2� 17��491
<br /> sat�sfa�t�nn, provided tha�such ��spectian sha11 be under�aken prarnpt�y. �.end�r may pay for�he repairs
<br /> and r�storation in a sxngl�d�sburs�men�or in a series of progress paymen�s as the�ork is comple�ed.
<br /> L�nless an agreemen��s made in wr��ing or Applicab�e Law r��}uir�� znterest�o b�paic�on such
<br /> Misce�Ianeous Praceeds, L�nd�r sha�� n�t be required to pa�B�rrower any znterest�r�arn.ings on such
<br /> N�isce�laneous Prac�eds. �f the restora�xon or repair i�no�e��nomically feasible or Lender's s��urity wou�d
<br /> b��ess�ned, the Misce��anenus Pr�c�eds shal�be applied�a the sums s�cured by�his�ecurity Instrument,
<br /> wh��aer�r not then du�, w�th th���cess, if any, paid to Borrow�r. Such N��sce��anevus �'rac�eds shai�be
<br /> app�i�d�n the ard�r pro�ided for i�Seetxon 2.
<br /> �n�he event of a totai �aking, des�ructian, or loss �n va�u�of the Property, th�Mis�e��ane�u�Pr�c�eds sha��
<br /> be app�ied�.a the�ums secured b�this Secur�ty�nstrum�nt, whether or not�hen du�, �vith the ex�es�, if any,
<br /> pa�d to Borrower.
<br /> �n�he ev�nt of a par��a1 taking, destru�tzfln, or l�s� zn va�ue o�'the Praper�y �n vvhich�he fair mark�t value of
<br /> the Proper�y immediate�y hef�r�the partzal taking, des�ruc�xon, or�ass in�a�ue�s�qua� �o ar greater than the
<br /> amount of the surns secured by�his Secur�ty �nstrument im�mediately befare the par��a�tak�ng, d�stru�t�on, or
<br /> loss in�aiue, un�e�s Barrower and Lender o�herwise agree�n wri�ing, the sums secured�y���s Securzty
<br /> �nstrurnent sha.��be reduced b�the amoun�af the Mi��ellaneous ProCeeds multip�ied by t�e f���ow�ng
<br /> fract�on: ��)the�flta� amoun�of the sums se�ured znzme�ia�ely b�fore�he par�ial taking, de�tructi�n, or l�ss
<br /> �n va.�ue d�vided by �b} ��fa�r marke�value�f th�Praperty immed�ately before the par�ia��aking,
<br /> d�struct�on, or loss in�ra�ue. An��a�ance shali be paid t�Borr�wer.
<br /> In�e e�rent af a par�ia.l.taking, des�ruc��on, or loss in�a.�ue nf the Praperty �n wh�ch�he fa�r market va�ue of
<br /> �he�ra�er���xnmedia���y before�he par�ia�ta.�ing, destr�et�on, or loss in va�ue�s Iess��an�he arn�unt�f�he
<br /> sums s�urec�immed�a�ely�efore th�partia��akxng, �es�ruc�i�n, or loss in�alu.e, unless Borravv�r and
<br /> Lender othe�wise agree in wr�tzng, the Miscellaneou�Pr���eds s�.a�.�be app�ied ta�he sums secured b� this
<br /> Secur�t��ns�rument�he�her or not the sums are t�en due.
<br /> If�he Prop�rty�s abaxad�ned by Borrower, �r if, af�er natice by L.�nder�o Borr�wer tha��he�pposxng Party
<br /> �as def�ned in�h��a�x�s�n��nce}affers to make an award�a s����e a claim f�r damages, B�rrow�r fa���t�
<br /> respond to Lender w��hin 3U days af�er the date the n�t�ce is g�ven, Lender is authoriz�d to col�e�t and app��r
<br /> �h�11��scel�aneaus Pr�c�eds ei��er��restorat�an or repa�r�f the Proper�y or to�he sums s�cured b��iis
<br /> Securi�y �nstrument, whether or n�t�hen du�. "�ppasing Par�y" means th�th�rd par�y tha�otives B�rro�er
<br /> M��ce��aneous Proceeds or the par�y aga�ns�v�horn Borrawer has a r�ght�f acti�n�n regard�o M�scellane�us
<br /> Praceeds.
<br /> Barrower shall be in d�fau�t if any ac�ion ar proceed�ng, wh��h�r c�v���r crim�nal, is begun�hat, in L�nder'�
<br /> judgment, cau�d resu����farf�itur��f the Pr�perty ar a�her ma��rial ��npairment of Lender's in��rest in the
<br /> Pr�perty or r��hts under th�s S�curity�nstrumen�. Borrov�er can�ure such a defauZ�and, if aCcelera�ion has
<br /> oc�urred, re�ns�a�e as provided�n�ection �9, by causing the a�t�on�r praceeding to be��smu.ssed w��h a
<br /> ru�ing that, in Lender's judgment, precludes forfeiture of th�Property�r�ther ma�erial irnpa�rment af
<br /> Lender's �n�ere��in th�Proper�y�r right�under th�s Security�nstrument. The prace�ds of any avvard or
<br /> claim far da.mages�hat are a�tr�bu�a��e to the znlpazrment of L�nder'� �nt�res� xn the Prop�r��are hereby
<br /> assigned and shal� be pazd to L�nder.
<br /> All Misce��aneous Proce�ds �hat ar�no�applied��re��oratz�n or repazr�f�he Proper�y sha11 be app�ied in the
<br /> arder prov�ded for in Sectz�n 2.
<br /> N�SRASKA-Singl�:Fami[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNt��RM 1N5TRUMENT �or�3a28 11��
<br /> VMP(� VMPfi{N�j�130�1
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page'��of 17
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