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2� 17��44� <br /> Payxnemt af Prin�ipa�and Intere5�; �3th�r Charges.�arr�wer shal�promp�ly pay vvh�en du�the principa�of an�i <br /> in�erest�n the debt��w�d under the����trac�ar�d�ate charges or any�ther fees and charges du.e under�he��ntr�.c�. <br /> Applicab�e Law. As used in thzs Secur�ty �nstrument, �he �erm "Appl�cabl� La�r" sha�� mear� aII con�rol�i.�a.g <br /> applicable federal, state and laca� stat�xtes, re�;ula�ions, ordinances ar��i admin�s�ratiUe rttles and orders �tha�have <br /> �.e effect of 1aw�as v�e��as aIl applica�Ie f�nal,non-appealable judicia��pinions. <br /> Charges; Liens. B�rrawer sha11 pay al� ta���s, assessments, charges, �nes and irnp ositior.�s attribu�able to the <br /> Propert�r which may at� pri�rit��v�r�his 5ecurity Ins�rument, and leaseho�d paymen�s or grflund ren�s, �f an�. <br /> At the reques�af Lerider,Borrower shall prom��ly furnish to L�nd�r re�ceipt�evidencin�;�he paymen�s. <br /> B�rrou��r shall promptly disc�.a�g� an��lien tivh�ch has pri�rity over�.is 5ecurity In���r�ent un�ess B�rrower: �a} <br /> agrees �n wrxting ta �he payrnent of the obli,�at�on secured by the l�en in a �anr�er acce�tab�e �o Lender; (b} <br /> con�es�s �n gQod fai�a �he ��en �y, or ��efends agaxnst enforc�r�en� �f the �ien in, l�gal proceedings vvhich �n �he <br /> Lender'� op�n�on �perate to pr�vent �he enfo:�cement of�he 1ien; or �c} secures fr�rr� �he holder of�he lien an � <br /> agreemeri�satisfac�flry to Lender suhoa�dir�at�n,��he Iien t� �.is 5ecurity Ins�rument. If:Lender de�ermines that any <br /> par� af the Pr�perty is sub,�ec��� �a lien u�hich n�a.y a�ai�.pr�arity aver this Securi�y�n.s�rum�nt, Ler�der may gi�e <br /> Borrou��r a na��ce i�en�ifying tl�e lien. B�rrov�er shal� satisfy t�e �ien or ta�e ane �r rr.�ore af the ac�ians se�for�h <br /> abov�wi�hin 10 days flf the giving of n�t�ce. <br /> Hazard or Praperty I��uram��. Bflr�r�ov�r�r sr�a�l keep the �mprovements n�w ex�sti�.g ur her�after erec�ed���he <br /> Praper�j�nsured against Iflss by fi�e,h�.2ards i_r�cluded vvithin�.he term"ex�e�ded cover��ge" amd any other hazards, <br /> inc�udi_ng �.00ds �r floo�ing, f�r which Lent�er re�u�res insurance. T�ais insurance .shall be ma�n�a�ned in �he <br /> amounts and for t�e periads that LendEr re�uir es. The insurance carrie�pr�viding the�r�suran�ce shall be chos�m by <br /> Borro�v�r sub�ect t� Lender's approval which shall not be unreaso�.a�ly withhe�d. If�orr�vver fails t� m�ainta�n <br /> coverag�e descr�bed ab�ve, Le��ler may, a� �.�ender's optian, abtain coverage to pra�t�ct Lrender's righ�s in the <br /> Proper�in accordance with s�ci:ian tit�.ed Pr�t:��tion vf Lender's R�ig�.ts in the Property. <br /> AlI insurance po�icies and rene�uals sha�� be ;tcc�ptabl� to Lend�r and shal� inc�ude a standard mor�gage ciause. <br /> Lender shaT1 have�he righ�.t�hold the policie�� a�d rene�trals. �f Lend�r requires,B�rr��wer s:hall promptly g�ve�v <br /> Lender�.1�rec�ip�s of paid prer.�iums a.nd renew�l n�tiees. In�he event of 1ass, Borr��w�er sha�l give pr�mp�r�atice <br /> to�he�nsuranc�carrier and Lender.Lender rn.�.y rnake proof of loss if no�made pron�ptl.y by BorroWer. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwia� agre�, in writing, insurance proce�ds shall be appl.ied �o restoratio� or <br /> repa�r of the Proper�y damaged, �f, ix� Lender's �a�e discre�ian, �he restaration or r�p���r is �,conon��cal�y feas�ble <br /> and Lender's securiry is n�t I�s�ene�. �fs in L�,nder's s�le discre�ion, �he res�ara�ion or repai�r is na�e�onamica��y <br /> feasible ar Lender's security�vfluld be l.essenec�,the insurance proceeds shalll��applied to the sums secured by�h�s <br /> Security �nstrumen�, wh�ther tir n�t �then dUe, with any exc�ss pa�d to B�rrowe.r. �f Bor.roWer aband�ns �he <br /> Prap�rt�r,ar does nat answer wi�:hin th�num���r�f�ays pre�cribed�y App�icable Law��s set far�h�n a na�ice from <br /> Lender�o Borrovver tha��he insurance carrier has offered�a se�tle a c�aim, �hen Lender may callect�h� insuran�e <br /> proceeds. Lender may us�the �roc�ecls �o re�rair or restore the Property �r to pay �u.rns secured by�hzs 5ecurity <br /> Instru.m�nt,whe�her�r r��t t��n due. The�eriod�f�ime f�r Borrower t�answer as se�f�rth in the notx�e v�ri�l begin <br /> vvhen�he n��iCe is given. <br /> Unless L�nder and Borro,wer ot�erwis� agree in writin.g, ar�y application of pro�eeds�+�pr�nripa� shall no�ext�n�i <br /> or postpone the due date of�.he p�y�n�nts �iue un�er the �ontxac�ar c�.ange the am�un.�of���e payments. 7f under <br /> the sec��on tit�ed A��e�erati��; l�erne{di��, �th�� Propert�is acquired b�Lender, �3o�ro�uer's r�ght to any insurance <br /> po��cies and praceeds resulting �ron1 da�age to the Property prior �o �he a�quisi�i�n sha�I pass to Lender �� the <br /> ex�en�af�he sums secured b�th�s S�cur��y�nst:rurnent irnmediately privr ta the acq�i�iti on. <br /> Preser�a�ion, Mainte�anc� amd Pr�atectior.l �f the Prnperty; Borr�wer'S Lfl�.n App�i.�at�an; Leas�h��ds. <br /> Barrow�r shall no�des�r�y, darr�ane or impair th�Proper�y, allotiv�h.e Proper�y to d�teriora�e, or comm�t waste on <br /> the Property. Borrativer sha1l be in default if an.y farfe��ure actian or pracee��ng,�vhe�her civi�or crimina�,is begun <br /> �hat in Lender's g�ad fai�h judgm�n�c�uld re 3u�� in forfeiture af�he Pr�perty or othe:t�wise material�y impa�r the <br /> Iien �reated by �his Securzty Instrum�nt flr ]�,e�.der's secu.r��y �nter��t, Borrflwer ma�y cur�: such a defau�� and <br /> reinstate, as provided tn sec�i�r�tit1���Borrower�s Righ� �o R�ins�a��, by cau�ing the action�r proceeding t� be <br /> d�smissed vvith a ru��.ng that,in Lender's good�aith de�err�unati�n,prec�udes forfeiture��f the]3orrovver's�nteres�in <br /> �he Proper�y or o�her ma�erial impairment o�'the Iien crea�ed by th�s Secur�ty ins�r��men� or Lender's security <br /> in�erest.Borrower sha11 also be in d�fault�f Bc�rrower,during the loan applicatiQn proc��55,ga�e ma�eria��y false ar <br /> inac�ur�.�� informa�ion or statemen�s ��a Lender �ar failed to �r�vid� Len�ler wi�h ar�y ma�erial infnrmation} in <br /> connect�on wi�h�he 1Qan ev�denc�d by the Con�r�.ct. If this Securi�y�ns�rumen�is on ��leasehold, Borrovver shal� <br /> camply wi�i all the pr��isiflns of�h���as�. If]3orro�vver acquires fee�i�le t��he Prop�rt�y,�he leasehold and the fee <br /> ti�Ie shall not merge un�e ss Lend�r agr�:es�a�h�merger in writing. <br /> Pratect�on nf Lender's Right� in t�e I'rop er�y. �f Borrower fa��s �o p�rfarm �he covenants and agreemen�s � <br /> con�a�ned in this 5ecurity�ns�ru�n��t, �r there is a legal pro�eeding�ha�may significantly af�ect Lender's r�gh�s in <br /> �he Prope�-ty �such as a proceeding in bankruZ��c�, praba�e, far cQndemna�ion or fo�feiture t�r�o enforce laws �r <br /> regula�ians}, then Lender rnay da a�r�.c� pay ft�r �vhatever is necessar� �o prfltec� �h� �ralue af�he Propert� �.nd <br /> Lender'S rights in the Proper�y. LenderFs actior.s may�nclude paying any sums s�cured lay a li�en�which has priority <br /> aver this Security�nstruxnent, app�axing in cotu�,pa�irig reasor�ab�e at��rneys'fees a.�d e�tering on the Propert�t� <br /> make re�airs.A�thaugh Lend�r may�ak�actio�i t�nder this sec�ian,Len�ier d�es n��h�.v���o da so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by L�nder un�er �his se�tior� shall l�ec�me a�ditional debt o�'Borra�wer s�cured by �his <br /> Se�uri�y Instrument. Un�ess ��rr��ver ax�d Lender agree f� o�her terms of p�yment,, �hes�; amounts shal� bear <br /> C�20Q4-2fl�5 Compliance Systems,Inc.518A-�L244-20�5.I2,3.1.l 11 S <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Sec�r�cy Xnstn�ment DL2436 Page 2 af 5 www.compliancesystecns.coFn <br />