2� 17��2�5
<br /> .
<br /> �C3 "Lender"�s u�� e n L a a n s I n�.
<br /> .
<br /> Lender�5a �(��'���'��l�n
<br /> �rgani��d and exis�ing t�nder the Iaws of t f�e S�a t� o f M i c h�g a n ,
<br /> Lender's address is 1��� l��od��r'd ��e, Detr'o�t, #�� �$���-1���
<br /> r
<br /> �n� ��Trustee���s F�rst Ameri can Ti t�e
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> � RS"�s M��t�age Ele�tronic Reglstra#i�n 5ystems, Inc. MERS is a separate�orpora�ion that is
<br /> �cting sale�y as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successor$and ass�gns. MERS is the benefi�iary
<br /> under this Security Instrument. MERS �s organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has
<br /> an address and tel�phon�number of P,�. Box 2�2�,F�int,MI�55�1-2�2�,te�. (SS8}G79-MERS,
<br /> �F� "Nate"mea�s th��ram�ssory note�igned by Borro�er and dated D2CPm�e r �1, ��1� .The�ote
<br /> states that�3orro�rer�w�s�er�dcr Qn� HL(n�1"�� ��f ty �I1 n2 Th�L�S anC� ��1�'�� HU�1�r�d
<br /> Seven and o��lo�
<br /> Do�lars(U,S,$ 1��,��7.�Q )plus interest. Barro�ver has pron�ised to pay this debt in regu�ar
<br /> Peri�dic Payments and to pay th�e debt in f�a11�ot�ater than ��n U�ry �, ���� ,
<br /> {G} "Praperty"means�he property that is described belovv under the heading"Transfer of Rights in the
<br /> Froperty."
<br /> {H� "L�an"means the deht evid�n�ed�y the N�te, plus interest, an�la�e charges due under the Note, and all
<br /> sums due under this��c�rity�nstrument,plus interest.
<br /> (I} "Riders"means all Riders to this Security Instrument tha�ar�executed by Barrower, The follo��ving
<br /> Riders are to be executed by Borro�er[check�ox as applicabl�j:
<br /> �Adjustabl�Rate Rid�r 0�and�miniurn Ri�er [� Planned Unit De�elopment Rider
<br /> �Qth�r Le�a 1 ��ta�h�d
<br /> ❑Reh.abilitation Loan Rider
<br /> 1 t� 4 Fam��y ��d�r
<br /> {J} "Applicable Law"rn�ans a��contra�i�ng applicable federai, s�ate and�ocal statutes, regulations,
<br /> ordinances and administrative rule�and orders�that have�he�ff��t of��.w}a�we��as a��appli�ab��final,
<br /> non�appeaiab�e judic�al Qpit�ions.
<br /> �K} "Cvmmunity Asso�i��ion Dues, Fees, and�ssessrn�nts"means aIl dues, fees, assessments and other
<br /> charges that are imposed ar�Borrower or the Prop�rty by a condominiurn association,homeotivners
<br /> associatior�or sirnilar organi�ation.
<br /> �L} "E�ectroni�Funds Transfer"means any transfer of funds, other��ian a tr�ns�ction originat�d by check,
<br /> draf�,or simi�ar paper instrumen�,which is init�ated�hrou��an elect�o�ic terminal,�elephon�c
<br /> instrument,campu�er,or magnet�c tap�so as to order, ��struct,o�authori�e a fin.anr'rai institutz�n to
<br /> debit ar credi#at�account, Suc�term in��udes,but i�not�imited to,point-of-sale�ransfers,autama�ed
<br /> telter ma�hine transactions,transfers initiated hy t�lephone,v�ire transfers,and automated clearinghous�
<br /> �ransfers,
<br /> FHA Deed af Trust Wittt MERS-NE 91341�414
<br /> Bank�rs Syst�msT� VMR� VMP4N(NE)(15D6).OQ
<br /> Walters Kluwer F�nanc��l Sesvtices Page z of 47
<br /> q�33F3 435�3 �� 3 3 5 �� 7
<br />