2� 17��253
<br /> DEEL� �F TF��]�T
<br /> .
<br /> Lvan �#v: ��13�'1553 ���`���u[e Page 3
<br /> Remova� of Imprv�emen#s. Trustvr sha�l na�demv[ish ar remo�e any Imprvvements fr�m tl�� Real Proper�y with�ut
<br /> Lender'� priar wri�ten consen�. As a Gandi�ian to the r�ma�al ofi any imprnvements� L�nd�r may requ�re Trus�or t�
<br /> rr�ake arrangemen�s sa�is�ac�ory �� Lender �o replace such Impra�emen�s with ImpraWernents ❑� a� I�ast equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. Lender and Lender"s agen�s and representati�es may enter u�nn �he Real Praperty at all
<br /> reas�nable �imes �a attend �❑ Lender's interes�s and tfl inspec� �he Rea[ Prvp�rty for purposes af Trus�vr's
<br /> compiiance vvith�he terms and cQnditions ❑f�his Deed at Trus�.
<br /> Cvrnplian�e �vith Gnvernmenta[ Requiremen�s. Trusto�' shalt promptly carnp�y w�th ail lavWs, ardinances, and
<br /> reguCatians, now ar hereafter in ef�ec�, a� al[ g��ernnnenta[ au�hari�ie� applicable to the us� or accupancy af the
<br /> Praperty, including without limitation, the Americans Wi�h D�sabili�ies Ac�, T�ustv� may contesf �n good faith any
<br /> such law, �rdinance, or r�gulatian and withhold complianc� during any proceeding, including apprnpria�e appeals,
<br /> s� Iong as Trustor has nvtified Lender in rrvriting pr�vr�Q da�ng s❑ and s� I�ng as� ir�Ler�der's so�� apinivn, Lender's
<br /> in�kerests in the Praperty are nat je�pardi��d. Lender may re�uir� Trus�or to pos� adequat� securi�y �r a sure�y
<br /> �on�, reasvnably satis�ac�vey ta Lend�r, to pratec�Lender`s interest,
<br /> Duty tv Prvtect. Trus�or agrees �either to abandan �r leaWe unattended #h� Proper�y. Trustvr shall da all ��her
<br /> ac�s, in addition to�hose acts set forth abo�e in this sectian, which firom �h� chara�ter�nd use af fhe Prop�rty are
<br /> reasonably necessary to pro�ect and preser�e th�Pro�erty;
<br /> flUE �IV �ALE - ��]l�SEIVT BY LEIVDER. Lender mayr at Lender's flp�ion, decl�a�e immedia�tely due and pa�abl� a!I sums
<br /> secured hy this Deed of Trus�upon the sale ar�ransfer, without Lender's pr�v�wri�ten consen�� of all ar any par�af the
<br /> Real Proper�ty, ar any in�erest in �he Reaf Proper�y. A "sale or�rans�er" r�eans �he can�eyance ��f Real Praperty ❑r any
<br /> r�gh�, titie ar interes� in the Rea� Praperty; whether legal, benefi�iai vr equitable; v�rhe�her uolun�ary or invv�un�ary;
<br /> whe�her by autrigh� sa�e, d�ed, instalfrnent sale con�ract, fand �antract, con�ract for deed; Ieaseh�ld interest wi�h a
<br /> �erm grea�er than three �3� years, �easewap�i�n cantrac�, �r by sal�, �ss�gnment, ar trans�er o� any �en��Fi�ial inte�est in
<br /> or to any land trust hviding title ta the Real Praperty, ❑r by any ather rneth��d ❑fi con��yance of an interest in the fteal
<br /> Proper�y, Howe�er, �his ap�ion shall n�� be exercised b�r Lender if su�h exerc�se is proh�bi�ed by �ederal law ar by
<br /> Nebraska faw.
<br /> TAJCES AND LIENS. The fal[owing pro�isions relating �a the taxes and liens on the Prvperty are part nf this ❑�ed �f
<br /> Trust;
<br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in ��� ev�ent� priar t� delinq�uenGy} a[I ta,xes, special tax�s, ass�ssments,
<br /> charges (ir��lud�ng water an� sewer�, f�nes and �mpositions le�ie� agains� or on aGcnunt o�the Prvperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims for wvrk dor�e on or�for ser�rices rendered �r ma�erial furnish�d to �he Praperty. Trustar
<br /> shall maintain the Prap�rty free❑f a�l liens ha�ing pr�arity ove�ar equal ta�h� ir�terest�ofi Lende�under thi� Deed o#
<br /> Trust, exGept �vr �he Iien ofi �axes and ass�ssmen�s not due and excep� as o�herwise pravided ir� �his ❑ee� of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Right t❑ Cantest. Trustor may wi�hho�d payr�nent vf any tax, as�essrr��nt, vr c�aim �n eor�ne�tian v►iixh a gaod �aith
<br /> dispute a�er�he obligation�❑ pay, sa lang as Lender's interest in th� Prap�r�y is no�jeopardized. If a lien arises or
<br /> is �iled as a resul� �� nonpaymen�, Trustor sha�� within fifteen {15j days af��r �he lien arises or, if a Iien is filedr
<br /> within fifteen {15} days after Trus�ar ha� na�ice o� the �iling, secure the discharge of �h� lien, ar i� r�ques�ed by
<br /> L�nder, deposi�with Len�er cash ar a su��i�ient corparate surety band o�❑�her s�curi�y sa�is�a�tary ta Len�er in an
<br /> amaunt suffici�nt�❑ discharge the Iien plus any casts and a��torneys' f�es, ar ��h�r charg�� tha�could accrue as a
<br /> resul� o�a �ore�lflsure or sale under fhe lien, In any c�n�est, Trustar sha�l defenc� i�se��and Lender and shail sa�is�y
<br /> any adverse judgmen�before en#arcement against the Pr�perty, Trustor shal! name Lend�r as an additional abligee
<br /> under any sure�y bond �urnished in�he con�est proceedings,
<br /> Evidence ❑f Paymen#= Trus�vr sha[I upan demand furnish ta Lender sa�isfactory euidenc� ❑f payme�n� o��he taxes
<br /> or asse�smen�s and sh�all autharize �he appropria�e ga�et�nm�t��al affi�ia� �o de�i�er�o Lender at any�ime a vvr€t�en
<br /> s�atement o#the taxes and ass�ssments againsr the Property,
<br /> N[otice vf Constru�tian. Trustor shall na�ify Lender at Ieast fiftee�n ��5� days before any wvrk is commenced, any
<br /> s�rvices are furnished, or any materia[s are supplied to the P�operty, i� any r�e�hanic's lien, materialmen's fien, or
<br /> ❑ther lien �vuld be asserted on �CG�IJn� a� fih� W�I"IC, ser�ices, ❑r m�terials. T�-us�Qr will upon reques� af Lender
<br /> furnish ta Lender ad�an�e assurances satisf�c�vey �.a Lender �hat `Trus�tor can and vvi[I pay �he c�s� o� such
<br /> impr��ements,
<br /> PR�PERTY DAfUiAGE �NSURANCE. The �ollowing provisians re�ating �o insur�ng �he Property are a part of ti�is C3eed a�
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Ilfiaintenance of [nsurance. Trustor shall procure and main�ain poli�ies af fire insurance wi�� standard �xtended
<br /> co�e�rage end�rsemen�s on a fa�r �alue iaasis for the full insurabie �alue Ga�ering al! lmpro�ements on �he R�al
<br /> Prnperty i�n an amaunt sufficient �a avaid applicativn a� any coinsurance clause, and vvith a sta�da�d mar�gag�e
<br /> �lause in fa�or af Lender. T�usxor shal( alsfl pra�ure and mair�tain comprehensi�� genera� liabi�ity insurance in such
<br /> ca�erage amoun�ts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additianal insureds in such
<br /> liabi�ity insurance �oficies. Additiana(�y, �rusta�- shall rr�ain�ain such other insurance, �nGluding but no� [imited t❑
<br /> hazard, business interrup�ion, ar�d boiler insurance, as Lender may reasonably requrre. Policies shall be wrifiten in
<br /> farm, amounts, coverages and �asis reasonably acceptable ta Lender and issued hy a ca�pany �r c��panies
<br />