—. � . _. _._ �:-;.. .
<br /> _ ti _ .,_ �..,. �. t . x.,.s w�.
<br /> '�.-w�,r.a_' �tE�S��lsirr.��ima�e'a�2ir ��c�i�tiu�n'�I��'��fC?'�5�3:�G��: r�:i �n � "';t t.' � `° - .rr�-�. ..[1�a..c..._,.�x�,.s:—�;•b r71yE.�SSC$t- — - _-
<br /> --- ----`�`��,.t'i'x�i�. __ �:���.-;����E�''` '-�'�k`�� _
<br /> _ 1 �
<br /> t �
<br /> � • � .
<br /> � 7. C�edemnatiaa. In Ne ev�nt the PropeTty.or any pasdthenwf,chtll br taten by eminent domain,the Mort�a�ce� �
<br /> _ is ea�poRreed to cdJec4 and recetre aU comqena�ti•�r.��ieh msy 6e�id tor wy progtrty talces or for data��es to Di°PenY
<br /> not Lten,�nd 1[ort�ee sA��p�pLy sndc co'atpertsation,�t tts oplton,titf�er to a reduction of tt�e i�edebtedntss aecur�d
<br /> 6eieby or to ztpatc aad mtore the p�ogerty ao d�ma�ed.
<br /> � g, hr(orrnance by Kott�qee.Mortpfee trf�y.but ahall hsve no obii�eUon,to do any tet�vhich Wt Mostpgor
<br /> � h�t aQced but fitils to do,aad Mo�e msy dsa�any ict[t 8eems necestuy to pmtect the liea Aertof.Mott��or
<br /> �s to reP�Y.�P�+�eauad�auy sums w es�ended Ey t6e l�ortp�ee for the above purposes��nd tny sums w expemded
<br /> bq ths litost�er sh�t br added Eo the iadr�tsIIkdriess s2euted he�bp aad btccme cs:b�ect to ths ieea�r�ecf.314c+si�e�ee
<br /> d�all aot Fncuz any pets�l�itbflity bec�use ci�ny'�h3a�it mry do ar amit ta do hcieunde:.
<br /> � 8.Defwlt;A�i�meet of Reats` TS�re is of the esttncr he:eoi,and upon Mortp=or'a det�ult in any coveaant
<br /> aapeement otthis�ioetpEe,iududin�contsan4 Lb pt}whea due dh�suma secured by thic Mortp�e,the74�ort{s�ee shaft
<br /> 6e entitkd.at its sok o�tloo iad withos�s ao33ce.to dedm all tums sec�e+rd Ly this Mortp�e to be immedeattly due md
<br /> �` paysble aad mfy cammeaee faredetiurs ai ttu�I�foriP�e bY f�diciat p�c�a�s;m�f;Prorided ta�tba,tbat upoa suci� .
<br /> defiuIt tLe Mo�e.oe a tsa[�tr fppointed hy a conrt,auy at its option and wi;Dou!tepr�to the ad�quacy of the
<br /> tecu�ity.enter upna and ttke po�ses�fon ottbe Piogetty aad collcct the ren�.s�.iscues fnd pra�ts themfrom and�PPjY tAem �
<br /> l�rst tv!!sr caci eE ed�etiea an�aperatioa ni t?�! ploperty and then ur�oa the indebtednas�ecuttd by this Mort�aQee;
<br /> �id tents,I�ues and r+tofitt bein� atslpud ta tlse I[ortp�+ee ac futthez�rity [oi the payment of the inde�tedaess
<br />- �ecured hereby. � �
<br /> 10.'I�nster ot Puopesty. I!�lE or fuy put oi the Tra�erty Is sotd or ttansferr��ithont tbo express eri.ten.can•
<br /> ient of the�Iostpgee.Mflrtp�ee may at its so�e�option,dectue all snms.secsupd by tt�[s Morlp�e ta�immediateiy due
<br /> .na payabie. .� . . .
<br /> � il. Futune Athance�. U�on teqnest oi Martp�aT. MortQagee may mrke rdditionil and [uttre �dv�nces to �
<br /> �'Iart�i�or.Sucb advances.artth ia3er�t thereaa,s1u11 be�erund by this Mort�e when evidenced by promisFary notes
<br /> - �tatinr th�t aaid notea are secuted ineceby. At no time �hall the prfacipal �mount a!the �ndebtedness secuied by this
<br /> Mort�ge,aot inc�nd'ea;sums advanced to p�L2et.fJre atcuritq oi t6is Mort��e,exceed the ori�nal Note.
<br /> 12.MisaII�aeous Provisioas.
<br /> J (s? �ty forebeuuee Ia exetctsing any rig�t oz c�medy shaDl not be a watver thereat.
<br /> (by A!L�medier provided l�erein tir��Istinct�nd cumulttive�tr�any other ri�►t Rffor�d by law or eqnity, �
<br /> , and may be exereizcd aenetu�cenitp,lndependently or swc�icely. • �
<br /> (c) The covenanta �nd tgreements coatained hetein s� '� �ind, and the rights innre to, the respecti��. � •
<br /> cucc�a��nd aa�3�s of the MortgaQor and the Mori@�� � ' '
<br /> ,
<br /> (d) AII2 cavrnants�nd aQeemmts of the Mortp,�qor arn joi���;d serenl. '
<br /> (e� 'I1�e headin�s of the panenphs oi this Mortgage ue?�7 convenience only and shall not be used to nnter-
<br /> pret os dcfine the provisions hereoL =
<br /> X_. �:ia.:.e. ::t:.» ,�;::..:��si�::�unr.�c��ru u� .���i�.ic«L���r.,aio.tgagee shvl aischaL�. this Mortgage and �,;::.,,,��
<br /> sha11 exeeuf,��nd d�livrr a satisGct��y miease th�c�£oi. /'` �'':`�-�
<br /> Ir3 WITNESS WHEP,£�DF,Mori�ago:h�s executed this Mortg�ge on the s'��x�of � ,19� .�'� (
<br /> ��J ,1 1���.��...__- _>:.
<br /> X ,/�� .
<br /> sussower 1"•.;.;:.
<br /> ,�•..
<br /> " ,�r ���_.,, � ��_ `�J.�� �.;` .
<br /> .�
<br /> - - �351'ONef .�;f..
<br /> &tatr oi Nebnfk�, �g GL Cour.�y ss:
<br /> ! On thl�__G�ds*� oi �a 19 ^,before r,�:e„the underaigned,� Nolary Public
<br /> duly comm[s�sloned ut�L qi:ati fi��rar wid counry,pe�son�ly came R .�, N�
<br /> �--��Z , to me itnown to be the
<br /> .� [denticd peeson(a) wh�se name(s� �re :ubscribed to the foreeofn4lnstrument and acknow2edgrd the executlon thereot
<br /> � to t�e lc'.�t�t�.�'�.._ volunury act and deed.
<br /> Witness my�trnd and notarlil ae�l st in said countg,tihp
<br /> a.c�.ro�a. J �
<br /> � My Commissionexpirrs: ������ s l
<br /> . . � .
<br /> w��"a",,�a'�. � � NotarY Fublic : _ _---
<br /> � ��
<br /> (Sp�ee l�fow 7'61s 61ae Resenred Po nCer�na RecorCesl — -- --�
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