2� 17��477
<br /> L�AN#: 'I�'I fi254S5fi
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may c�mmence,jain, or be jain�d#o any judicial action �as either an
<br /> individual lit�gant or the member af a cfass} that arises from the o#her party's actions pursuant to this
<br /> 5ecur�ty Instrum�nt or that all�g�s that th��ther party has breache�any p���ision of,�r any duty owed
<br /> by reason of, this Securi#y lnstrument, unt�l such Barrow�r or Lend��has notified the other party �with
<br /> suCh notice given in comp�iance wi#h the requir�ments af Se�tion 15}of such all�ged�reach and affn�ded
<br /> the other party her�fa a reasonable period after the giving o�such notic� to take c�rrective action. If
<br /> Appficable Law pro�ides a fime period whtch must elapse before certain ac�ion can �e taken, that time
<br /> p�riod w�ll be deem�d to be reasonable for purp�ses of this paragraph. The natice of acceierat�on and
<br /> ��p�rtunity to cure gi�en to Borrower pursuant to Sectian 22 and the nvtice of acc�lsratian given to
<br /> Borrower pursuan#t�5ection 18 shall be deemed to satisfy th�natice and opportun�#y to#ake c�rrective
<br /> a�tion provis�vns of this Section 2�.
<br /> 2'I. Haiardous 5ubstan�es. As used in this Section 21: �a} "Hazardaus Subs#ances" are those
<br /> substances �e�ned as toxic or hazardous substan�es, pallutants, or wast�s by En�irvnmental La►rv
<br /> and the foiiowin� substances: gasoline, kerasen�, ather flammabl� or tox�c petroleum produc�s, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbi�ides,�vlatile solvents,materials c�ntaining asbestos o�formaldehyde,and radEoacti�e
<br /> materials; �b}"Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction wher�fhe Property
<br /> is Iflcated that re�ate to health,safety or en�ironmenfal pro#e�tian; �c}"Environmental Cieanup"includes
<br /> any �esponse action, r�medial a�tion, ar remaval actian, as defined in Envtronmenfal Law; and �d} an
<br /> "En�ironmental Condi#ion" means a c�ndition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise tr�gger an
<br /> Environmental C�eanup.
<br /> Barr�wer shall not cause�r permit the presence,use,disposa�,starag�,or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or fhreaten to release any Hazardous 5ubstances, vn or in the Praperty. Borrower shall
<br /> not do, nor allow anyon� else to do, anyth�ng affe�ting the Property �a} that is in vin�ation of any
<br /> Env���nmenta� Law, �b}which creates an En�ironmen#a� Conditian, �r��}whi�h, due to the presence,
<br /> use, or release of a Hazardnus Substance, creates a condit'ran tha#adversely affects the�a�ue of#h�
<br /> Property.The preceding two sentences shall n�t apply to#he presence, use, �r storag�on the Property
<br /> of smal!quantities of Hazard�us Substances that are generally recognized ta b�apprvpria��to normal
<br /> residential uses and ta maintenance of the Property�including, but not limited ta, hazardous substances
<br /> in consumer�r�ducts}.
<br /> Bo�-rower shall pramptly giv�Lender written n�ti�e of�a} any invest�gation, claim, d�man�, lawsuit
<br /> or ather action by any ga�ernmental or regula#ory agency �r pr�vate party in�o��ing �he P�-��er#y and
<br /> any Hazardous Substanc� �r Enviranmenta! Law �f which Borrower has actual knawl�dge, �b} any
<br /> En��ranmental�flndition, includ�ng but not lim�ted to, any spiiling, leaking, discharge, release or threat
<br /> of release of any Hazardous Su�stance, and �c}any condition caused hy the presence, use�r�elease
<br /> of a Haza�dous Substance wh�ch ad�ersely affects the�alue of the Property. lf Bo�row�r learns, or is
<br /> natified by any gvvernmental or regulatory authority, or any p��vate party, that any remo�al or other
<br /> remediati�n �f any Hazardous Substance affecting the Pr�perty;s necessary, Borrow�r shalf p�-omp�ly
<br /> take all necessary�emedial acti�ns in accordance with En�ironmental Law. Nothing herein shall create
<br /> any obligatian an Lend�r for an Environmenta!�ieanup.
<br /> N�N-UNIF�RM C�VENANTS. Barrawer and Lender further covenant and agre�as f����ws:
<br /> �2. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gi�e notice to Borrower priar ta acce�eratian
<br /> following Borrower's breach of any ca��nant or agreement in this Security fnstrument�hut nat
<br /> prior ta acceleration under Section 18 unless Appl�cable Law pro��des otherwise�. Th� notice
<br /> shall specify: �a�the default; �by the actian required to cure the defau�t; �cy a date, nat less than
<br /> 3� days from the date the notice is gi��n to Borr�wer, by wh�ch the default must be cured;
<br /> and �d� that fa�lure to cure thg default on �r before the date spec��ied in the not�ce may resuft
<br /> in accelerat�on of the sums secur�d by this Security Instrument and sale of the Praperty. The
<br /> notice shall further infarm Borrawer of the right to reinstate after acc�leration and the right t�
<br /> bring a c�urt action ta assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower
<br /> to a�Ge�eration and sale. If th�default is not cur�d �n or before the date spec�fied in the n�tice,
<br /> Lender at its aptian may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured hy this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument w�thaut further demand and may in�oke the power of sa�e and any other r�medies
<br /> permitted by App�icahle Law.L�nder shall be entitled to collect all expenses inGurred in pursuing
<br /> the remedies pro�ided in this Section ZZ,�nclud�ng,but nat fimited to,reasvnahle attorneys'fees
<br /> and casts of title e�idence.
<br /> if the power�f sale is�n�oked,Trustee shait record a notice of default tn each c�unty in whi�h
<br /> any part of the Property Es�ocated and shal�mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed
<br /> by Applicable Law to Borr�wer and to the other persons prescrihed by Appi�ca�le Law.After the
<br /> t�me required by Applicable Law,Truste�shall gi�e pub��c notice of sale to the persons and in the
<br /> manner prescribed byApplica�le Law.Trustee,withvutdemand on Borrower,shall sefl the Property
<br /> at publiG auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated�n the
<br /> n�t�ce of sale in one ar more parcels and in any�rder Trustee determin�s.Trustee may postpone
<br /> sale of all or any parcei of the Property by public announcement at the time and �lace of any
<br /> pre�iously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may purchas�the Property at an e. ��
<br /> Initials: �
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Famity--Fannie MaelFreddie Allac IJNIF��tIIA 1NSTRUAAENT Fvrm 30Z8�l101
<br /> El��e Mae,�nc. Page �fl of�� NEEDEED Q315
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