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<br /> i y�. fa�`sht6.:�.w'_., sI_ .fi�� :ei�;. .�Aer"_ ti.�l 3t '- Ja. ,.��a��i1r• t-4.�.
<br /> .,,�;FL�""�.3tc� — �.`+.��`�.�sm., _ '��v��.h,t�,o,'''��'.:: '�MI �e��s`�xt�,ts^�.a..Y:d°�ti�am�'c3�lElsRs�'�___
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<br /> � , � `' .
<br /> i '
<br /> r �.= 100681
<br /> � QUITCF�kIM DEEB
<br /> �
<br /> LTD. , a aorpoxation of the State of Nebraska, Grantor. in consideration of
<br /> the sum of One Dol�ar ($1.Od) and other good and valuable consideration,
<br /> ta it du2y paid, the recei.pt whereof is hereby acknac�rledged, has remised,
<br /> released and quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release and
<br /> forever quitclaim unto ELDON L. AND PEGGY J. It'R(?EGER, Grantees, their
<br /> sucaessors and assigns, f�rever, aIi v€ its rigF�t� title, interest. .
<br /> estate, claim and demand�hebCountytofaHall� StateuofyNebrasl:a,ades�ribecl
<br /> real estate sitiiated in
<br /> as follc,ws: �
<br /> A'll of a traek of Iand 200 feet in width, upon and thra Lot �3 in the
<br /> � So�thwest Quarter �f the &o�itY.east Quarter (SWl/4 SE1/4l s�f SectionHall
<br /> ToGmship 10 North and �ang� 9 West of the bth Princip�L Meridian,
<br /> ' Cou:.Zty, Nebraska, beginnin� at the South side of tna South Charmel of the
<br /> Fi%�:tte River ana proc�ec3in& s�uth ta the South Sec�ion line of Section Z9
<br /> cnntaining in a?1 5.50 acres . Also formelcly known as the Right of way of
<br /> � the St Jc��pl-. �r.d Gra.za` Isl�d Railway. Less that portioz of land deec���
<br /> to Hall ��:�.:�►�'r =;�r raa� y urposes, de�cribed as follr.as :
<br /> ''"r A tr�ct o£ ��nd located in the Lot Three t3) an t:�e mainland o� Section
<br /> To;na�ty-Nine t���? . Township Ten (10) North, Range I3ine (3 l West a� ��...e bth : �
<br /> � F.��. , Hall Cours�_�r'. Nebraska arc� more particul�ly descri�ed as fol�or�s: ,
<br /> Conmencing at a pc�int on the sauth.er•ly 1 ine of said Lot Three t 3) , and C7ne
<br /> �.ttndred Ninety-six and Ei�ht Tenths t 146.8) fe�t east af the sout�iwest
<br /> � ce�ner of sai3 L.nt Three ( 3) ; thence deflecting left and in a northerly -
<br /> �yrection, and parallel t� the centerline o� the Union Pacific Railroad a
<br /> ' distancc� of thirty-thYec� (33) �eet to t'tts ACTUAL point of beginning: :
<br /> thence ��ntinuino nv�hErly and p�rallel t� the canter1ine of tha Union _ -
<br /> grr_iFic i�ailroa� to the southerly bar�I=. �� tha Pl�tte River; thence in a c
<br /> raar-�hea��erly ��rectian along the south�rii� ban�: �f the Pl�tte River to a �;�
<br /> ' 1�2�.�t one-hunc.���.� ( 100) fe�t east o� th� :�enterline of the Union Pacz�ic .
<br /> Railroad; the;��P southexly �za pw�dllel to the centcrjine af thE "Unior� '�
<br /> Pacific Rai�.rr•.�•�; t� d poin� thirty-�hrea E 33 ) fe�t r��rth of the southerly ,
<br /> I ine of said T.at Three (3 ) on Mainland; thence vrF��terly �ifty t 50) feet
<br /> ��on� and uper a line t.hi�ty-thx•eP ( 33 l feet nor�th ar.d parallel to the �r =
<br /> s��atherly IS.ne c,f said Lot Th�e� ( 3 ) to the AGTUAL po�.n� :7f beginnin� arL�
<br /> cori�ainzr�$ 2.52 acre•�. mare or lesw . Alsa formerly kr�oorr: as �h� Ri�ht �f �
<br /> Way of the St. ,7oseph �.r:d Grand Isia.r•a Railway. �-
<br /> .�.
<br /> Said x��t am-�1�-;�t canveyod l�r ±his deed is• � . 98 aar�s tnor-� or ].e�5• .
<br /> � There is iz-�...ever, ex�ressly re�rrv�d and exae�ted fr::m tY,is :��.�5.tc1�im
<br /> � �,11 coal, oii , �•�� a�j.� the min�ralw and rr.�.r.�ral r.ighit� af wh�tevE; nat4ire
<br /> �zd descripti!:�r,, kir.d nr cY�:�.x�ct�r. like �.:r� unli�c, knowr� ox• unj�=nown, �r�d
<br /> .+� S:::zether C�CCUT�.`Lllt�., I.T7 5G1].Cl. �7.Q112C�• Vi.iQ1r��U,3 6Y' UtYl-^...Y' �:r.�+ c3ifferer�t. fu�»'�w•
<br /> :.n. an or undFr the �.�snd quit�l.�imec� her.F��at.�dcr; provided that ria nperat.ic:�
<br /> �f inc:o�ti�ating� explaring, �ros��otin,� �r� mini.n�, far� o;� stox•in� ar
<br /> +���n�partin� waid minex�als �r an� of tihem, shall bE� cnri���ct�� or placed
<br /> up�n said premas�s.
<br /> TOGETHER with all ancj sin�;ula� t.hE{ h�r�dit��ment� and �Ppur•fiE�rearsceW
<br /> the�r�eunta belQxs�;i.r�€;: ta h�ve ancl tc� holc� t.h�� nremi�es describea abrlve, - -
<br /> subiect ta the �ifoz'es�ic� exceptioi� an�? x�eserv�_�tivr.. unY:o Gr�r��e�s, trieir ;--- -----
<br /> �uaGessoz•s an� ..as:�iE;ns fa�-evuz•.
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