2� 17��273
<br /> Loan No: "i�'i 3�'I�7� �Conti�lued� Pa�e �
<br /> nat�onstitute Lender's consent t❑ the use af cash callat�rai in a ban�ruptcy proc��ding.
<br /> GRANT�R'S REPRE�ENTATIQNS AND WARRANTIES. Grantor warrants that:
<br /> (]wnership. Grantor is �ntftled tc� recei�e the Rents free and cl�ar of all rights, I�ans, liens, encumbrances, and
<br /> claims except as dis�IQSed to and a�cepted by Lender in writing.
<br /> l�ight t❑ Assign. Grant�r has the full Tight, power and authvrity t❑ enter intQ this Ass�ignment and tp assign and
<br /> can��y the Rents to L�nder.
<br /> No Prior A�signment. �rantor has not previausly assigned or con�eyed th� Rents tv any other persan by any
<br /> ins�rument now in farce.
<br /> No Further Transter. Grantor will not sell, assign, encumber, ❑r otherwise dispose of any of Grantor's rights in th�
<br /> R�nts except as pro�ided in this Assignmsnt,
<br /> LENDER'S RIGHT T� RE��IVE AN❑ ��LLECT RENTS. Lender shall h�v� the right at any time, and e�en thvugh no
<br /> default shall ha�e acGurred under this Assignment, to Galle�t ar�d rece�We the Ren�s. For this purpase, Lender is hereby
<br /> gi�en and granted �he follawing rights, pawers and authority:
<br /> Noti�e to Tenants. Lender may send noti��s ta any and all tenants nf the Property ad�ising them of �his
<br /> Assignment and directing all Rents to be paid directly to L�nder or L�nder's agent.
<br /> Enter#he Proper�y. Lender may en�er up�n and tal�e possession o�the Property; demand, collect and recei�e from
<br /> the tenants ar from any other persons iiab�e there�or, all vf the Rents; insiitute and Garry an all legal proceedings
<br /> n��essary fQr the �rotection of the Property, including su�h prQceedings a� may }ae necessary �o recv�er
<br /> possession of the �roperty; call�c�t the Rents and rem�U� any t�nan�ar tenants or vth�r person� frar-n the Praperty.
<br /> Maintain the Prvperty. Lender may ent�r upon the Praperty t� main�ain the Praperty and keep the same in repair;
<br /> �o pay the costs therevf and ❑fi al� serv��es �af all emplay�e�, ineiuding their equipment, and �f all continuing casts
<br /> and expens��of maintaining the Property in �roper repair and �onditian, and al�o to pay ��l tax�s, ass�ssments and
<br /> water utiliti��, and �he premiums vn fire and other insurance effe�ted by Lend�r�n the Praperty,
<br /> Compliance with Laws. Lend�r may da any and �II things to exeGute and comply with the �aws vf th� State of
<br /> Nebraska and als❑ a�� oth�r laws, rules, vrders, ❑rdinan�es and requirements af all other governm�ntal agencies
<br /> affecting th� �'raperty.
<br /> Lease th� Prvperty. Lender may rent ar l�ase the wha�e �r any part of the Prvperty for �uch term ar terms and on
<br /> such c�nditivns as Lender may d�em appropriate,
<br /> Emp�oy Agents. Lender may �ngag� such agent or agents as �.ender may deem apprapriat�, either in Lender's
<br /> name ar in�r�r�tor's name, �v rent and man�ge the Praperty, inc�uding the cvllectian and application of Rents.
<br /> �ther Acts. Lender may da �ll such ❑ther thin�s and acts with respect to �he praperty as Lender may deem
<br /> ap�ropriate �nd may �ct exGlusiuely and svlely in the p�ace and stead af Grantar and t� ha�e all af the pvwers af
<br /> Grantor fvr�he pu�pvses stat�ed aba�e.
<br /> No Requirement t❑ A�t. L�nd�r shall n�t be required to d❑ any of the faregoing aC�s ar things, and the fact that
<br /> Lender shal! ha�e perform�d ane or more vf the foregoing a�ts ar things shall na� r�quire Lender ta do any other
<br /> specific aG�or thing.
<br /> APPLI�ATI�N f3F RENTS. Al! �a�ts and expenses incurred by Lender in connectian v►�ith the Property shall be f�r
<br /> Granto�'s a��aunt and Lender may pay such cost� and expenses fram the Rents. Lent�et�, in its sale discr�tion, sha�l
<br /> dete�mine the app�ication of any and all Rents r�cei�ed �y it; howe�er, any such Rents recei�ed hy Lender which are
<br /> not applied tv such costs and ex�enses shall be applied ta the lndebtedness. All expenditures made by Lender und�r
<br /> this Assignment and nat reimbursed from the Rents shall hecome a part of the Indebtedness secured by this
<br /> Assignm�nt, and shall be payable an demand, with interest at the Nate rate from date af expenditure until paid.
<br /> FULL PERFC3RMANCE. �f Grantpr pays all of the �ndebtedness wh�n due and �therwise performs a�l the ❑bligatians
<br /> imposed upan�rar�tor und�r th�s Assignment, th� Note, and the F�elated Documents, Lender shall e�cecute and �eli�er to
<br /> �rantor a suit�ble satisfac#ion af thi� Assignment and suitable statements ❑f terminatian of any financing statement �n
<br /> file ��id�ncing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Property. Any t�rminatit�n fee required by law shai� k�e
<br /> paid by Grant�r, if permitted hy �ppliGable law.
<br /> LENDER'S ExPENDITURES. If any action vr proGeeding is �ommenced that would materially affect Lend�r's interest in
<br /> the Property ar if Grantor fails t� comply with any prv�isivn af this �ssignment ar any �ielated ❑ocuments, including but
<br /> not �imited tv Grantor's failure tv discharge vr pay when due any amounts Grantvr is ��quir�d t� dis�harg� or pay unde�
<br /> this Assignment ar any Reiated Do�uments, Lender ❑n Grantor's b�hal� may �but shall not k�� obligated to� take any
<br /> action that Lender deems apprap��iate, including aut nvt limited to discharging ar paying all ta�es, liens, s��urity
<br /> interests, enGumbran�es and other claims, at any time le�ied or plaGed on the Rents vr the Property and paying all �osts
<br /> far insuring, maintaining and preserving the Property. All such expenditur�s inGurred ❑r paid by Lender for suGh
<br /> purpases wi�i then bear interest at�h� rate charged under the Nate from the date incurred or paid by Lender t❑ the date
<br /> of repayment by Grant�r. All such expenses wil� become a part o# the Indebtedness and, at Lender's option, wil� {A�
<br /> be payab�e �n demand; {By be added ta the halance of the Note and he appvrtioned amang and be payabfe with any
<br /> installment paymen�s to be�ame due during either �1� the term of any �pplicabl� insurance palicy; ar ��f the
<br />