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<br /> All insurance palicies required by Lender and rene�va�s of such policies shall be subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disappr��e such polici�s,shall include a standard mortgage clause,and shall name Lender as mar�gagee andlar as an
<br /> additianal los� payee. Lender shall ha�e the right to hold the palicies and renewal certificat�s. If Lender requires,
<br /> Borrower sha11 promptly gi�e to Lender all receipts of paid p�emiums and renewal notices.�f Barrower obtain�any form
<br /> af insurance co�erage,nvt otherwis�required by Lender,for damage to,ordestruction af,the Praperty,such policy shali
<br /> include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an additianal�ass payee.
<br /> In the event of loss,Borrower shall gi�e promp�natice ta the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proaf
<br /> of lass if not made promptly by Borrower. Un�ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any insurance
<br /> proceeds,whether flr n�t the underlying insurance was required by L�nder,shall be applied to restoration or repair ofthe
<br /> Property,if the restoration or repair is economically fea�ible and Lender's security is not les�ened.During such repair and
<br /> restoration peri�d,Lender shall ha�e the right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity to
<br /> inspect such Property to ensure the work has been compieted to Lender's satisfaction,pro�ided that such inspection shall
<br /> be undertaken promptly.Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series af
<br />; progress payments as#he work is compieted.Unless an agreement is made in writing ar Applicable Law requires interest
<br />' to be paid on such insuranc�pr�ceeds,Lend�r shall not be r�quired to pay Borrower an��interest or earnings on such
<br /> proceeds.Fees for public adjus�ers,or other third parties,retained by Borrower shall not be paid❑u�of the insurance
<br /> proceeds and shall be the sole obligatian flf Borrower.If the restoratian or repair is not e�onomica�Iy feasible or Lender's
<br /> security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds sha�� be applied to th�sums secured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> wh�ther or not�hen due,with#he excess,if any,paid to Borrower.Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order
<br /> pra�ided for in Section 2.
<br /> If Borrower abandons the Property,Lender may file,negotiate and settle any a�ailable insurance claim and related
<br /> matters.If Borrower does not respand vrrithin 3�days to a natice fram Lender that the insurance carrier has offered t�
<br /> settle a claim,th�n Lender may negotiate and settle the claim.The 3�-day period will begin when the notice is gi�en.�n
<br /> either e�ent, or �f Lender acquires the Property under 5ectian 22 ar otherwise, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender
<br /> �a}Borrower's rights to any insurance proc�eds in an amaunt not t�exceed the amounts�npaid under the Note or this
<br /> Securi�y Instrument,and�b}any other of Borrower's rights(other�han the right to any refund�f unearned premiums paid
<br /> by Borrower}under all insurance policies co�ering the Property,insofar as such rights are applicable to the co�erage of
<br /> the Property.Lender may use the insurance proceeds either to repair or restore the Pr�perty or tv pay amounts unpaid
<br /> under the Note❑r this Security Ins#rument,whether or nat t�en due.
<br /> G.�ccupancy.Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within 60
<br /> days af�er the execution of this Security Instrument and shall cant�nue to oc�upy the Pro�er�y as Borrower's principal
<br /> residence for at least flne year af#er the date of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in vvriting,which consent shali
<br /> not be unreasanably withhe�d,or unless extenuating circumstances exist vrihich are beyo�d Borrower's contro�.
<br /> 7.Preser�ation,Maintenance and Prote�tion of the Praperty;inspections.Borrower shall not destray,damage
<br /> flr impair the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate or commit waste on the Prapert}�.Wheth�r or not Borrower is
<br /> residing in the Property, Borrower shall maintain the Praperty in order to pre�ent the Froperty from deteriarating or
<br /> decreasing in�alue due to its canditian. Unless it is determined pursuant to Section 5 that repair or restoration is nat
<br /> economically feasib�e,�flrrower shall promptly r�pair the Property if damaged to a�oid further deterioratian or damage.
<br /> If insurance or condemnation proce�ds are paid in connectian with darimage to,or the taking of,the Property,Borrower
<br /> shall be responsible for repairing or restaring the Property an�y if Lender has released pr�ceeds for such purp�ses.Lender
<br /> may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the wark
<br /> is complet�d.If the insurance or condemnation proceeds ar�not suffici�nt to repair ar restore the Property,Borrflwer is
<br /> not relie�ed of Borrower's ob�igation far'the completian of such repair or restaratian.
<br />, Lender or its agent may make reasonabl�.entries upon and inspections of the Property.If it has r�asanable cause,
<br /> Lender may inspect the interior af the impro�ements an the Property.Lender shall gi�e Borrow�r natice at the time of or
<br /> prior ta such an interior inspection specifying'such reasonab�e cause.
<br /> 8.Borrower's Loan Application.Borrow�r shal�be in default if,during the Loan application process,Sorrower or
<br /> any pers�ns or entities acfing at the direction of Borraw�r or with Borrower's knowledge or consent ga�e materially
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie I�ac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT with MERS Farm 3028 1J�1
<br /> : Page 6 of 13
<br /> - Bonower s Initials��
<br /> IDS,Inc.-3UZZ7 � �
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