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<br /> exp�nses necessary ta protect or enforc� its interest �n the Note and the Security �nsfrumenf, and that
<br /> such fnferest, costs and expenses in the total amount af $ 7,`T�7.8`l, have been added to the
<br /> indeb#edness under the terms of �he Note and Security Instrument and the I�an re-am�r�Ezed over 36�
<br /> months. INhen payments resume on a114�124�7, the New Unpafd PrincipaE Balance will be$ 172,GD2.�8
<br /> t"New Unpaid Pr�ncipaf Balance"}.
<br /> 2. The Borrower promises ta pay the New Unpaid PrincipaE Balance, plus Interest, to fhe arder vf Lender.
<br /> lnterest will be charged on the Unpaid Principa� Balance at the yearly rate of 3.625 °Io effective �21a�116
<br /> �the"Interest�hange Date"}. The Borrower p��mises��mak� monthly payments af prin�ipai and interest
<br /> af U.S. $ 787.�5 �which does not include any amounts �equired for Insurance andlor Taxes} beginn�ng on
<br /> �110111? and continuing thereafter �n th� same da#e af each succ�eding month until principal and
<br /> interest are paid in fuE�.
<br /> �f on ��I41146 �the "Maturity aate"}, the Borrowe� sti�E �wes amaunts under the Note and Se�urity
<br /> jnstrument, as amended by th�s iUlodification Agreement, the Borrower w�ll pay fhose amounts in fu�l on
<br /> the fl�laturity Date. All other terms stated �n the Note remain the same.
<br /> 3. If ali or any part vf the Property or any �nter�st in it is sold or transferred �vr if a beneficial interest in
<br /> the Bvrrnwer is sald or transferred and the Borrawer is no# a natural person} wifhout the Lende�'s prior
<br /> written consent, the Lende�may, at its option, require immediate payment in ful� af aEi sums secured by
<br /> the S�curity �nstrument.
<br /> Ifi the Lender exercis�s this option, the Lende� shall gi�e th� Borrower a Notice of Acceleration. The
<br /> Nvtice shail provide a periad of nat less fhan 3� days from the date the Notice is defivered or maiied
<br /> w�thin which the Borro►rv�r must pay all sums secured by the Security Instrum�nt. �f the Borrower fails tn
<br /> pay these sums �rior to the exp�ration period, the Lender may �n�oke any remedies p�rmitted by the
<br /> Security fnstrument withou��urther not�ce or demand on#he Barrower.
<br /> �a}That, as of the Modification Effective da�e �the"Effective Date"�, i understand thaf�he Lender will
<br /> only all�w the transfer and assumption of the Loan, including this Mod�ficati�n Agreemen# to a
<br /> transf�r�e of my pr�perty as permitted unde�the Garn St. Germain Act, 12 U.S.C. Section �70�j-3.
<br /> A buyer o�transfe�ee of the Property will not be permitted, under any other circumstance, to assume
<br /> the E�an. Except as noted herein, fh�s iVlodificatian Agreement may nat �e assigned to, or assumed
<br /> by, a buyer ar transferee of the Property.
<br /> 4. The Borrower a�sv will camply with al1 the other �ovenan�s, agreements, and requirements of the
<br /> Security Instrument, including without limitation, �he Borrower's cv�enants and agreemen#s to make all
<br /> the payments of taxes, insurance premiums, assessments, escrav►r items, impounds, and all other
<br /> payments thaf the Borrawer Es vbl�gated to make the under Security Instrument; however, the following
<br /> �erms and pro�isions are forever canceled, null, and vaid, as of the date specified �n paragraph No. �
<br /> abo�e:
<br /> ta} all terms and prav�si�ns of the Note and Security instrument �if any} providing for, �mplement�ng,
<br /> or relating ta, any change or adjustment in the r-ate of snterest payable under the Note; and,
<br /> �Ia} all �e�ms and prav�sions of any adjustable �ate rideT or other instrum�nt or document that �s
<br /> affixed to, or par� of, the Note and 5ecurity �nstrument and that contains any such terms an�
<br /> pravisions as#h�se referred to in �a} above.
<br /> 5. Nothing in �his iVlodifcat�on Ag�eement shall be unders�oad or cvnstrued tv be a sa�isfaction or release
<br /> in whole or in part of the Nate and 5ecurity Instrument. Except as vtherwise specifically pro�ided in this
<br /> IVlodification Agreement, the Note and Secur�ty Instrument w�ll �emain unchanged, and fhe Borrower and
<br /> Lender will b� baund by and comply with, aE� of th� terms and pro�isions thereof, as amended by th�s
<br /> Mod�fication Agreement.
<br /> 6. �t is mu#ually agreed that the 5ecurity Instrument shall canstitute a frst lien upon the premise and that
<br />