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<br /> � made�ha11 tre added to[he principal sum o�tiing on the aborc 12. Thc Borro«�er further agree.s that shauld this ins[tumen�and
<br /> note.shall.Ee s�urcd hereby, and s1�al[ bear iuterest at the rate set the note secured herebg not he eligihl.for insurana:unst:� the�?a•
<br /> � fartt�in the said note, untii paid. tional Housing Act nithin eight months fram the datC here�f
<br /> (written statemcnt af any officer a�'the i"it�+artment nf t��us;ng
<br /> 7. That th��.'orro�Yer hereby assigns. transfe-s an�sets ocer to an�.l;rt�an De�•elopment or anthn�i7r�d ag�t of the Secre:ar,�of
<br /> the Lender, to be applied coxard the paymes�t�ot�[h;note and all Ho�ist�and Urban Development dated subs�qmc�i to the�ghi
<br /> sums secured hereby in case of a default in th;p:tf'cmmance of mQr�th�'�time from the dete o€this instrument, deslinin�tu insate
<br /> any of the terms and canditions of tnis insuuns;nf,or th�said sai8 nnte act3 th4s marcgage,being dpema!rJndusiv�prqaf of
<br /> _ net�a!1 th�rents,revenues an�inanEr::to be derired fram th: such itt�hility), th�Lender or h�icicr:af!he nnte m���, at its op•
<br /> s'�p�i;es dnring such time as the_it;debtedn�sh�il remzin tion,de�re all sumr s�bEtet�y:;���;�r3,.���end p4�,�i�bw
<br /> � u�_;a:d. and[he Lend�-sha11 ha�•e pos•e-ta ap�;nt any agens or Nat�cuhy-tr�tding th:fbre�oing, Q�fs•q�t{en may not.6t�cc.�c;eci
<br /> �,ents it may des'ue foc the purpose of repairinsc�;�iri premises a.�d b}� ih_Yxn3�or th:hn(@er of�drz ncne ti�hen che in�i�teilit}•tnr
<br /> — ' Y�f rentn�°.he sairte�.3 celleciing th�rents, reLC-��es and incaaz�, insuran,=under th:lti��nna1 F-?ousing Act is dce:ra th�I:e..�t;1er's
<br /> aad it mst•.�a,u o�:t of sa;d incdm�a!l expeases of re�airing saict failure m remit dr:tr�agage insurance ptcmium,ta.th�.L'�stt.
<br /> . �ierns'.=�ae��an- commissiarr�a��expenses uzairre�iR rr�t- ment a�"Housing ansi.t;rban Deceapm�ni. '
<br /> _ � ' zs.g asa,_:,=���^-; th�s2�te and oC cnE':cting rentals tii:tefrarl: •
<br /> ::*e b2'�..^.;.*�r„maini��.. �f anp, tv k�;;��lied to«•ar�t tfir d'ucharge 13. T�eat if the Herrrnce-fait�ta m;ke a.rcy��{:��;n�nts a€rrncey
<br /> � 3f�i�r'�,;�=t�ness. �r•hen the same b.°cort.:due,or fr�;•to cunfmr t��and comply
<br /> • with any of the coacii:ci.�:,s.or agieemenu c�ri:aiat�f in this instru-
<br /> B. 'iTT.st lhe Borro�rer u•i'_1 t:� �,±7:i�;�pTOVemen[s now existi�� �. ment,or the note a f�rs�.it secures, then thecrr.riie�rincipai sum
<br /> or hereafter erected on the gr•��;rt:::s;nsured �.s map be required and acerued interesi�:ia11 at onx become due-.��i��ayable, at the �
<br /> � from time to time by th r L�:%a-gainst loss by fire and other elec�iois uf the Lender. � � '�
<br /> hazards�casualties and w_•�t:���encies in such amounts and for such '
<br /> periods as may be requiea£6y the Lender and w�ili pay promptly, L;r,�i:r. shail giFe n,�czce to Ecrru�ver prior tc� a�ar'-�ratia-;
<br /> _ when due,any premiums on such insurance procision for payment follcttir�Eurrotyes'Si:.-each of any eovenanl r�ra��?�eemer.r;-, ,�?-.�;; �
<br /> of which has noe been made hereinb:fore.All insurance shall be insTnu-�.,�.-�c (but nor�ior co acceleration un,lcr�;u�-�aph 1��
<br /> earried in companies approved by the l.ender and the polieies and unlci�a r�_licable la�c provides ntir...�:uise�. Tte.r�.;,ice shal��:.j:�,:,:f:a:. �
<br /> renewals tkereof shall be held by the Lender and hace attached (a)th%dr-.�av[t; (b)the actian reqii�ir�.f to cure e:e.default:{�.; �
<br /> � tfiereto loss payable clauses in favor of and in form accep[able to date, arc!ess than 30 days frorn rU,e;#a*.e the z�-::ice is gi�•en to. • " •
<br /> the Lender. In event of loss Sorrower will give immediate notice Bo�ro•.rer. by�vhieh the default must be cure�i; ;;�d(d)that failure
<br /> by mail to the I.ender, a•ho may make proof of lass if n�t made to cure the default on or before the date spe�r��d in the notice
<br /> promptty by Borroa�er,and each insurance company concemed i5 may resui[ in acceleration of[he sums sec:ured by this in.strument
<br /> _ hereby authorized and directed to make payrrtent for such loss and sale of the Property. The notice shaU further inform Borrower
<br /> � directly ro the Lender instead of to the 8orrouer and the Lender af the right to reinstate after accelrration and the right[o bring a
<br /> jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof.may be court action to assert the non-e�istence of a defauit or any other
<br /> applied by the Lender at its option either to the reduction uf che defense of Borroa•er to acceleration and sate. If'the default is not
<br /> indebtedness hereby secured or to the�estoracion or repair of the cured on or before the date specifierl in the noticc, Lender at its
<br /> proprrty damaged. In e�•ent of toreclosure of thi5 instrument ar option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured
<br /> other transfer of title to the mor�gaged property in extinguishmem by this instrument withaut fureher demand and may im�oke the
<br /> � of the inQebtedness secured hereby. a�l right. [itle and interest of power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable taw.
<br /> the Borrower in and ta any incurance policies then in force shatl Lender shall be entitled to collect ali expertses incurred in pursuing -
<br /> pass ta the paachascr or�rantee. the remedies pro�•ided in this paragraph 13, induding,bat not --
<br /> timited�o, reasonaUle attorneys' fees and costs ryf title evidence. ; ,j�
<br /> 9. That as additionzl and collaceral se:urity for the payment of
<br /> - the note clescribed,and al)sums to become due under thls instru- If the power of sale is invoked.Truste:sh,~!? record a notice of
<br /> ment,the Borrowes hereby assigns to the Lender aU profits, default in each coumy in a•hich am� �^,act at't1cr.,?roperry is located
<br /> revenues, r�yalties,rights and benefits accruing to the Borra�ver and shall mail copies of such notix�ir_i►_i�:m,���;��:prescribed by
<br /> under any�nd aU oil and gas leases on said premises, with the applicable la+v to Borro�ser and to t'.=�et'�er nas�;�7s;s precribed by
<br /> right to r�:,:ive and receipt for �he same and appty them to said applicabte law. After the time requir�d by a�F!'s.;abte law, Trustee ' s�%�
<br /> � indebtedr;�ss as well btfore as after default in the conditions of shall give public notice oP sale to ihe persons and in the manner '
<br /> this instrament,and th� Lender may demand, sue for and reca�•er prescribed by applicable law.Trustc�,without demand on Bor• ' �'
<br /> any such payments ahc�� u'�se and payable.but s}iall not be re- rau•er,shall sell the Property at public auction tv the highest bid• '
<br /> quired so to do. 7'his::re�.;nment is to terminate and become nu11 der at the time and p��ce and under the terms d.c�;;nated in [he �'"
<br /> and void u��on releasr ef this inscrument. notice of sale in onc��r more � �'�
<br /> parcels and in any urder Trustee • `'�,.
<br /> determines. Trustee m;�y postpone sate of aU or any parcel of the
<br /> _ !0. That[he Borroxer :tiill keep the buildings upon said ptemises Property by public Announcement at the time and place aP anp
<br /> in good repair, and nc�llz�r commit nor permie�vaste upon said previously scheduled sate. Lender or its designee rnay purchase che
<br /> land, nor suffer the said premises ta f►e uscd for any unlawPul Yroperty at any sale.
<br /> Pvrpose. '
<br /> , 11. Th�1 if'the premises,or any pan thcrcof,be condemnecl to t�hc pur�i�haper T ust�e sndcedtcon ey i�g�he Property.al�deliver
<br /> under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a pubtic use. recitats in the"fruste�'s deed shall be prima facie evidence of the
<br /> �"° � the damages awazded,the proceeds for ehe taking of, or the con- truth uF the state,ncnts made�herein. Trustee shall apply thr pro-
<br /> sideration for such acquisition,to the extent of the full amaunt of rec�ds uf the sale In ehe foltoti�ing order:(a)tn al� expenses of the
<br /> indebtcdnes,y upon this instrument and the note ivhich it is givcn to sale, including, bat aot iimited to,1're�s�e�'s feez as permirted by
<br /> secure�e,jt;ii�tsng unpaid, are hereby assigned by the Borrower ta applicable law and re:;�onable attorneys' fces:(b) to all sums
<br />_ Ihe I,endei,and shaU be Daid forthwith to said 1 ender to be ap- secured by this 5ecuriry Instrwnrut:and(c)any excess to the �+er-
<br /> � P�i�d by the tatter on account of the next maturino in�.t�limrnts of can or per�ons Icgally entitled to it.
<br /> such indebteclness.
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