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<br /> TAIS INDENTURE,msdethis 7TH day oi February � 19.90 .
<br /> � between t�te Secretary oi �/aterans Affaiis, an Officer of the United 3tates of Ame�ica,whose�ddress is
<br /> � Veteiaru Affairs, {�'aahington,D.C.,2042Q,heseinafter refeired to as Grantor and Billy L. Bamesberger
<br /> a�d Rae J. Bamesberger, �3"iueband and Wife, as �oint tenants and
<br /> no� as tenants in co�an � ,whose address is '
<br /> 112 E. lOth St., Graad Island, NE 6880E hereinafter nfemed to as Crantee(s).
<br /> � WZ'rx8�rs, th�t the said Grantor for and in considerarion of che sum of
<br /> � Th3rteen Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Seven and �cIJ/100 D�llars -------($13,777.04�
<br /> receipt whereof is a�clmowtedgea,hereby grants, conveys and +�••�^��nt;v L?u:.,e said Grantee(s2, the following � .
<br /> , dc�crIbed premises, aitusted in Ha11•� � , �, . . , County. Nehraeka: -
<br /> .. . , .
<br /> �� �' y:�Part of Lot 8, in b}.ock 28S �n Russsl Wheel�'�:� �dd3�iisn to the City of Grand Z��d,
<br /> ' _;. �.�'Hall County, Nebra�t�,� War� ,4_.-ticul.���C� de�s�y�ei� as follows; Cummenci�g at.��.�. � , �
<br /> �' � � Southwest comer of ��.�.: ���_�s 28, �u�;��# Whee�er�s a�c�L�tion; thence ir: � Nori��.asterly � .' � -
<br /> directfon along the ��=�ft'.C�%���._:righ�;;ri�:�aay lin� of IG��"street for 166.��_���.�.����'�he � � � '
<br /> . � true point of beginnf.n�� � ,���.�_nce cpztt�inuing aiong tbe said No=therly rf�-� ��" .�a • ' �
<br /> .� line pf lOth Street for�Si s��; thence in a .lorthwesterly dir�etion f�s._132.0� feet
<br /> ' � to a' point an the Souther3.� ��_�,ne of'a .�6 feet wide alley; thence in a �ruthwesCerly
<br /> ' �- dirociion along the Sauthe�iy iine ¢� aaid all:ey fot .�t fe�t; thence �. a Southeasterly � �
<br /> � .,- direcEion for 132.08 feet �o the tru� �;flint ��,beginnix:5. °' � �
<br /> � .� . . .
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<br /> It being the intention v�' uil parties hcreto,�that�in the�vcnt of the death of ��'�
<br /> either of said �rantees, tho entire �c� simple title to the rea� estatc describeJ horein �
<br /> - shall vest in the sur�iving grantec.
<br /> TO HAVL !ll�iD TO NOLD the premisos abovc dcscribed, tvgothar Y+itls u�.l the Tcnc�cnts,
<br /> Flvreditum�nts and Agpurtenances thereunto bolanginl; u»to tho said granrcees :�s joint tenants,
<br /> und not as tonants i�t eommon, and to their as::igns, or xo the heirs or :�ucccssors and
<br /> assigns of the survivur of thom, forever.
<br /> �
<br /> Grantor cvvenants with �,+.��a�ntees and with their assigns, and with thc hcirs or
<br /> successors arv1 assigns of the survivor of them, that at the time of thc execution �nd
<br /> dclivery a£ these presents grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that grantar
<br /> has gaod right and lawful authority to convcy the same; and that they are frcc from
<br /> �"' encwabrance, subject to restrictions, easemcnts and covenants of record,
<br /> {-_ ---- -
<br /> i i
<br /> Apyurtenaaces thereunto belon�in� unto the $aid Crantee(s) and Gruntees' heirs • and �s.sigr,s, .
<br /> �
<br /> forever. ' �
<br /> Crantor cavenants with ' Gruntees'heirs or successors and s�signs that at tite time of thc: ��
<br /> ' � execution sr o theae presenta Cr�ntor is lawfully seized of said premises; that Crantur l,as good
<br /> � ' �
<br /> r.
<br />_�. . ��
<br /> �
<br /> � and cuvettanV ta warran6 uiid dE•trn�i tlrc�sair,i�,rernisr9 a�ainst alt luwful cZ;�ims t,j, throu�h, or unci��r t�z;�r�t+�r.
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