender. Trust�r, upvn request vf Lend�r, �nril� deli��r �❑ Lende� from time t❑ t�me the <br /> policies or certifica�es o� insurance in form satisfactnry to Lender, in�Iuding stipulatiQns �F�a� cvverages �rvill no� be <br /> cancelled ar diminished w�thout at �eas� ten �'i Q� days prior w�-i��er� no�ice ta Lender. Each insurance paficy alsn <br /> sha�! include an end�rsement pra�iding tha�ca�erage ir��aWar of Lender v�rill nv�be impair�d in any►rvay�y any ac�, <br /> omissian or defaul� of Trustor or any v�her person. Shoufd the Rea1 Pro��rty be located in an area designated by <br /> �he Administratar a�the Federal Em�rgency Management Agency as a special flvod hazard ar�a, Trus�or agree� ta <br /> ❑b�tain and maintain Federal F1�od �nsurance, ifi a�ailab�e, within 45 days after no�i�e is gi��n by Le€�der tha� the <br /> Pr�per�y is lacated in a s���ial ��vod hazard area, for the fu�l unpaid prin�ipal balanc� vf�l�e loan and any prior liens <br /> ❑n�he property securing xhe �oan, up ta the maximum policy�imi�s set under the Nat�vnal �lo�d lnsurance Pragram, <br /> or as otherwise required by Lender, and t❑ main�ai�t such insuranc�for the�errrx af the loan, <br />