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<br /> , o , , L�AN#:1��16�931
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<br /> 2. Appli�ation vf Payments or Proceeds.Except as otherwise described in this Sec�ion 2T all
<br /> payments accep#ed and applied by Lender shall be appIied in the fo[lowing order af prinrity:{a}interest
<br /> due under the fVote;�b}princ�pal due under the Note;�c}amounts due under Section 3.Such payments
<br /> shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in th�ardec in which it became due.Any remaining amvunts
<br /> shal�he appiied first to late charges,second to any other amoun#s due under this Security lnstrument,
<br /> and then to reduce the princapal balanc�of the Note.
<br /> I�Lender recei�es a paym�nt from Borrower far a dei�nquent Peri�dic Payment which incIudes a
<br /> suific�ent amoun#to pay any late�harge due,the payment may be appIied tv the deI�nquent payment and
<br /> the late charge.If more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding,Lender may apply any payment recei�ed
<br /> from Borrower#o the repayment vf the Periadic Payments if,and#o the extent that,each payment can be
<br /> paid�n fu11.To the extent that any excess exists after the paymen#is app�ied to the fu��payment o�one or
<br /> more Periodic Payments,such excess may he applied to any Iate charges due.Voluntary prepayments
<br /> shalI he app[ied first to any prepayment charges and then as described in the fVvte.
<br /> Any application vf payments,insurance praceeds,or Miscei�aneous Praceeds to principa�due under
<br /> the Note shall not extend vr pvstpvne the due date,or change the amount,of the Periadic Paymen#s.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrovu�tems.BvITowe�shall pay to Lender on the day Per�odic Payments are due
<br /> unde�the Nvte,un�i1 the Note is paid in fuii,a sum�the"Funds"}to pro�ide for payment of amounts due
<br /> far:(a}taxes and assessments and other items which can atta�n priority o�er this Security Ins#rument as
<br /> a lien or encumbrance on the Praperty;�h}leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property,if any;
<br /> �c}premiums for any and a11 insurance required by Lender under Section 5;and td}Mvr#gage lnsurance
<br /> premiums,if any,vrany sums payable by Borrowerto Lender in lieu ofthe payment of Mortgage Insurance
<br /> premiums in accardance with#he provis�ans a�Section 10.These items are called"Esc�ow ltems."At
<br /> origination or a#any time during the#erm of the Loan,Lender may require that Community Associativn
<br /> Dues,Fees,and�►ssessments,i�any,be esc�rawed hy Borrower,and such dues,fees and assessments
<br /> shafi be an Escrow Item.Borrower shall promptly furnish tv Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> this Sectian.Bor�ower shall pay Lender the Funds fvr Escrow Items unless Lender wai�es Borravuer's
<br /> obIigation to pay the Funds far any ar ali Escrvw ltems.Lender may waive Bvrrower's obligation#v pay
<br /> tv Lender Funds for any ar all Escrow ltems at any time.Any such wai�er may only be in writing.�n the
<br /> e�ent of such waiver,Borrower shal�pay direc�Iy,when and where payable,the amvunts due for any
<br /> Escrow�tems for which payment of Funds has been wa�ved by Lender and,if Lender requires,sha1l
<br /> fumish to Lender receipts e�idencing such payment with�n such time perivd as Lender may require.
<br /> Borrower's abligation to make such payments and to pr�ov�de receip�s shal!for aII purposes be deemed
<br /> to he a covenant and agreement contained in this Security Instrument,as the phrase"covenan#and
<br /> agreement"is used in Section 9. If BaITower is ob�igated to pay Escrow Items directiy,pursuant ta a
<br /> wai�er, and Borrower fails to pay the amount due for an Escrow�tem, Lender may exerc�se Ets rights
<br /> under 5ect�on 9 and pay such amount and Bvrrawer shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repay
<br /> to Lender any such amount.Lender may re�vke the r+oraEver as#o any or a[I Esc�ow Etems at any t�me by
<br /> a notice given in accvrdance with Sectivn'�5 and,upon such revo�ation,Borrower shaIi pay to Lender
<br /> all Funds,and in such amounts,fhat are#hen required under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may,at any#ime,colIect and hold Funds in an amount�a}suffic�ent#o permi#Lender to appiy
<br /> the Funds at the time specified under RESPA,and�h}no�tv exceed the maximum amvunt a�ender can
<br /> require under RESPA.Lender sha!!estima#e the arnount vf Funds due on the basis af current data and
<br /> reasonable estima#es vf expenditures offuture Escrow Items or otherwise in accardance with AppIicable
<br /> Law.
<br /> The Funds sha1I be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a�ederal agency,instrumentality,
<br /> or enti#y�including Lend�r,if Lender is an institution whvse deposits are so insured}or in any Federal
<br /> Hvme Lvan Bank.Lender shaIl appIy the Funds ta pay the�scrow Items n❑la#er than the time specified
<br /> under RESPA.Lender shaII not charge Borrower far halding and app�ying the Funds,annually analy�ing
<br /> the escrow account,or verifying the Esc�ow I#ems,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds
<br /> and Applicable Law permits Lender#o make such a charge.Unl�ss an agreement is made in wr�ting or
<br /> AppIicable Law requires interes#to be paid on the Funds,Lender shall not be required to pay Bvrrawer
<br /> any tnterest or eamings on the Funds.Bo�rower and Lender can agree in wri#ing,hvwever,�hat interest
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower,wi#haut charge,an annual accaun�ng of the
<br /> Funds as required by RESPA.
<br /> If there is a surp[us of Funds held in esc�row,as defined under RESPA, Lender sha�l account to
<br /> Borrourer for the excess�unds in accvrdance with RESPA.If there is a shortage of Funds held in escrow,
<br /> as defined under RESPA,Lender shal�notify Barrower as required by RESPA,and Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender the amvunt ne�essary to make up the shortage in accordance writh RESPA,but in nv mvre than
<br /> 'I2 mvnthly payments.[f theTe is a deficiency of Funds he[d in escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender
<br /> shall natify Borrawer as required by RESPA,and Borrovr�er shall pay to Lender the amount necessary
<br /> to make up the deficiency in accordance with RESPA,but in na more than'i 2 mvnthly payments.
<br /> Upon payment in ful�of aI�sums secured by this Se�urity Instrumen�,Lender shall prvmptly refund
<br /> to Borrower any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens.Borrvwer shall pay ali taxes,assessments,charges,fines,and impvsiti ns
<br /> attributable to the Property which can attain priar�ty o�er this Security Instrument,�easeho s
<br /> Init�als:
<br /> NEBRASKA-�Single Famfly--Fannie MaelFr�eddie Mac UN�FORM INSTRUN[ENT Form 3�28 91�'�
<br /> E11ie Mae,Inc. Page 4 of 11 NEEDEED q315
<br /> 'i 2I2712�16 06:�3 AM PST
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