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<br /> ` �EEL} �V �Q�v��
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<br /> _ LTD. , a ccrporation of the State of Nebraska, Grantor. in aonsideration af '
<br /> -�he s�sm c�f One Do1Zar ($1.001 and other $ood and valuable consideration.
<br /> ta it du�y paid. the receipt tirhereof is hereby acl�,.�owledged� has remised.
<br /> releas�d and quitclairned, ane3 by these p�resents does remise, release and
<br /> forever quitclaim urito ELDON L. ANTi PEGGY J. KROEG�£, Grantees, their
<br />- successors and ass�gns� fare°�er. a�l nf its right, title, inte.rest,
<br /> estate, c�airn and dsmand, both at law and in equit�, of. in and to the .�
<br /> real estate situated in the County of Hall , State of Nebraska, dsscribed
<br /> as followss ,�
<br /> � � A11 of a strip oF land of varied width upon and thru the West Half �
<br /> d:�iT.1�'2) af tlze L7ortheast Qua.�ter (NE1/4 ) of Section 32 ecntaining 6.06
<br /> � � _ ��-es rnor� or i�ss, all in Township 10 North and Range 9 West of the Sixth
<br /> -� � Principal Me�ridian, Hall County, Nebraska. Foxzrterl�� known as right of way
<br /> : ; " � of and for the St. �Jaseph and Grand Island Railway. ,
<br /> � There is however, expressly reserved an� exc�pted from this quitclaim
<br /> � all coal . oil, gas and the minerals d.nc� mineral ri�s�ts of whatever natuxe
<br /> and description, kind o.3: character, .1:;.�;e or un2ik�, known or un�.iawn, and -
<br /> � wrether occurring in sc.lid, liquid, s�porous or other and differ��t forms ,
<br /> - i.n, on or under �he land quitelairned hereund��:: provided th�t no operation
<br /> cs� investigatin�., exp].oring, nrospeating �r mi.nin� fo� or storin� or '
<br /> �Cr�nsporting said minerals or any of them, shall be conducted or placed
<br /> upon said premises. .�
<br />- All brid�ES and ballasts . if any, on tl�.e above described property in =- '
<br /> Sec. 32, �m 10, Rge 9 are reserved by the 3eller and are not included in � -
<br /> . this saln. Seller or his assigns sh.�Ll have tlie right until 3une 1 . 1990 :-
<br /> to remc�r� the bridge� �nd ballast�. �aller �esez^ve5 the right o� ingress � -
<br /> an�3 e�ress on the a�vve described prup�arty until 3une 1, 1990 for the �
<br /> �t.�..�pose of semr,:.ri.�ng 1�r%dge(s ) and ba2las�s or over such route as tl�e
<br /> Buyers and Seller :�ay a�ree. �
<br /> . � ►
<br /> � TOGETHER �.rith �il and singular �;� hereditament� and ap��x��-anances ; T
<br /> thereunta belan�in;�; to have and t� ha2d the premises c�_s�:.�:sd above, �.
<br /> . subaoct �a th� �f�x�said exception and r�s�rvatian, unto =r�,�r�L�As. their
<br /> suecessor�s and assigr.� i���rever.
<br /> :�''.
<br /> #
<br /> IN WITNES� T�THEREOF, the Grantox 'r:as �xecuted tha.s qui��I�ir� ����ed this
<br /> - 2f1t.h day of Octa.ber, •, �
<br /> •�1�4�����.u�r�� UTL.�,/BI I��.J't� UP.l1LTD. �,
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<br /> ' . ��y �•�° E3Y: , .dis�1�8 D G RKING
<br /> �s CORPORA i�"` �'-'s '�1_;.��e President �
<br />— �T?;iE OF NEBR.A�./�: : ,�„E•� ��
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<br /> CO�JNTY n� NE�MRH���. : a '.
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<br /> The for�g�inF .���„ �,,; s ackr�ow��d�ed �e�are mc �rhis :sOth r�y of
<br /> ,� G�2.obex�. 19ft9 by � r�RFt7NG, �Jic� I�Y•�sici��n* of But?-,:rlBiniun rroup
<br /> I.�.d. . a rlehraska r.orpora�tior�, �r� behalf af thn r.arporation.
<br /> ���rM�■r .��L�,�. �t,�.A-� ;---- _
<br /> My c'�rtun. ��tp 1+0�=• r7ot�ry Pvblic � � �
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