2� 17��278
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<br /> � Funds Transfer.Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument and vbligations secured hereby shall remain
<br /> fully effecti�e as �f na ac�eleration had occurred. Howe�er, this right to reinstate sha11 not appiy in the case of
<br /> acceleration under Secti�n 18.
<br /> 2U. Sale of Not�; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grie�an�e.The Note or a partial interest in the Note
<br /> �together with this Security Instrume�nt}can be sold ane or rnore times w�thout prior notice ta Borrower.A sale might
<br /> result in a change in the entity�knflwn as the"Loan Servicer"}that c�l�ects Periodic Payments due under the Note and
<br /> this Security Instrument and perforrns ather mortgage l�an ser�icing obligations under the Note,this Security Instrument,
<br /> and Applicable Law.Th�re als❑rnight be one or more chang�s af the Loan Ser�icer unrelated to a sate of the Note. If
<br /> there is a change of the Loan 5ervi�er,Borrvwer will be gi�en written notice of the change which will state the name and
<br /> address of the new Loan Ser�icer,the address to which payments should be made and any other informa�ion RESPA
<br /> requires in cannection with a noti�e of transfer of ser�icing.If the Note is sald and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Ser�icer otherthan the purchaser oftheNate,the m�rtgage l�an servicing obligations ta Borrowerwill remain with
<br /> the Loan Ser�icer or be transferred tfl a successor Loan Servicer and are nv�assumed by the Not�purchaser unless
<br /> otherwise pro�ided by the No�e purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borr�wer nor Lend�r m�y�ommenc�,jain,or be�oined to any judicial action�as either an indi�idual litigant
<br /> or th�memher of a c�ass}that arises from the other par#y's actions pursuant to this Security Instrument or that al�eges that
<br /> th� other party has breached any pro�isian of, �r any duty owed by reason af, this 5ecurity Instrument, until such
<br /> Bflrr�wer or L�nder has notified the❑ther party�with such notice gi�en in compliance with the requirements of Section
<br /> 15}of such alleged breach and affar�ed the other party hereto a reasonable periad after the gi�in�of such notice to�ake
<br /> correcti�e a�tion.If Applicabie L�w pra�ides a time period wh�ch must elapse befare certain action can be taken,that
<br /> time period will be deemed to be r��asanable for purposes ofthis paragraph.The notice af accelera#ion and apportunity to
<br /> cure gi�en to Borrower pursuant�o Section 2�and the notice of acceleration gi�en to Borrower pursuant t�Sectian 18
<br /> shall be deemed to satisfy the n�tice and apportunity to take correcti�e action prv�isions of this Section 2�.
<br /> 21.Hazardous Substan�es.As used�n this Section 21:�a}"Hazard�us Substances"are those substances defined as
<br /> taxic ar hazardous substances, pollutants, ar wastes by Enviranmental Law and�he following substanc�s: gasoline,
<br /> kerasene, other flammable ar toxi� petroleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides, �olatile sal�ents, materials
<br /> containing asbestos❑r formaldehWde,and radioacti�e materials;(b}"En�iranmental Law"means federal laws and laws
<br /> af the jurisdicti�n where the Praperty is located that relate ta health, safet}r ar en�ironmental protectian;
<br /> �c}"En�ironmental Cleanup" incl�des any response action, remedial action, or remo�al action, as defined in
<br /> En�ironmental Law;and�d}an"En�ironmental Condition"means a condition that can cause,cantribute�o,❑r otherwise
<br /> trigger an En�ironmental�leanup.
<br /> Barrower shall not caus�or permit the presence,use,disposal,starage,or release of any Hazardous Substances,or
<br /> threaten to release any Hazardous Substances,on ar in the Property.Borrower shall no�do,nor allow anyone else to da,
<br /> anything affect�ng the Property(a}that is in�iolation of any En�ironmental Law,�b}which creates an En�ironmental
<br /> Condition,flr�c}which,due to the presence,use,or release af a Hazardous Substance,creates a c�nditi�n that ad�erseiy
<br /> affects the�a�ue of the Property.The preceding two sentences shall not apply ta the presence,use,or storage on the
<br /> Property of small quan�ities of Hazardous Substanc�s that are generally recognized t�be appropriate to normal residential
<br /> uses and to maintenance of the Property�including,but not limited to,haz,ardous substances in consumer products}.
<br /> Borrower sha11 promp#ly gi�e L�nder written notice af�a}any in�estigatian,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action
<br /> by any go�ernmental or regulatary agency or pri�afe party in�ol�ing the Property and any Hazardous Substance�r
<br /> En�iranmental Law of which Borrower has actual knovvled�e, (b} any En�ironmental �andition, including but not
<br /> limited to,any spi�ling,�eaking,discharge,release or thr�at of release of any Hazardous Substance,and(c}any canditian
<br /> caused by the presence,use or release of�a Hazardous 5ubstance which ad�ersely affects the�alue of the Praperty.If
<br /> Borrower learns,or is notified b�any go�ernm�ntal or regutatory auth�rity,or any pri�ate party,�hat any rem��al or
<br /> vther remediatian of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Barrower shall promptly take all
<br /> necessary remedial actions in accordance with En�iranmentat Law.Nothing herein sha�i create any obligation on Lender
<br /> far an En�ironmental Cleanup.
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ing�e Famity-Fannie MaelFreddie�lac�N�FDRM INSTRUMENT with MERS Form 3�28 �ID1
<br /> Page��af 13 .
<br /> ios,mc.-�azz7 Barrower(s}Initials�
<br />