2� 17��41 �
<br /> ' ' L�AN#: 'I fi�'177�73
<br /> Neither Borrower nor Lender may commen�e,�ain, or be joined to any judicial action �as e�ther an
<br /> indi��dual I�tigant or the member of a class} that arises from the other party's actions pursuan#ta this
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument or that a�l�ges that the other party has breached any pr��ision of,or any duty owed
<br /> by reason of, this Security �nstrument, until such Bflrrower or Lender has natified the other party�wEfh
<br /> su�h noti�e gi�en in�ompliance vr►ith the r�quirements of 5ectian 15}of such alleged�reach and afforded
<br /> the other party hereto a �-easonabte period after th� gi�ing of such noti�e to take ��rrecti�e a�tion. 1f
<br /> Applicable Law pro�ides a time period which must elapse before certain action can �e taken, that time
<br /> period wir� be deemed to be reasonabEe for purp�ses of this paragraph. The noti�e of acceleratian and
<br /> opportunity fv cure gi�en to Borrvwer pursuant ta Section �2 and th� noti�e of acceleration gi�en to
<br /> Borrower pursuant ta Sec#�vn '18 shall be deem�d ta satisfy the noti�e and opportunity to take corre�ti�e
<br /> action pra�isions of this Se�tion��.
<br /> 21. Haiardvus Substances. As used in thEs 5ection 2'�: �a} "Hazardous Substances" ar� thvse
<br /> substances def ned as toxic or hazardous substanc�s, pollutants, a� wastes by En�ironmental Law
<br /> and the following substances: gaso�ine, kerosen�, vth�r flammable�r toxic petroleum produc�s, toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicid�s,�olati�e sol�en#s,materials�onta�ning asb�s#�s orformaldehyde,and rad�oacti�e
<br /> materials; �b}"En�Eronmental Law� means federal laws and laws of the jurisdi�tian where the Property
<br /> is located that relate to health,safety ar en�iranmental protection;.�c}"En�ironmental Cleanup"�ncludes
<br /> any response action, remedial action, or remo�al action, as defined in En�ironmental Law; and �d} an
<br /> "En�iranmen�al Cond�tion" means a �ondition that can cause, contribut� to, or otherwis� trigger an
<br /> En�ironmental�leanup.
<br /> Borrnwer shall not cause ar permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or threa#en to release any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> nat dv, nar allvw anyone else �o do, anythEng affecting the Property �a} that is in viala#ion of any
<br /> En�ironmental Law, �b}which creates an En�ironmen�a! Cvndition, ar�c}whi�h, due to the presence,
<br /> use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adversely affects the�alue o�th�
<br /> Praperty.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property
<br /> �f small quantities of Hazardous Substances that ar�generally�e�ognized t�be appropriate to normal
<br /> residential uses and ta maintenance of the Property�in�luding,but not I�mited to, hazardous substances
<br /> in consumer products}.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly gi�e Lender written natice of�a}any in�es�iga�ion, c�aim, demand, lavr►suit
<br /> or other a�tion by any go�ernmental or �eguiatary agency or pr'r�ate party in�ol�ing the Property and
<br /> any Hazardous 5ubs#ance or En�ironmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowEedge, �b} any
<br /> En�ironmental �onditivn, including but not limited to, any spiliing, leaking, discharge, reEease or threat
<br /> of rel�ase of any Hazardous Substance, and�c}any cond�tion caused �y the presence, use or release
<br /> of a Hazardous 5ubstance which ad�ersely afFects the�a�ue of the Property. If Bo�rower learns, or is
<br /> notified by any go�ernmenta� or r�gulatory authority, or any pri�ate party, that any remv�al or other
<br /> remediation of any Hazardaus 5ubstan�e affecting �he Pr��erty is necessary, Borrov►►er shall promptly
<br /> take all necessary remedial actions in a��ordance with En�ironmenta�Law. Nothing herein shail create
<br /> any ohligation on Lend�r for an Envi�-onmenfa� Cleanup.
<br /> NQN-UNiF�RM C�VENANTS. Borrower and Lender further co�enant and agree as follows:
<br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shai! gi�e not�ce to Sorrower prior to acceleration
<br /> following Borrower's breach of any co�enant ar agreement in th�s Security lnstrum�nt�but not
<br /> priar to acceleration under Section 1S untess Applicahle �aw proW�des otherwise}. The not�ce
<br /> shal�specify: (a)the default; �b�the action required to cure the defauit; tc� a date� not less than
<br /> 3� days from the date the natice is gi�en to 8orrawer� by which the default must be cured;
<br /> and 4d� that failure to cure the default on or b�fore the date specified in th� notice may result
<br /> in acceleration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Pr��erty. The
<br /> notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after accelerati�n and the right t�
<br /> br�ng a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower
<br /> to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured an nr before the date sp�cifed in the notice,
<br /> Lender at its option m�y require immediate payment in fui�of all sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument withvut further demand and may in�oke the po►nrer of sale and any other remedies
<br /> permitted hy Applicable Law.Lender shall be entitled to coll�ct all�xpenses�ncurred in pursuing
<br /> the remedies pro�ided in this Section 22��ncluding,but not Eimited to,reasonable attvrneys'fees
<br /> and�osts vf title e�idence.
<br /> IF the pvwer�f sa�e is inrroked,Trustee shall record a notice af default in each county in which
<br /> any part of the Praperty i��vcated and sha��mail copies of such notice in the manner prescr�bed
<br /> hy Applicable Law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by Appiicahle Law.After the
<br /> time required by Applicab�e Law,Trustee shall gi�e public notice of sale to the persons and in the
<br /> manner prescribed byApplicable Law.Trustee�withoutdemand on B�rrawer,sha[I sell the Property
<br /> at puhlic auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the
<br /> natice of sale in one or more�arcels and�n any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone
<br /> sale of all or any parcef af the Prn}�erty by pub�ic annnuncement at the time and place �f any
<br /> pre�iously scheduled sale. �ender or its des��nee may purchase the Property at any al
<br /> Initia[s• �
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac IJN�F�RM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3428 11Q1
<br /> Ellie Mae,Inc. Page '1��f'I 1 NEEDEED �3�5
<br /> �z�2arza�s oa:38 AM PST
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