.......�.�.�.. T...�.........�........_... _� .. - - ..,
<br /> 2� 17��2�4
<br /> �unds �tx��r�ti�e b�s�s�f��rrer�t�ata a�ad re�or��.�Ie�st�m�a����f expend��r�s�f fr��ur�E�cro�nr
<br /> It�ms or���r�ris�i��cca�da�ce vv�i�h A��I���b�e L��r.
<br /> �'he �x�nd� s��I� b� �e�� x� �� ��$b�tut��� ��a��e d���s��s �re irisured �� a �e�er�
<br /> ����cy�, �strumentalit�, or en�ity t�an�l�xci�ng L�n�de�r, i.f Ler�d�r is an in�t��ut��n wh��� a�epas��s
<br /> �r�sa �nsured� �r i� �� �`�d�r�l �o�m� L�a�n B�nk. ��n��r sh�l a�p��r �e ��n�s t� �a� the
<br /> ��cra�r Items no l�t�r tha� �e t�.nn�s�eci�e� under RESPA. Len�.�r sh�.1 �.�ti c�arge Barro�rer
<br /> far �i��c�i�x� a�d a��1�ng �ae �'uaa��s, ax��.a�� a�na��zix�� the esar��r �����un.�, �r �� ' ' � �he
<br /> E�cra�v��e�as, �cx�l�ss T�en�.�r pay� Bo�r��rer int�rest on the �un.r�� �nr1 A�p�ca��.e �,a�r p�rrnits
<br /> L�nde� to mak� ���h � �harge. �.J�I.�ss an ag,�ee��nt is ��d� �.n �t�n.� or �p��c�.ble L�.�r .
<br /> �e�u�r� in�er�st �v be �ai� a� �he F�n�s, L�nder sha.� n�t �� r�quired �v �a� ��rro�v�� any
<br /> in���re�t �� �ni�n�s on the F���. �vrro�r�r an� Le�d��r ca� a�ee �n ��g, ho�v����, t�a�
<br /> int�������a�.�e pa�d �n th+� �un�.s. Len�.e�s�a,�X �ve �a Barra��r, �i�h��� Gh�r�e, an annual
<br /> accoun�g of�h�Funds as requ�red b�RES�'A,
<br /> If��r� is �. sur�Ius �af�`urid� ����. in escr�Vtr, � de�ned un�er ��PA, �en�.e�r �hall
<br /> acca�t t€� �azxovvear�ar th� e��ess�unds � a�cvrda�p�c��vn�h R�SPA. If there �s a shor�age �f
<br /> �`u��s ��X� �n �s�xa�r, as �.e��d under RT�SPA, L�n��r sha�1 no�r Borr��er�s r�quir�� b�
<br /> �SPA, a�.� Bo�rv�crer s�.� �a�r �� �en�.er �� am��� ���essary� �� xa.a�� up �.� ��or�ag� ian
<br /> a.����dan���th RES��A, ��t i� �v �.��r� tk�an �� �ao�t.�.� pa�ment�. I� t�ere is a �.e�icie��
<br /> af�unds held 3ar�escro�r, as de�'a�ra.ed�ae�RE��A, Lend�r sh�Il m�ti.f�Sa�x��r�r�s�r��u�are�.�y
<br /> �S�'�A,, a�� ���r��nrer s��, p��r �� L�nd�r the �au�nt ri��e�s�y t� �n�k� up �he ���icienc�r in
<br /> a������n��wi�h RESPA, ��xt in n¢�axe t�aua�1�m�rithi�pa�.ents.
<br /> Up�n ���i�nt i� f�. �� � ��� �eGt�r�d '�y this �eC�ri�y In��me�t, L�n�er ��ta�
<br /> p�oxm�tl,����u�n������rv��r any F`�ad�h�ld b�Lender,
<br /> �� ��ar��s; �i�.s. �orr��er s�� pay a�1 ta�es, asse�sxr�ents, c�a�ges, f�n��t �d
<br /> unpvsi#ivn� �t�ri��ta��� tv t�e Frop�rty�rhic� �an at#�in ���x�it� vve�t�i� �ecur�ty In�#r�xe�at,
<br /> �ease���o�pa�m.e��s ar gra�d renf� �n ���'ra���r�, i��n�r, a.��. Cammwaui�Assoc���i�n �3�.�s,
<br /> Fees, an�Ass�ss���.�, if a.x��. T�the�xt���that these�#�x���r�Escrv�v Items, B�r�o��r shal�
<br /> �ay the�€in t�e�n��r pr�v�ded i�S�c#3���.
<br /> ��rr��r�r sh.� ��ra�n.p�l� di$c�ar�� �n�r �ien �vh��� h�s �r�o�t� over �is Secr��ty
<br /> �nstrum�nt u��ss Bo�r��rer: ��� a�rees in ��iu� t� �e pa�rner�f af the abl�g��t�� se�u�ed by
<br /> �e �te� i�n a manr�er �.��ep�b�e t� Lender f bu� an��r sv �ang as ��rrowe� is p���o�nr�ng sr���.
<br /> �reement; �b� c����sts �� li�n in�o���`aith b�, o�r �ef�n�s �ga�n�� �n�Q�c�men�af the ��e�a�.n,
<br /> Ieg��rviceed��s�vhi�h in�.,end�r's op�n�on aper�t��o pre��n��he����r��menf�f the 1���v�r�.�
<br /> th�se �rocee�ags a�� pe��g, b�t on�.y �� suc� ��r�c��dings �r� ca�.��uded; or ��� �e�ux'�s
<br /> �om th� h����r �f t�e �i�� �a. agr��m�n� �a�i��ac�a�r �o �.end�r subardin�t�..n� t�e Yr�� fi� ��
<br /> Se���r In�trum.��t. If L���er �.�t�r�xa,itz��s that any par# o�' �e Pr��e�`�r is sub�ec� #a � �i�n
<br /> w�Zch ��n a�a�r� ��iori�r ��r�r th.�.s Sec�t� Tn�tr�en�, L�n��r ma� �i�te Barro�r�r a na�t��
<br /> ide�ntif�ing �� �i��. �Ti� 1� da�s vf�.e �.a�� on��ch �h�,t��t��� is �iv�n, B�rra�sr�r �h�.
<br /> s�.�sfy t�e 1��n�r ta�e a���r�aare�����.�t�vns�et��r�h a�ba�re i�th�s��ction 4,
<br /> L��der�ay re�uir��a�a�ve�r t��a.�r��ne-fi.i�.e c��rge fvr a xe�.�s#�t�t��'�x������
<br /> �n�.I��r��oxtiing se�i.��us�d�y Len�er in c��ect�vn�vn#h#�is�.v�.
<br /> �. �r�perty' In��c�. Bvrtawe� ��a� ��e� �e �rr��ro�r�m��#� �n�� �x�s�in�; ar
<br /> ��r�a�t�r ere�t�d o� �a.� Pra�e�r i��ure� �ga�n�t las� b��ire, �iazar�.� �un�,u�e�.��n �� te�
<br /> "��t�n�ed cove�rag�,'► and an� ot��r ��ar� �n����n.g, b�xt �a� lim�.���, tv, �ar��qua�e� ar�d
<br /> �E$�.�.-�5i�g�e F�a�ily._Faania MaefF�eddi�M��F[�RM Il�TS'i'��1�'�a�pat�O�Z�S 1l4x
<br /> G��-�3��5-0����10��(�'a�e 6 a�'�9�
<br />