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2� 17��491 <br /> B�RRD'WER��VENANTS that Borrower�s �a�vfu�Zy se�sed of th�estat�her�by c�nveyed and has�he righ�t� <br /> grant and con�ey th�Praper�y and�hat th�Prop�r�y�s un�ncumber�d, exCept for encu�mbran�es of rec�rd. <br /> Borrower�arrant� and will defend genera��y the tztle�o the Proper�y aga�n�t a����a�ms anc��e�ands, s�bje�t�o <br /> any encumbran�es of record. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�TY�NSTRUMENT comb�nes un�form cavenan�s f�r na��ona.i use and non�un�forrn��v�nants v�z�h <br /> l�muted�arxat�ons b�jurisdiction to const��ute a un�form securzty zns�rument ca�ering rea�praperty. <br />_ Unifvrm �o�enants. Borro�v�r and Lender cov�nant and agree as fol�ows: <br /> �. Payment af Principa�, lnterest. Escrow �tems, Prepayment Charges, ar�d Late Charg�s. Borrov�er <br /> shall pa�vvhen due�he pr�nc�pa�. of, and interest�n, the de�t evid��ced by�he Not�and any prepaym�n� <br /> charges and�a�e charges due under the Not�. Borr��ver shai� also pay fun�s far�s�ra�v�r�tems pursuant to <br /> Sec�ion 3. Paym�n�s due under�he���e and�his�e�ur�ty�nstrument�hal�be made�n U.S. currency. <br /> However, if any check or other instrument rece�v�d by Lender as payment under�he No�e or th�s Security <br /> Instrument is returne�to Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�re that any or a�� subse�uent payments due under <br /> the Note and�h�s Securit� In�trumen�be made in one or more af the fo��ow�ng form.s, as selected�y Lend�r: <br /> ta}cash; �b}money order; �c}cer�i�ed checl�, bank check, treasurer's check ar cashier's check, prov�d��any <br /> such�heck�s drawn upon an insti�u�i�n whose deposits are�nsured by a federai agency, instrumenta�ity, or <br /> entity; �r��.} E�ec�ron��Funds Transfer, <br /> Payments are deem��recei�ed b�r L�nd�r�vhen recexved a�th��nca��on d���gna�ed �n�he Note ar at such <br /> o�her�oca�ion as may be designated by L�nder�n acc�rdance�irith the n��ice pra��sians�n S�ct��n �5. <br /> �ender may return an�payment or par��a�paymen� if the paym�n�or part�a�payments ar��nsuffic�en�t� <br /> bring th�Laa.n current. Lender�a�accept any payment or par�iai payment�nsufficient to�ring the Loa.n <br /> curr�nt, without�va�ver�f an�r righ�s her�under or prejudic�t�i�s rights ta refuse such p�.ymen�ar par�ial <br /> pa�ment� in�he future, but I�ender is not ob�iga�ed�o app�y such paymen�s at�he�ime such pa�rm�nts are <br /> acc�pted. �f�ach Periodic Payxn�nt�s appx�ed as of�ts sch�du�ed due da��, then L�nd�r need n��pay int�r�st <br /> on unapp���d fund�. Lender may h�id such unapp��ed funds unt�� Borrov�er makes paym�n�s to br�ng the <br /> L�an current. �f Borro�ver d��s na�do so wi�h��a reasonable per�od of�ime, Lend�r shall e��her app�y such <br /> funds or re�urn them to Borrawer. Zf not applied ear�ier, such funds will be applied to the ou�standing <br /> prin��pa�balan�e under th�Nate immed�a�e�y prxor�o f�r���osure. �o offset or c�axn�.which B�rr���r might <br /> have now or in�he fu�ure against Lender sha�� re�ie�re Borrav�rer from rnaking pay�xzen��due under�he No�e <br /> and th�s 5ecur�ty�nstrument or performing the c�venan�s and agr�ements secured��th�s Security <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> 2. Applicatic�n af Paym�nts nr Pr�c�eds. Except as o�herw�se d�s�r�bed�n th�s Sect�on 2, all payments <br /> accep�ed and appiied by Lender shall be app��ed �n�he f���av�r�ng�rder�f pr�ority: �a}interest due under the <br /> N�te; �b�pr�ncipa� due under the No�e; �c} am�unts due under Sec�ion 3. Such payments sha��be app��ed to <br /> eac�Period�c Payment zn�h�order in which i�became due. Any remaining amounts sha.�l be app���d f�rst�o <br /> �a�e�harges, secand to any other amounts due ur�der th�s Security Instrumen�, and�hen�� reduce the <br /> principa�ba�ance of th�No�e. <br /> If Lend�r receives a payment from B�rrnwer for a de��n�uent Per��d�c Paym�nt wh�c�includes a suf�cien� <br /> amoun�to pay ar�y iate charge due, �he payment may be applied ta the�e��n�u�n�payxnent at�d the late <br /> charge. �f more than�ne Periodic Pa�ment �s outs�anding, Lender may app�y any payment recei�ed from <br /> Borrow�r to�he repaymen�of�he Peri�dic Paymen�s if, and�o the ex�ent��at, each paymen�can be pa�d�n <br /> fu��. Ta the�x�ent that an�excess�xis�s af�er�he paymen�is app�ied to the ful�paymen��f on�or mflre <br /> Periodic Payxnen�s, such e�cess may�e appiied to any Iate charges due. Voluntary prepayments sha1� be <br /> app�ie� first t� an�r prepayment charges and�hen as described in th�Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famity-Fanni�Mael�re�die Mac UNIFDRM#NSTRUMENT �orm 3D28�101 <br /> VMP Q VMPStNEj{13D2� <br /> Wotters Kluwer Financia!Ser��ces Pag�4 of 17 <br />