2� 17��3�9
<br /> ���D �� T�L��T
<br /> ���I�ti�t�,[��} �a�� �
<br /> s���rr�d��r���,�nd �iii��h�r�m�ir���rt if an�r,t����per����r��rsan�le�all�r�r�ti#led�h�r�t�,
<br /> ��} Trust�e rr���ir�tC�$rnar�r���pr��rided�y 1��v Ro�tp�n���1��f all�r ar,}pQr#i�n o�t��pr�pertyr.
<br /> ��medie5 N�t Ex�Cusiw�. Trr�st�� �r�� L�n��r, �r�d ea�h �f �h�m� �ha�l b� �r,titl�� t� �nfar�� ���men� a�d
<br /> ��rfvrrr�an����an�r in���t�dn����r o�li���i�ns se�U��d��r#h�s ae�d��7rus�ar�d t� �x���is�all ��g�r���nd p�w�rs
<br /> under thi� ����i�f Tr�r�t� t�n��r th� Nat�� �n��r�n�r�f ti�� Rerat�d ���urr�en��, ❑r ur���r a�ny�th��r a��r�em�nt�r
<br /> �r��r la�� ��v��r h�rea�ft�r�r� fQr��; notv�itl��tanding, sarr�e �r all af���1� in���t��r��s� and abli��ti�r��s�cur�� by
<br /> thi� a�ed ��7'�ust m�� n�vwr ar hereaft�r���t[�en�+r�s� s��ur�d v�h����r b�m��t���e, d��� �f trus�, p�����r li�n,
<br /> a�si�nrn�r�t �r ����rwi��. h������r th� �����ta�r��� �� t�i� I�e�d �� TrU st ��r a�� �nf�rc�m�r�t, V���th�� �y ��u�
<br /> a���an �r�ur�Uan�t� the p�w�r�f�al� �r�t��r��wers ��r���in��i in thi� ���� �f Tr��tt �h�ll p��j�di���r in �r��r
<br /> mann�r� �ff��t"E'ru�ke�'s �r Lend�r'� ri�hk t� r��IFz� u��n �r �n��t�� �n� �th�� s�cu�rit� rrQw �r h�r��ft�r f��[� ��
<br /> Tnrste���L�n��r,it ��ir����r��d tF��t Tr��t����d L�n��r��r���acf��f tl��rr�,�h�lf���r�#itlet��� ����r����is a���
<br /> ���`r����r�� �ny oth�r���r��i��+ n av� �� h�r��ft�r h��d ��► L�n����r Tr�s��� i� �u�[� �tt�er and rn�n�r�r�� t[���r��
<br /> either �f �i��m rr�a�r ir� th�ir ����Cute discr�ti�r� ��t�rr�►�n�. I�a r�rn��y �ar�f�r��� ��a� �� r�s��ve� t� T�u�t�e �r
<br /> ��r�d�r� i�ir�t�n��� to �e�x��u�i���f�ny�th�r r�r���y in this ���d of Tr�tst�r��]aw �r��ri�l��❑r p�rmit��d� t�u�
<br /> ���h shall �� ��mul�ti�� �nd s��ll t�� in a��itiar� l� ��r�ry a�h�r r�rn���+ ��v�� in this ����I �f �'ru�t �r n�v�r �r
<br /> h����fter e�€��tir���t�aw�r i� �quity�r��+�ta�tute. �v�r���w�r��r�m�d�+�i�r�r�b�the f�lat�Q��ny�f th���la���
<br /> ���um��t� t� Ti rust�� �r ��nder ar �� which �i���� �f th�rr� m�y ]�� ����r�i�e en�ita��} t�na�+ �� �x�rc�s�d�
<br /> c���urr�nti�r�r ir�����nd�n�l�, ���m ti�'1�t� kim� �����of�e� �� I�a�b$d��m��# �xpedi��t��r T�Ust���r�er�der*
<br /> �r�� �ither �f tF��m rna� ��rsu� ir���r��i���nt r�rn��i�s. N�ti�i�� in this C���d of Tru�t sha II �� ��r���rued ��
<br /> pr�l���iting L�n������rn ���C�ir���d�fi�i�rr��r audgm�rrt��ainst tF���'rust�r t� tl���x��nt sU�1���ti�n 1�p�r�itt�d ��r
<br /> 1��v. El��tio� b� ��nder�� ��r�u� ar��r ��rrt�dy�h�rl n�t �x�lu�� pur�uit af�r�y�th�r r�r�t���� and �r� �I�����n #�
<br /> ma k� �x��n�itur���r �� ��k� ��#��n t� p�rf�rrr� an a�lig�ti�n o�T�r��tQr un�l�r�1��� �����f'Tr���, aft�r Tr����r'�
<br /> f�iru�r��� �erf�r�'n r shai!n���ff��#Lend�r*��i�ht t�d��l�r�a��fau Il�n�ex$r��s�i t�rerned���.
<br /> R����st f�r N�ti��. Y�ust�r, �n����It of Tfust���r�d�end��-, ��r�E��r�qu��#�th a�t a�������r��N�ti�e vf a���ult
<br /> �nd���py�f�ny N�ti�����a��ur����th�� a���1���ru�t b�rrr�il�d t�th�rrr a#t�� a�t�r�������t f�rth in the firs�
<br /> �aragr�ph�f tF�i��e�d��Trust.
<br /> ��t�r���s! ����� Ex�r�r�s��. Ef �en��r Rns�i�ut�� �r��r su�t ar ��ti�n t� �nf�r�e ar�y ����� t�rrr�s �� this ��1 �f
<br /> Trtrstr L�nd��-�h�l� ��ntitled t� r�o��rer su���um as�h���urt ma��d�r����r�asana�l�as�tt�rn���'fee�at tri��
<br /> a�� up�� �r��r �pp��l. V�'fi�ther ar n�t ar�y��ur� a�tian is i��QCv��} �n�1 t� th� �x#�r�t r�o� �ar�F�i�it�� by latnr' al�
<br /> re���na��� �xpen�e� ��nder inc�rs that i� L�r����s ��ir���� a� ne���ry at �n� tim� f�r th� ���#��taar� �f �t�
<br /> ir�terest�r th��nf�r��r���t of�ts rig�t�sYra�l f��rr�a�par��f the Ind��t�ln�s���y����on der�r���nd sh�l� E���r
<br /> inter��t at the N�t�rate fr�rr�th��a���f t���x��r��itr�r��nt�l r���i�. Exp��s�����re�1 h�tF�is par�gr�apF�i r��lude,
<br /> v�ui�h��t li mit��a�r�* ���rve�r�r�uaj��t t����r�i mit� und�r��pli�ahl�I�vtir, Lend��'�att��-n��s'f��s an�l L�n���s leg�l
<br /> �xpens�s, u�rF��ther�r r��t the�e is �lawsu�i�, in�lr�d�ng �#t�rr����' f��� ��� exp�ens�s f�r �ankrupt��r pr��eedir���
<br /> {ir��Cudin��ff�r��t�r��di��r v��af�an��u��rr��fi��ta�r�r 1r��un�Ei�n}� a����lst an�f�r�y�ntici�at�d���t judgm�r�t
<br /> r�lle�ti�n s�rvi�es� �[����sk 4f s��r�hin�re�ar�i�, �btainin�titl� rep�r#� �ir��lu�lin�f�r��r�s�rr�r���r#��, sunr�y�r�`
<br /> r�par#s� �n�i �ppr�i�al f���F trti� in�urar��et ar�� f��s fa� th� �`r�st��r f� �he �x#�r�t ��rmitt��! k�� ���1ir.+a�al� i�w,
<br /> �'r�st�r aC�wi E]p��r�����urt c��t�� in at�t�i�iar�#�af1�th�r��r�r�pr�vid��l by la�+.
<br /> R��hts�f Xru�t��. Tr�����sha�!�r��r�a#i�f tf�e ri�h#�and�f�ti�s�f��nd�r�s set i�r�f�ir�#hi���c�i��.
<br /> l��1N�R5 Ahi� ��L1�ATI�N� �F TF��I�`�E�. �'h�f�l��w�ng �r��ri���r�s ����tir�� �� th� ��vtir�r� �r�d��li�a#i�r���f'['ru s���
<br /> �r��ar��f#I�i� ae�d a f 7��st:
<br /> ��wer�af�r�st��. i n �d difian t� �II pow�r� �f Xr�st�� �ri�in�a����tt�r o f law,7rust���h�II h�v�th� ��v��t t�
<br /> t�ke th���Il�r��n� a�ti�n5 v��th r�����t�� tf�� p����rt�+u��r� #h�wrM�t�r� r��u�s!�f l.�r�der�n�7�u�#or; ���l�in ir�
<br /> pr���rir�� �r�d filin� � m�� �r �I�� of th� F���I F�rop�rt�, in�����n� t�� d��ii��ti�r� �f �tr�et� �r �ther rig�t� t� #h�
<br /> p��lic; ��} j��n ir� �r�ntin� �r�� �a��ment �� �r�atin� �r�y res�ricti�r� �n the ���! F'rop�rt�r; �r�� {c� j��r� �n an�
<br /> ��b�r�inat�on�r�t��r agr��r��n��ff�Gtin� th�� a�ed�f 7`r�st�r t�e ar���r����f L��der u�rd��th i� D������`r�st.
<br /> �ru�t��, Tr��t�� �hal� �-n��t�fl qualific��i�r�s r��u�ir��1 f�r Tru���� under���li�abt� law. rr� ��d'[tion �� #h� ri�h��
<br /> �r�� r�rn��i�s ��t f�rt� �l���e, vu ith r�s���t to �rl �r any p��t Q�the P����rt�, tf�� '��u�t�� �I�aIE h��r� #h� ri�ht ��
<br /> ��r�cl�s� �� n�t��� and s�l�, �nd �.end�r�i��l� hav� th,� right t� f�r��las� �y���ici�! f����I�sUr�, i r� �iti�er��s�ir�
<br /> a���r�ar����v ith and t�th�f�II�xt�nt�r�v�t��d����p����bl�I�v�r.
<br /> �t���vss ar`�rustn�, L$r���r.a t Land�r'���ti�n� may fr�m lime�� ��rr��a�p��r����uc�����r Tru�[��la an�r Tf��i��
<br /> ����int�� und���his aee�f�f`1'rus� b�r an �r��tr�arr,�nt ��c��Ut��! an� ���cr,�vwrR�dg��i h� �e���r��� r�car��d ir� t��
<br /> �f��� �f �I�� r���rd�� �f Hal� �aU r�ty� �tat� �i �V��r��ka. Tf�� �n�tr�r��r�t �h�alE c�r�tain, in ���iit��n t� �II ��h�r
<br /> rn�tt�r� �equir�� ��r sta�� raw+ the r��rry�s �f tF�� �riginal ��r�d�r, T���t��, and Tru���r} #h� ba�k and p��� �ar
<br /> ��rr�put�t ��+st�r� r�f�r�n�e� w�r��� ��is ���� vf �'rust i� r��ard��, ��d th� ��rr�� antf a�l�lr�5s �f k�,� ��r����s�r
<br /> tru�t���a�d�C��i�r�tr�rri�nk�h�lC b��xe�u t�����I���t��wled���b���i th�i���e�iGi�fles�Irlder this ������Ti ru�k��
<br /> tFr�ir��r���ss�r$ in i r�t�r��t. T����cc�ss�r trus���r wi th�ut ��r,�e�ran���f tF�� �r���rty� sha�l �uc���� �� all tt��
<br /> �i�l�, p��v�r, and du������nf��red uRan th�T���tee in fhi����d�f T��a�t and�y�p��i�a�l�1�v�r. Tl�is �����dure f�r
<br /> �ub�ti#r�ti�n�f Tru�t��sf�all����m ta th���€�fusi�r��f all �t��r�r�vi�ion�i�r����titu�t�a�.
<br /> N�T����. A�� n�tic� r�q�,i��� to t���i�r�n und�r thi� a�e�af Tr�r�tF i��f u�in� v�ith��t lirr�i��ti�r� �r��r n�ti�� ���ef��lt
<br /> �r�d an�r���i�� af���e�]��]I �$�i�r�r� irt u�rritfn�, �n��haC� ���ft�ctiv��h�n ��tu�ll�r�eli�r�r��, whe� a�t�a�E�re��i���
<br /> �y��le�a��ir�iR��Unle�s�tl�erwi��Fr��r��r�d b�I�wv}}when d����it��u�ri#F� �n�tiar��ll�r rec��r�i�����erni�ht���rrier��r'if
<br /> rr��i��€��w����ep�s����in t�� ���t���tat��mail� ���r���las�, ��r�it��d❑r r��l�t�r�ti��il p�s��g�pr��aid� �f�r�ct�d t�
<br /> th� addr�ss����n�wn n��r the ����r�r�i�g af tl�i� �e��l�f Trust. All ��pie� �f r�oti��s af f�r��r�s�ar�fram the i��ld���f
<br /> �n�►lie�1 v�h��h ��s p�a���t�r�v��'tl�rs f����!�f Tru�t�1���1 �e s��t ta L�nd��"s��dr�ss, �� �h�wr� n���tF�� begir�rtin� �f
<br /> ���� �eed ��'�rus#. �n�r p�rty m��+ char�ge it� ���t-ess f��n�ti��s �n�i�r th i� ���d �f Tru�t by gi�rR�� ��rrn�l �►��tt�r�
<br /> r��ti�� t� tl�� �the� p�rtiesF �p$�ifj�ing tl��t tF�e ��arp��� �f ��� ��ti�� i� t� �han�� #h� part�}'s ���res�, F�r n�tic�
<br /> {�L1r�S$S. 7rta�#�r a�re$��� k��p L+�nd�r�n��srrrzod�t�,rr#��-,��,���'ruxs�or'rs�+a�r��►t;arir�r���. �Jnl�r���LF��xJ'WJ�� ��Q�k#��
<br /> ��r��lll��� i����11�, ��t��r�i�m�r�tFran�r��Tr��t�r, �r��n��i���i�+�n b�+L�r�d�r to �ny 7'rustor i�������t� be n�ti��
<br /> gi�r�n t�all Tru���rs.
<br /> �I�EGT���1�� C�p�LS, L�n��r rr���+ c���r, �����r�ni��lfy �r a�F��rv�is�, �r�d thereaft�� �f��tr�y, th� �ri�i�als �f �hi�
<br /> A�r��rrr�r�t ar��l�r I��lat��! a��urri�r�ts in ti�� r��r�lar ��ur�� �f L�n��r'� �usin���. Afl �u�h ���ies �r���rc�� from �r,
<br /> �l��fr�r�i�f�rt� �r b�+ �n�r�th�r r�li�br� m���� �i.�.� ���t��t���i�ir��g�o�f��simile����I� Ir� �1� ��sp��ls b����si�ler�d
<br /> ��ui��l�nt t��n ar��inal� �r��B�rr�w�r h�r���+w�i�r���ny rl�ht��r v����ti�n�t� the us����u�h��pi��.
<br /> MI���LLAI���1�5 PR�1l«I�N�. TJ��f�I���rvan� mi���lf�r���us�r��i�io n s�r���art�f th�� b��d o f Tru�t;
<br /> Arn�n�irn�n#�. TFri�D��d❑�rrust,t����h��with any F��1���d a��U rr�en�sr��n�tit�#�s th��rrti��und�rs��n�ing�n�
<br /> �gr�ern�nt�f th� �art1�� as �� tl�� matters ��t��rth In �hi� �e�� �f Trust. 1V��It�rati�� �f�r�m�n€fm�n�t❑ tl�i�
<br /> �e�� �f Trust s��li b� �ff��tiv� un1���g��re� �r�wri ti ng ar�d�f�n�� �y th�par��+�����ti������ht ta b��F��r�ed�r
<br /> �Qund�y th�alte�a�r�r��r arnen�lm�nt.
<br /> Ar�r�u�l R���rts, ]f �h� �r�per� Is u�ci f�r ��r�se� �th�r #f�an Tr�st�r's r�si��n�, T�u�ta� shall furri��h t�
<br /> L�r,���� up�� r���a�s�, ����i#i�� st�t�m�r�t �f n�t ���ratin� i r��rr� r�i���i fr�m tf�� F�r�pert�d�,rir�� Tru�t�rs
<br /> �r���ous f���1 y�ar ir� ��r�h f�rrn��� d��aal �s I��r����sC��ll r�qurr�. "N�� 4��r�tin� i��m�" shal� rr�ar� �Il r,ash
<br /> r��i�ts fr�rr,#h��r���r#������I!�s��x��n�fiture�mad�ir�aonn��ti�r�wi#��h��p��#i�n�f th��rQ��r�y.
<br />