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<br /> � (b) Cem�ttttt�� an action to foreclose th3s �est� of Trust as a ct�rt9aqe,
<br /> appoint a receivez,. or specifically enforce any of the cavenants hereo€;
<br /> (c) Delxver to��rustee � written declaration of default and �emand for
<br /> sale, and a written notice of t3�:�anit and election to.cause Trus�or's interest
<br /> in the Trust Estate ta.be sold; which notic� Trustee shall cause ta Y�e duly
<br /> filed for record in thQ appropriate Official Records of the Caunty i.n whf�ch
<br /> the Trust EsxaCe is lacate8.
<br /> � I1. Fe��tIiL40SURE BY POWER OF SALE. Shoula .Beneficiary el�ct to
<br /> foreclose by exerci.se of the Pawer of Sale herein contained, Benefi�ia�yrshall
<br /> notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this DseB of Trust and� Yhe�2iate
<br /> and such receipts and �Tri3er_�e of expenditures made and secured her�x as ,
<br /> Trustee may require. ..
<br /> (a) Upon receipt ai such notice from Henefi�iary, Trustee sha�3:1 cause
<br /> to be recorded, guL�IisltEd and �Eiivered to Tra�t�sr such Notice a�� �efault ana
<br /> Notice of Sale s� �ea required by law aad b;� �3.s Deed of Trust. Trustee
<br /> shall, without demaa� an Trustor, after such �irr� as may then be required b.�� � �
<br /> law and after recer�a.ti.�n of such Notic� of Be�anl.� and after Notice of Sa1�
<br /> having been g€�II. �s required by law, sell the''�riist Estate at the time and
<br /> place of sale fir,st,d b�. it in such Notice of Sale, either as a whol.e, or in ', „
<br /> separate lots or parc�I.� or items as Trustee shall de�m expedient, and in 3e�.��r
<br /> order as it may deter,a��, at public auction to the highast bidder for casho ��
<br /> in lawful money of thQ tTnited States, payable at the tztr,:a of sale. Trustee
<br /> shall deliver �o such purchaser or purchasers ther�of, �t-� good and sufficient
<br /> � deed or deeds, canveying the property so sold, but c�ith��� any coII�rcant or
<br /> warra.Zty, express or i�plied. The recitals in such desd af any matters �� : .
<br /> fac� �hall be conclusive proof of the txuthfulness thereof. Any person, _ ,
<br /> in�1.��d{ng, without limitation, Trustor, irustee, and Beneficiary, may gjir�l:s.�.:�
<br /> at such sale, an� Trustar here�� covenants to wai-�nt and defend the ti�L� �:r ' �
<br /> such purchaser �� purchasers. .
<br /> (b) As may be permitted by law, after deducting all costs, fees, ;
<br /> expenses of Trustee and of this Trast, including costs of evidence o� titl� in
<br /> connection with sale, Trustee shall appl`y the proceeds of sale to payment of . ' __;_
<br /> (i) all sums expended under tho terms hereof, not then repaid, with accrued
<br /> interest at 12 percent per annum, (ii) all other sums then secured hereby, and _
<br /> (i.ii) the remainder, if any, to fihe persan or persons legally entitled �
<br /> , thereto.
<br /> _ ', —
<br /> (c) Tru�ten may, in the �.�nner �r��:a�ci b� law, postpone sale of a1L ar ;'
<br /> any portion ds �?tia Trustee Es*_a'��.
<br /> `� REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSNE. iru�"��e and Bene�iciaf.y, and each of tiLv:m, �
<br /> � sh31� ��_��ntit e to enforce payment ar�� .erformar.ce of aa� indebtedness or �
<br /> obligations secured hereby and to exe��:�a.e all rights and powers =sn@er this ,:.
<br /> Deed of Trust or uncler any Loan Inst�.:�r_r.t or other agreement or a�.�,r laws now
<br /> or he�eafter in £orce, notwithE asi7�9ie�g ;_�s-�e or all of the Et1C1'1 iii��atedness
<br /> and �a�Yigations secured here�y �z:ay n��4 c�r hereafter be oth��wise secured, �•�;
<br /> wh�tl:�=r by mortgage, deec3 of txust, p2e3;e, lien, assignmcr.t or otherwise. �� ;
<br /> � Neither the accEptance of this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement whether bY ' ' �
<br /> _ , court action ar pursuant to �he power of sale or other powers herein
<br /> contair.ed, shGl.l prejudice or in any manner affect Trustee's or Beneficiary�'s
<br /> , xight (:� realize upon o.r enforce any otl�er security no�N or hereafter held lx}�
<br /> ' Tru�t��� or Benefa.ciar�s•, it being agreed that Trustee and �aer.eficiary, and e,w�:t�.
<br /> of th��, shall be entf.h.ied to enforce this Deed of Trust a�zd any other
<br /> _ securfty now or hereaftez held Y�y Beneficiary or Trustee, in such order and
<br /> �
<br /> manner as they or either of thcr� may in their absolute d{scretion dWtermine.
<br /> No re�edy herein conferred upe;s. �r reserved to Trustee or. Lenefici�ry is
<br /> int�n�.',nd to be exclusive of an�r ath�r r�:medy herein or b�+ l�w provided or
<br /> pp�.�ita.+�ted, lout each shall be c�r±�;.��rL�Tr� and shall be in addition to every
<br /> at:i-.r-_r remedy givon hereunder or.:l�.c;k��r�hereafter existing at law or in equiLy
<br /> � or by Statute. Every power ar '-�:�*�a�3y given by any of the Loan Instruments to
<br /> Trustee or Beneficiary or �o which either of them may be otherwise entitled,
<br /> �� may be exercisEd, concurrently or independently, from time to time, and as
<br /> . aften as may be deemec3 elcpedient by Trustee or Beneficiary; and either af them ��_--__
<br /> may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing herein shaLY be construed as '
<br /> + prahibiting Beneficiary from seekinq a deficiency judc�tent againEt the Trustar '
<br /> ta the extent such action is permiLted by law. � .
<br /> � 13. R� UE5T FOR NOTICE. Trustnr hereby requests a copy of anp notice
<br /> of default, an at an� nnt3cQ af sele hereunder be mailed to it et the �
<br /> � address set tarth ir► the f.irst paragr�ph of this Deed of 'Crust.
<br /> L24. GOV�FiNING I�!►W. 'C�is Dred ��f Tru:at sh�ll be g�verned by the 1ac•rs �f �
<br /> � thc� SLate at tie raska. in th� ave�nt tht�t any prov'tsion ar clause ot t+rty of t i�r. �
<br /> I,o�n Instr�ur.dn�s conflict� arith cspplicablc.• taws, :,uct� c�r�flic:ts ;;hull cic�[ ' �
<br /> nEf�ct ather �iY�V1tiYUtt� �f such Loan In:�i.nirr.F��tTS wiiich r.an ��f'! ��i��h E�ffect
<br /> r
<br /> � w�thvur. thc� e�rsflic:tinc; presv:is.ian�; <3�d ta-�hfs E�ncf, t!�e prc>vi.�U��:: of � IlE! y. ,.
<br /> t,!:i3Ji irtstrurr,en*; E10E" G�E�l�1j3Y(!� t!) �E� `�f.�Vk�'Yt1�31f'. �i�.'li:: t'i:i�t'11I.'IRi1t i'i;TiTit't G�E�
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