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2� 17��3�3 <br /> ��} "Lender"is Qu1 cl�en L��ns I n�. <br /> . <br /> Lender is a �o rpo rat�an <br /> �r�anize�and existing under th�la�s o f th e S ta t� o f M����g a r� . <br /> Lender's address is l�5� 1�o�dwd rd Ave, Detroi t, M I 4$�2�-19�� <br /> . <br /> ��} ���'rust�e� �� Fi rst Am�r�can Ti tl e <br /> . <br /> �E� "�E�S" is Mqrtgage Electran�c Registra�t�an S�stems, I�c. 11�IEI�S is a separate corp4ration�hat is acting <br /> solely as a nominee for Lender and I.ender's succ�ssors a�ad assigns. MERS is#he benefi�iary under this <br /> Security Instrument. MERS is organ�zed an�existing under the laws af T]elaware, and has an ad�ress and <br /> telepho�e numb�r af�.�. Box 2�26,Flint,M�455�1-242�,tel. �888��79-M�RS. <br /> �F� "IVvte" means the pr�missary note signed by Borrawer and dated J a n u a r�r l�, ��17 . The I�ote <br /> states�hat Barrawer owe�Lender Ti�O H U n d 1��d F�f ty F 1 V e T h q U S��1 d �7�C <br /> Hur�dr�d S�xt,� 5�ven and 4a11D� <br /> Do llars(U,S, $ 2��,���.�� }plus�nterest. B�rrower has�pr�mised to ay this debt in r�gular <br /> Periodic Payments and to pay#he debt in full not later than Feb ru a ry 1, �47 , <br /> �G} "Property"means the p�'operty that�s described below und�r the heading"Transfer of Rights in the <br /> Praperty." . <br /> �H� "Loan"rneans the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late�haxges due <br /> un�er the Nate,�nd all sums due under th�s 5ecur�ty Instrument,plus i�terest. <br /> �I� "Riders"means a�l Riders to this 5ecurity Instrument that are executed by Borrawer. The fo�lowing Riders <br /> are ta be execute�by Boxra�ver[check box as applicable]: <br /> C�Ad,�ustable Rate Ride�r C���ndom�niu�m Rid�er ❑ Second�Ho�ne Rider <br /> Q Balloaa Rider Q Planned�Jnit Develapment Rider ❑ 1-4 F�.mi1y R�der <br /> ��A Rider �Biweel�Iy Payment i�ider ��ther�s}[sp�cify] <br /> Lega� Attached <br /> �J� "Ap p�i�a b le L�w" means a11 contro l�ing appli�a�le federal, s�ate and lvcal statutes, regul�.tions, <br /> ordinances and adm�nistrative ru�es and orders(that have the effect af law}as well as all app�icable f�nal, <br /> non-appea�able judieial�pinions. <br /> �K} "CommunityAssoeia�ionDues, Fees,and Assessments"means a��dues, fees, assessments and other <br /> cl�arges that are ir�posed on Borrower or the Froperty by a candominium assa�ciation,�omeown�rs <br /> association or similar arganiza�i�n. <br /> �L} "�iectra n i c F u n d�Tran sfe r"means any transfer of funds, �ther than a transa.ction originated by check, <br /> draft,Qr similar paper instrument,�hich is initiated throug,�an ele�tronic terminal,�elephani�instru.ment, <br /> computer,or magnetic so as to order, instruct,or authorxze a#"inancial institution to debit or credit an <br /> accoun�. Such term includes,but is not Iimited t�,point-of-sale transfers,autQmated t�ller mac�ine <br /> transactions,transfers initiated by telephane,�rire transfers,and aut�mated clearinghouse transfers. <br /> �M� "Es�row ftems"means those items that are de�cribed in S�ction 3. <br /> IVEBRASKA-5i�ngle Family-Fannie R�AaelFreddie Mac LINIFQRM IMSTRUN9ENT WRTH�II�RS Fvrm 3�Z81tD1 <br /> VMP� VMPBA(ME}�130�].44 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Fir�anciaf 5ervices Page Z 4f 17 <br /> q� 36 7481 ��33 39 �17 <br />
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