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<br /> IfU'HEN RECC3RDED �AIL T'�:
<br /> Five Pvin�s Bank
<br /> Nvrth �ranch
<br /> ��3'�5 Nor�h Brvadwe[I
<br /> P� Box "i 5�7 -
<br /> Grand lstand, NE 6880� FL�R REC(3RI]ER`5 USE D�VLY
<br /> �D4t�44UD��1 D�3��553[�34�*
<br /> �EE[3 �F T�U�T
<br /> THNS DEED �F TRUST is dated Janua�y 'i�, �t�'17, amang �RECt]RY' A �IiEAD, no� pe�svna��y
<br /> but as Trustee on behalf of G�EGt3R'� ►� i1�EI�D �IRST' AIV1 ENDEC] AND I�ES`TATED L1V�N�
<br /> REVQCABLE TRUST' t"T�ustarr'�; Five Poin�s i�ank, �rhase address is Nv�r�h ��anch. �415 North
<br /> Braadv►�e[[, PD �3ax '15t]7, Grand lsland, NE ��84� {refe��ed to belfl� sometim�s as ``Lender"
<br /> and samet�mes as "Beneficiary"}; and Fiu� Paints �3ank, �hase add��ss is P.� �ox 15�7'. Grand
<br /> [sland, IVE �S�D2-"15�37 {�efer�ed to belo�v as "Trus�ee"}.
<br /> C�NVEYAIVCE AND GRANT. Far �aluable cvnsiderativn, Trustvr conveys to Trus�ee in trust, VIl�TH PaIiUER �]F SALE,
<br /> for the bene�i� vf Lender as Beneficiary, afl ❑f Trus�or's right, �itle, and �n�erest in and to the fal��wing descri�ed real
<br /> prope�-ty, �toge�he�- with all existing or subsequer�tfy �re��ed vr a�f�ixed buildings, imprvr�em�nts an� �ixtures; all
<br /> easemen��, rights of way, and appurtenances; a[I water, i�vater righ�s and ditch ri�h�s �including s��ck 'rn utili�ies with
<br /> di�ch ❑r [rriga�ion righ�s�; and all o�her rights, rvya(tie�, and profi�s relating �a �the real prvper#y, inc[uding without
<br /> (imitation a�� minerals, oi[, gas, gev�hernnal and similar ma�ters, �the "IReal �'�oper�y"� locat�d in h[ALL
<br /> County, State vf Nebraska:
<br /> Th� R�a[ Property or its add�ess is commvnly knv�n as �1'1 '�ALNUT' ST', I�IC3�]D R!'V'ER, IVE
<br /> �i8883.
<br /> CR�SS-C�]LLATERAL�ZATI[3N. ln addit�an �❑ ��� N�te, �his ❑eed �f Trus� secures ali ❑bligations, debts and liabilities,
<br /> plus interest therean, ❑f ei�h�r Trus�vr or Borrawer to Lender, ar any one or mare of �hem, as we[I as all claiim�s by
<br /> Lender agains� Barrower and Trustor vr any one or mvre a� them, whether naw existing ar hereaf��r arising, whether
<br /> re[afied vr unrela�ed to the purpose af th� Nate, whether �vluntary ❑r ❑�h�ervvise, whe�her d�e or nat due, d�rect nr
<br /> indirec�t, d�termined vr und�termined, absolu�e or cvn�ingen�, fiquidat�� or un�iqui�ta�ed, v�rhether Bor�rvwe� ar Trus��r
<br /> may be liable indi�idually or joint(y rrvith vthers, whether ❑b[igat�d as guarantar, sur�ty, a�c�mmadatron party ar
<br /> a�herwise, and whether rec�rrery upon su�h amvunts may be or herea�ter rr�ay become barred by any s�a�ute af
<br /> limitations, and virhether the �bliga�ion �v repay such amounts may be or her�a�ter may bec�me otherwise
<br /> unen�orc�ab(e.
<br />