2� 17��44�
<br /> Transfer af the Prvper�y or a Benefi�i�l In�ter�st in B�rrovvero�f al�ar any�ar��f��e Proper�y or any zn�eres�
<br /> in it is sald or �ransf�rred (c�r nf a l�e�eficial in�ere�t in B�rro�er �s so�d �r �-ans�'�rr�d and Bflrrovv�r is no� a
<br /> na.tura� person� v�rithau� Lender's prior writter� cansen�, Lender may, a� ��s option, re�uire �mmedia�e payment in
<br /> ful� �f aI� sums secured by �his 5ecu.rit�r Ins�xurn�n�. �Io��•e��r, this apti�r� shall nat be exerc�sed �y Lend�r if
<br /> exercise is prohibited by fed�ra�lau�a�of the��.a�e of�his S�cur�ty In�t�ument.
<br /> �f Lender ex�rcises �his apti�n, Ler�der sha11 give B orro�►er no�ice �f acce�eratian. T�e natice shali pravide a
<br /> period af no� Iess �han�he minin�um�zumber of days es�a�b��shed by App�icable Lavv fram�he da�te the natice �s
<br /> de�iver�d or mailed within whi�h Barro�er r.zust pa� a�� �u�ns secured by �hi� Secur�ifiy Instrunaent. �f B�rrovtrer
<br /> fails �o pay these sums prior�o the expirati�r.:, of this per�od, Lender may �nvak� a�y remedzes permit�ed by this
<br /> Securit�Ins�rument vv��hou�further n��ice or d emand an Bor�ower.
<br /> �orrawer's Right to Reins�ate. If F3arrawer �eets cer�.a�n conditi�ns, Borr�wer s�ial� hG�ve the r�gh� to have
<br /> enforce�n.en�of this Secur��y�nstrument disco�ti�ued a� anv tim�priQr ta the earlier of; �a� 5 days �or such a�her
<br /> period as Applicable Law ma��pecify far rei�ls�a.tement�b�fore sa�e of�he Property pt�rsuan�t to an�pawer❑f sale
<br /> cantain�d in this Securi�y Ins�run�en��; or ��} �n�ry af a �udgment enfo�cing t.�zi� �yecurity �ns�rument. Those
<br /> cond�tions are �hat Barrower. �a� pay�f Lende:r a�I sums w�ich�hen v��au.ld be due tiu�.d'er th�� Secur��y �nst�x�.en�
<br /> a�d the��n�ract as if n�acce�erati�n��ad�ccL�rr�d; (b}�ur�s any def�ul�of any athe�ciovenants ar agreemen�s; ��}
<br /> pays al��xpenses incurred in�nf�rcin��his Secur��y�ns�rument,inclu��ng,but not I�xni�.ed to,reas�nable att�rneys'
<br /> fees �� �he extent perm�tted�y�avv; an.d ���takes such ac�ion as Lend�r may rcaso�aab:ly re�i�ire to assure that the
<br /> lien of t�iis Security Ins�rumen�,I,ender's rights i�.the Pr��erty and�orrower's ob�igation��pay the sums secured
<br /> by this 5ecurity Ins�rument sha�� �on�i�u� unt,ha.nged. Upon reins�a�e�nent by Borr�v�r��r, thi� 5ecuri.ty Ins�rument
<br /> and the obliga�ions secured her�by sh�.11 rem�.in fu�ly effectiv� as if r�o acce�era�io�h{�d a�curred. Hov�ever, �his
<br /> righ�to re�nstat�sha�I no�apply�r��he cas�af ac�el�rati�n under�he s�ctiar��i�led Tra�r��fer�f�he Pr�perty�r a
<br /> �eneficial Interest in�orro�v�r.
<br /> I3a�ard.ous Substances.Borrawer sh�.Il no��au�e or perrnit�he presence,use, disposal, st�rage, �r re�ease nf any
<br /> Ilazard�us 5t�bstances�n or�n�h�Proper�y.�orrower shall.no�d�,nnr ai�aw anyan�e:lse�o�fl,anything affec�zng
<br /> the Pr��er�y�ha� is in ��o�ation �f an;y Envirtanmen�al La�r. The pr�ceding tw� sente�ces �ha�l not app�y t� �he
<br /> presenc�,use,or s�orage on t�.e P�oper�y�f srr.�all�uan�i�ies af Hazardous Subs�ances#��at are generally recvgnized
<br /> �o be appropr�at��o narmal residentia�uses arz��ta main�ena�ce flf�h�Property,
<br /> Borraw�r sha�l promptl�r give L��.d�r wri��en r.aot�ce af any investiga�i�n,claim, demanci,la�vz°uit or o�n.er action by
<br /> any governmen�al or regulatory agericy or pr�va�e party it��ro�ving �h� Prflper�y and a�ay I-�aaardous 5ubsta.nce or
<br /> Environmen#�1 Lavv of which �orro�ver has actual knawledge. �f Borrower ��a�:r��, or is no�if ed by any
<br /> governmental or regu�atory authority, �hat any rernoval or o�her remedia�ion of any Ha��ardau.s Subs�ance affecting
<br /> �he Pr�perty is nece�sary, Barrov�rer shal� ��rompt�y tak� all nece�sary remedial act��ns in accordance with
<br /> Environmen�a�Lavv.
<br /> A5 US�d in th�5 paragraph, "�Ia�ard�US� S11�75ta�C�S'F a�'�' ���5� 5t1�35�ariCeS �ef ri�� a5����IC Qr�la2arC�4US S11b5�ariCeS
<br /> by Env�r�n�men�aX Law and �h� fo�Io,wing su.bs�ances: ga�o�ine, kerosene, o�h�r f�arnmabl� or tox�c petroleum
<br /> products, t�x�c pestic�des a.nd herbicides, va:.a�ile solven�, materials c�ntaining a�b��s��s c�r forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive ma�eria�s. As used in�his paragraph, "Environm�n�al Lav�" m�ans federal I��vvs an�d�aws�f the state of
<br /> N'ebraska�ha�r��a�e to hea�th,saf���r envirfl::lm�ntal protecti�n.
<br /> Acc��erat�on; R�m�dies. Len�er sh�il g��e n�tice �� Bvrr�wer prior �� a�ce�e�a�:�vn f�llvwing �vrr�vv�r's
<br /> breach�f any cavenant or agreememt i� this�ecurity InStrum�nt vr the��ntrac�und�r wh�ch accelera�ifln
<br /> is p�rmit�ed�but not pr�or to a��e�e.rat�on r�nder the �e�tifln title€� Transfer of�h��Pr��Eerty�r a��nef��al
<br /> Interes�in Barrower, unless �ppl��able Law�rovides ��herwise�. The no�i�e s�all sp�rify: �a} the default;
<br /> �b} the action required t� cure th�e defa�ultq �c) a date, not Iess than the m�in�mu:m number �f d�ys
<br /> e�ta�lished by Appiica�le La�from the da�t��he noti�e is given t�Borro�ver,by��vhi��the default mus�be
<br /> cured; and �d� that fai�ure to cu�e ��he def��u�t fln or bef�rE �he date speci�ied in� the noti�e may resu�t �n
<br /> a�celeratifln of the sums s�cured b�y this S��uri�y In�trument �nd sal� �f t�e Pxoperty. To the ex�en�
<br /> p�rm�itted by�av�, �he nati�e shal�f�rther i:nf�rm B�rrvwer of�he right tv r�ix�st;��� af�:er a��el�ra�i�n and
<br /> fhe rig�t to bring a court aC�ian t��ss�rt t�e�fln-e�istence of�default or any�ther d�fense vf Borr�wer to
<br /> a�celera�ion and sale. If the d�f�ult is nvt cur�d on or l�ef�re th� da�e�pe�ifie�i�i �he��ot�ce,Lender at�ts
<br /> o�t�.�n may require immed�ate paymnent inl full of alI �um� �ecured by th�s SecTurit�r Ins�rument v�i�hvut
<br /> further demand and may ir�vak� th� p�we�� ��sa�e and any ��her remedi�s pe�m�itted by Applicab�� L�w.
<br /> T� th� Qxtent perm�tted by ��w, L�nd�r st�a�i be entit�ed to �o���ct a�� expens�s in�ur:r�d irn pu�suing the
<br /> remed��s providQd in this Sec���n��n.cludin�;,�uut nat�im�ited t�, r�easonab�e�ttorn��s' fnes and costs of�it�e
<br /> ev�d�nc�.
<br /> If the power af sale is in�aked,Trus�ee�ha:E�recvrd a not�ce af default in e�ch ���unty�n wh�ch any par�of
<br /> �he Prvperty is Io�ated and shal�xnail c�p��s�f such n�ti�e in �h��nanner prescr�bed b�App�icable Law to
<br /> Borrower and �o the �ther per�ons prescribed by Applicable La�v. After �h� tirne re��x�red by Applicabie
<br /> Law, Truste� sha�l gi�e publi� notit:e �f sal� ta th� pexso�s and in the mann�r �prescribed by Applicab�e
<br /> Law. T�-ustee,vv��h�ut den��.nd on lBar�awer, �ha�l s�ll�h�Fr�perty at public au����on ta �h�highest bic�der
<br /> a�the t�n�e and�lace and und�r the�terms designated in th�n�tice of sale�n on�oa�rnor�parce�s and in�ny
<br /> arder �`ruste� determines. T�uste� may p�s$pone sal� of all or any par�ei af the ]Property by public
<br /> ar�nounceme�t a��he�im� and p�ace nf any pr��ivus�y��hedulec��ale.Lender or��s des��gnee may purchase
<br /> the Pra��rty at any sal�.
<br /> Upon r��e�pt Qf payment of t�e pr��e b�d, "�'rus�ee �hal� deliver ta the �urchas�r Trust�ee's d�ed �on�ey�ng
<br /> the Propertyv The rec��als�r� ��he'I'r�nst�e's cleed shaIl be prima f�c�e evidence o�t11��ru�h of the�tat�men�s
<br /> D 2���-2015 Comp�iance Systems,Inc.d 18A-424Q-2�15,12,3,1.11 I 5
<br /> Car�sumer Reai Esta#e-Security Instn�ment DL2436 Page 4 af� www.comptiancesystems.com
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