.i,. . t���{i:1r��.:},. .,. ,.,'. �,:^VCr:E;s��i.�. r -`'KVf�'' :.t�- a� �ur,'c�ri^�.ac� +ar.. ��v. ,��c�,:A...._.,trrtvw�1r.. >¢tiiltii_ ,,:. .
<br />--.�_ai�S�YSi - �7cih1� —_— - �c::.ta4`�r V ' v�� t�;:i��_ae'rfd�- .�-,e'dlic_.�i."db`��c..-. �,. i._�_ �:t... ..�i.� �:.��C'.Y.� -_-
<br /> n1�iFY.�i1_ �p`+Y�s'� " Yl�1R �3. n�iltsTVxci..�am�:.
<br /> .—�---- ' � " . �
<br /> � . ,
<br /> - � .
<br /> E ' '
<br /> 9d=� -1�Ofi79
<br /> Boeeower and I,ender ea�en�nt�nd �p,ree as tollows: more than fiftcfln Ia51 da�s in anears[o cover the cx[ra expense
<br /> � in�oh�ect in handling delinquent paymcnts.
<br /> i. That �orrou�er w�ill pay che indebtedr.ess,as h�reinbefore
<br /> �_ provided. Privite�e is reser�•ed :o pay[he debt in whote or in part 3. Thai if thQ toit�f of th�pa}rmcais made by the Botrower
<br /> on any instaliment due date. ur.der(b}of parag,raph 2 preceding shalt zxceed che amount of
<br /> � payments astually made by thc Ir.ader for. ground rents.taxes and:
<br /> 2. That,tagether aith,ared in addition to, the moatl:9}• assessments or insurance premiurn�,��r�.r,ase may be.suh ex-.
<br /> g...-��tts of principal and interest pagable ander the�;ecm�of the cess, if tf�7c;tc�is current,at the opr"sa;�rs.�t:�e Sorrawer.shali Y� •
<br /> ��:�c:..-:d hereb�+, the Borro�ver�v7U pay to chef��ra�:_��-r.ztle co�`�a'w G-w t#ie Lender on suDsPqueat��.��:ts ca L^�e rnade 6y tt:s ,. . .
<br /> frecs:ita;�:a,'•`c::�t����a �:'�;a':Y'said rrote+�.!"uIl�.��si�;;,���. : .i3r;rdwer;a;refunded to the Borrower.IF. however,tt�e monthJy
<br /> ' ra�uss�i�s��� ` ' ' • payrnents made by the Bor�awer under(b�of
<br /> FaragraGh 2
<br /> i��"' � ��,.�,p�ount suffieient to pro�ide the hotdrr hereat'�.itis funds Preceding shall not be sufficient to pay gr�und rents,taxes and
<br /> ta,-.ay the next inortgage insurance premium if this inmusnent and �sessments or insurunce premiums,as che rase may be,when the
<br /> the note secured hereby arc ins�red,or a monthly charge(in 6eu samc shall become due and payable.thcn the Borrowcr sfiall pay
<br /> oP a marrgage insurance premium)iP they are heid by the to the Lender any amoant necessary to make up the deficiency,on
<br /> Secretary of Housing and tlsban De�etopment.as follo�vs: ar before the date when paymenc of s�nch ground rents. taxes.
<br /> assessm:nts, or insurance premiums shatl be due. ff at any time
<br />— �I► If and so long a.s said note of e�•en datc and this instru- thc EiorraKe*shalf tcnder tv the I.cnder,in accordanrc with �he
<br /> rtsent are insured or are rcinsurcd undcr thc pro�isions oP thc Na- provisions c�f th�n<►te secured hcreby. full payment of'the cntire
<br /> tionat Hor�ying Az�t,an amnunt sufficic�nt to ar��umutatc in chr irtdcbtcdncss rcpresented thcreby. (he Lcnder shall.irt camputing
<br /> hands of tfte hofder one 11►mamh prior eu i�s due date�he annual thc amosmt at'Such indebtedness. credi��o ehe account of the Bor- .
<br /> mortg�ge insurance prcmiuni in urder to nravide wch holdcr wi�h ruu•cr all p�yments madr undrr the proti•isiuns uf(a)of parag�aph
<br /> Pur.ds to pay such premium ta �he Se►retary of Housing and Ur- 2 herevf��hich ahe l.ender has not Become obligated to pay to the
<br /> — ban.D�ecelopment pu�sua�tt to the National tlousing Act,as Secretary of HoGSing and Urban Development and any balance re-
<br /> amended.and applicablc liegalatians thereurtder, or mainin�in the fortds accumulated under the provisions of Ib)nf
<br /> - (Il1 If and so long as said note of cven date and this instru- Paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default under any of the
<br /> ment are hetd by the Secretary•af HouSing artd Urban Develop- Pro�isions of'this instrument resulting in a public sale of[he
<br /> ment.a monthly charge(in lieu of a mortgage insurartce premium) p�emises co��ercd hereby,or if the Lender aequires the property
<br /> which shaU be in an amount equal to one-twelfth(1/12)of one- othcnvise aftcv default, the I.ender shall apply,at the time of thc
<br /> � comenencement of such proceedings,or at the time the propeny is
<br /> half(1/2)per centum of the average outstanding ba2ance due on otheru•ise acquired, the balance then-err..3ining in [he funds ac-
<br /> the nate computed without taking into accoua�t delinqu�es or �umulated under(b)of paragraph 2,A.�e.;eding,as a credit against '
<br /> prepayraents; the amount of principal then remaia'J-.=unpaid uceder said note, ,
<br /> C�? A s�equal to the ground rents, if any,next ��s:,�`.�s tf�, and shaD praperiy adJust any pa��me�ts which shatl have been ��
<br /> - pr�r+�n.�rs chae witl next become due and payable on��':;�w ef made under (a)of paragraph 2. r�
<br /> fire and other hazard insurance covering [he prapem•, ,��.�_a�es L.
<br /> and assessieeztts next due on the propeny(a!!as est.i.-.:r°.2 by the 4. That the.Borrower will pay ground rents,tax:s, assessments. .
<br /> I.eader)i�s �!!_=wms already paid therefoe d:�.:�:!y t??:number water rates, and other ges:r,�.mental or municipal charges, fines, ' �
<br /> . af r.�ont?�s.a�a�se before one(1)month f�:.:;.�s co�Ir: ���when or impositions, for which;.��vision fias not been made `
<br /> 3�:cf':�e-oun3 rents. remiums. [axes and asse5sr.:���.:�ilii:s::omc hcreinbefore, and in default thereof[.`.s Lender ma � '
<br /> P Y Pay the same: '�:4,,:
<br /> c::e�.:rs:,�senc, such sums to be held by Lender i�trc:sc f�: .�_, �aid and that the Borrow�er�a•ill prompsl, :;::`"�:er the offieia4 receipts � �"�F:'
<br /> ,•.,i,�:
<br /> ground renu, premiums, taxes and spccial assessme^:�r :::,:: therefor to the Lcnder. c:`'i;;.
<br /> (c) All�as�a�ts mentioned in the tw•o preceding subsections�f , ,;� �;i��-
<br /> chis paragraDh and all payments co be made under che cote 5, The Borrower will ���all caxes u°ich may ._.,.�ted upon � __
<br /> � secured hereby shall be added togethcr. and thc ag�,re;r�:amoun� chc Lertder's intcrest in s»::y�1 csta:r 4^d improvements. and ',<,�
<br /> thereof shall be paid by the Borroa•er each mon�h i,� :. ::���le pay- "'hich may be levied upon c:..5 inuru��-^e-: or the debt secured
<br /> ment to be applied by the Lender to the follo�ti•:r.g,i:.r,s,n the hereby(but �nty ta the e�cer.r char s::az is not prohibited by la•:
<br /> order set forth: and only to the extent �hz�r �_c� w•i11 not makc�his toan usuric::-��, f
<br /> but crcluding any incarr:::.:�%., Siatc or�edcral,imposcd on
<br /> (p premium charges under the cor._�wx o;"v:sarance wieh l.ender, and �sill file[he�_e±icia! reccipt showing such payment !
<br /> the Secretary of Housing and Urban bece.cn^;e^�,ar r,-�nthly u•itb the 1_ender. Upon�•ioJation of tN�s undcrtaking, or if'thc , •�, ,
<br /> charge(in lieu of mortgage insurance premium),as �I.�: :::��e may Hurrnwcr is. ,.rohibited by any law•naw on c�reafter exi,ting irom ,:�
<br /> be; paying the:�!wle or any portion of the aforesaid taxes, or upon , .
<br /> pl)ground rents, taxec, assessme-'�:. rir:a.^.3 acher har.ard the rendering of any court decree prohibiting the payment by the
<br /> ;.`�;�;.
<br /> -- insurance,premiums; Aorrow•cr of any such taxes,or if such law or decrce provides that ��
<br /> any amount So paid by the Sorraa•er shall be credited on the debt.
<br /> _ (IU) interest on the nate sccured hereb;: �he !_rnder shall havr the right ta give ninety days' titiritten notice �
<br /> (IV) amortization of the principal of�aid note: and �� �he owncr of the premise,, rcquiring thc paymcnt of the debt:
<br /> If such notice be gicen, the said debt shall becoma duu. payable
<br /> (V) late chargcs. and coQcctib(c at thc cxpiration of said ninety days.
<br /> Any deficiency in the amouut of s�ch aggregate nionthly pay- 6. "fhat �hould tRc Borrower fail t�pay any cum or kccp any
<br /> ment shall. unles�madc ga�d by thc F3urro«•cr ptior tn thc due �a,,.en.mt prcroided fur in thiti instrumer.t,then Ihe Lender, at it�
<br />— date of the next �uel� payment, conctitute an eveN of default
<br /> � under t8is m�rtg�ge. "I'hr l.ruder may collecl a "late charge"nc�t option, may pay or perform the same.and a11 exprnditureti ti��
<br /> to cxcccd four centy(4d)f��r cach dollar ($11 of each �aymcnt
<br />��
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