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2� 17��491 <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Borrower sha��pay to Lender�he amaunt necessar�ta up the def���enc��n <br /> acc�rdance wi�h RESPA, but in no more than �Z month�y paynzents. <br /> iJpon paymen�in fu.��of aIl sums secured by this Securi�y�ns�rumen�, Lender shal�promptiy refu.nd�o <br /> Borrower any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Gharges; Lien�. B�rrower shall pay aIl taxes, as�e��men�s, charge,�, f�nes, and�mpos�t�ons attributab�e to <br /> the Pr�p�r�y which can a��a�n prior�ty aver this Security �nstrument, �easehvld paymen�s or groun�rent�o� <br /> ��e Proper�y, zf any, and Con�mun��y Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. T�the exten�� <br /> the��i�enzs are Escr�w ��exns, Borrower shall pay them in the manr�er prov�ded in Sec�ion 3. <br /> Borr�wer sha��pramp��y�.ischarge any���n vvh�ch has prior�ty ov�r this S�cur�ty Instru�nent unless <br /> Borraw�r: �a} a�rees in writing to the paynlen�of the a��igatinn se�ured by��e l�en in a manner ac�eptab�� <br /> to Lender, but�n�y so long as B�rrnwer is performing �u�h agreemen�; �b}�on��sts the��en�n go�d fa���h by, <br /> or def�nds agains�enforcement af the l�en�n, legal praceed�ngs whi�h �n Len�er's op�n�on�perate ta prev�n� <br /> �he enfar��m�nt�f th���en whzle�hose proceed�ngs are pending, but only unt�1 su��pr�ceed�ngs are <br /> c�nc�uded; ar�c}secur�s fr�m the h�ider of t.he 1i�n an agreemen�satisfactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> I�en ta this S�cur�ty�nstrumen�. �f L�nder de�ermines�hat any part of the Property is subject�o a�ien which <br /> can a��ain pr�or�ty ov�r this Securi�y�nstrument, Lender ma�g�ve B�rrovver a na�ic�iden�if�ing the�ien. <br /> �ithin �D da�s of�he date�n�hich t�at no��ce�s given, Borrovc�er shali satisfy th�lien ar take one nr mare <br /> of th�ac�ions se�farth above in this Sec��on 4. <br /> Lend��-may re�uire Bflrrower to pay a one�t�me�harge f�r a real es�at��ax Wer��cat�on andlor repo�t�ng <br /> s�rvice use��y Lender in conne�tion�ith��is Loan. <br /> 5. Prvpe�rty �nsurance. Barro�er��al�keep th�improvern�n�s nav�exis�ing�r her�after�rected�n the <br /> Property insured against Ios���fzre, ha�ards �nc�ud�d w�th�n�h�terrn "ex��nde�ca��rag�," a�d an���her <br /> hazards inc�uding, but nat�imited to, earthquakes and f�oods, far wh�ch Lender requzres�nsurance. Th�s <br /> �nsuran�e sha�l b�ma�n�ained in�he amounts�inc�uding deductible�evels} and f�r�he p�r��ds that Lender <br /> requires. �a.a�Lender r�quzres pursuant�o the preceding s�ntences can change dur�n��he term of the Loan. <br /> Th��nsurance Carr�er pro�id�ng th�znsurance shall be chosen by Borrower subj ec���L�nder's righ��o <br /> disappro�e Barro�r�r's ch�ice, �hich right shax�not be e�erc�sed unreas�nably. Lender may require <br /> Borrower to pay, in�onnect��n�i�h this L�an, ��ther: �a} a on���ime charge for f�aad zone d��erm�natian, <br /> cer���ea�xon and track�ng servzces; �r�b} a one�tim�charge for flood z�ne determ�nat�an and cer�i�cation <br /> ser�ices and subsequ�nt charges each tin1�remappings flr similar change�accur which r�aso�ably rnight <br /> aff��t su�h determina�i�n ar cer�ification. Barrawer s�al� als�be r�spansibte for th�payment of a.�y fees <br /> impas�d by�he Federa� Em�rgency Manag�ment Agency�n connec�xon v���h�he rev�e�v of any fl��d 2one <br /> �ieternr�inat�on resu���ng fram ar�ob�ection by Borrawer. <br /> �f Borrov�er fai�s to maintain any of�h�c��verages�escribed ab�We, I.fend�r�rnay o��a�n insuranc��overag�, <br /> at Le�d�r's optian and Barrow�r's expense. Lender�s un��r na obligation to pur�hase an�par�iGular type�r <br /> amaunt of covera�e. Ther�fare, such coverag�sha�l cover L�nde�, bu�might or might no�pr��e��Borrower, <br /> Barrawer's equ�ty in�Yie Proper�y, �r the canten�s of�he Proper�y, aga�ns�any rxsk, hazard nr X�ah����y and <br /> m�gh�pr�vide grea�er or lesser coverage�han vvas previous�y�n effec�. B�rrower ackn��r�edg�s that the cost <br /> of the�nsurance coverage so ob�ain�d might signi�cantl�exceed the��s�of�n�urance�hat B�rrow�r could <br /> have o��axned. Any a�maunts d�sbursed�y Lender under th�s Secti�n S sha�l be�o�m�addit�onal debt of <br /> Borr�wer s��ured by thzs Secur�t��nstrument. Thes�amounts shall bear�nterest a�the N'o�e ra�e fram�he <br /> date of d�s�ursement and s�.a��be payable, w��h such int�res�, upan no�ice from Lender�a B�rrower <br /> r�qu�s�ing payment. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT Form 3D28 11D1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfitN�1{13D2) <br /> Waltefs Kluwex�irta�Cr�I S�rViGBS Page fi❑�7 7 <br />