,�., �: �, . - - � � yr cx.�if.}t�s'��f �.::.ar,u����r .��.,.isr;���ai
<br /> �_ .r'xFiza.�ss�1�711w Us.;r.a�454� ._ '+r. .. r.�... ^sili..�.y`�:a_�f.si +�i� ' Sr-�•: 7`S� -� — _- - _
<br /> _ ___.__ __ _ _ _._ _ __ ___ 'r1.��:►`�hS 'n1iTa�hL...e'sc` `.0 L4� �,li�r�^���
<br /> � _..._._- � " _ _ �
<br /> �_-� , '1
<br /> riaos�4
<br /> 6. E�wMMnt Oa�aN-LanQd�s here9y ass�gne0 ait compensaUOn.awarQs.Camages and othec payments o�rel�Q��$11�i1c_r'Prg.ee031��CtJnne[UOn wrth
<br /> COfldf R1:titiOn Ot Othf1li�InQ Ot th!FfOp�rty Qtp7(i!hQ!lo�.Or fOt COnvCy811t0 in hEu Of C6lldElflOitiOn.lf!nQer 6hdR C8 BnUtIGd dt tts O�JJr1 tPCORifI1011C0.i$OC1��i1 atld
<br /> .prOflGUt�InttfOwn�trttY��Y�CItOnorpfOC��d�^gf•in00ht1�ats2f0\YRS�ltedtom�YS�nyc6mpram�s�Orflttltmpntinconnqcb07w�thiuchttktnparO�maQ1 in[h�
<br /> �YEnt llly pQrt�on qi th�Ptop�Ry is so titt:l or d4maQed.L�rtOe�sndlt havo inG optaan,in�u soio YB�PDSOtute d�sc�ett�n,to ap.�ty aIt¢ucn VroC8eQ3.atter EIYQueUnp
<br /> ih�retrom ail eosts�nafs yensea incurred bY!����onnact�on w�tA such p:oceeds.upon a�y�naeQteOne,s sewre0 Re�¢G�anO�n such osder as LenOer may d�termir,�,or to
<br /> apply att wt�ProcNds.atter sucn Qeduc[�8ns.to trta roslprr�l�on ot tne ProDerty upan sucR wnA�t+ona as Lortder may 4eterrnme An�ap;.�+catwn c!Proceeds to
<br /> �ndeotednesa s�tU nat e�ctenA or pou0o��e due date ot any Dayments un0er t�e t+to!e.o�cure any de[autt Ihe�eurtder or rtereunQer.
<br /> � �. ►�ACt�naby��nder.�nt�sOVentotBotrower'3/a+NretopeAOrmanyotthecavenents�ere�normakeanyDayrs:entsreQusrlOtu�reDy.ont�nytci�StakRnar
<br /> �lprocMd�ngca�moans r�huh autenstly atffC�f lpnQ/r'i�nSerest�n the Property.LancTer may�n�ta owa d�scrauon,but wd�out oDt�,qnbcn eO Q0 sa.and w�thout nOt�c�
<br /> � lOdt W rtlifiQ UpDt1 BOff01lrH atld W itbOUt�itY3ii00 BOIfOW�f f�OT�ny ODLy�t�On,do aoy aGt whicA i�e BortOrlr h349gr¢eC b st firta tC d0 in6 msy i1iOQOioy Otnit a[t�t
<br /> deems n�c�ssary!o protect tne secunty hereof_80.rower snatf.�mmediatety upo++Qemanp therator b d Lender.psy to lend4�all coau an0 expenfes�ncurre0 aa0 sums
<br /> �Kp���d py��eb�nnconnectwn w�th th�extrc�ta Gy Lenderottha lo�ego�ng nghU-.together weSn�nterost the�ean at ths rate proviCBa inthqNote.M�hicb sn�U Et aCdeA to
<br /> �he mQ2Dtednn�sscured�ereby LBnCer sh�0 not�ncur any personal t�aDiUty bewuse of anyth+ng rt mag do or om�t to do nereunG�3r.
<br /> 8 Erc�M of ONa�tl.The follow�np snsfl constrtuie an evens ot Gelautl unCer Ih�s Qeed o1 Trust: • '
<br /> _ (a) Faduretopayanymsutsmentotpnncipa�onnterestoranynlhersumsecurednerebywtientlue.oriauuretapaywhdndueanyother�ndeOteAneuol
<br /> earrowar to Lender.
<br /> (b� A artach o�w default unQer any pravis�on contain80 in tRe Nme_this dee6 at Trusl.any QxumetnS whir.h secures lrte Natt,and 8ny other
<br /> �� entumaranc�upon t�e Property.
<br /> (W Awnlole:eCUUOnaranachmentaranys�milarpratessshallbeeni¢redaga�nsiBorrowerwhschshaupecomeatrenanthflPropertyaranypostioa
<br /> _ - ihereot Or interest therein,
<br /> (0) Th!»shall6e hled Oy o�8gtin41 130rrawer an ac[ccn untlar any present or tuture fEGSraI.StatB Or oSR81,5tdtulQ;iaw or reguiahon�etaung(p .
<br /> bsnktuptey.�nsolvency orotherret�ellor�a::uis,ar Ihere snau be appo+nteaany trustee.rece�veror trqv�aator o19G��tr+r�»rnf El3 arany pan olthe Property.or
<br /> lhe qoti.�uues or prohis tAereoi,or BoncwQr sbal�make any reneral assrgnment for tre baoatrt ot creA�tO�s •
<br /> (�) Th!fa1C,transfer,assignment,corrueyance ar furtter encumbrance at 2f1.or any part o1 0-an�in�esest+R tC�Praperty.e�tner votuntarity ar
<br /> iavotuatanty, wnhoutthee+preSSwnitenconsentotLender
<br /> (1) It Botrawer is not an md+vidual,tne s�le,transfer,aes�gnment.conveyance av er.�urbrance oe moretRan percent ot(ii a torpcntia�)its
<br /> issued and outstandmp stock or(d a parlr.ersRipi Fercent ot parlrers�iD�nteresls �
<br /> 9 q��MN�s;ACCtIHNion Upun O�Iwil.ln Ihe ovent ut uny Event ot Dafault Lendor may dsclare all�nQeAtedRU58 seeure0�ereby to beQue ana pnyabtean0 ttr�
<br /> sams shall thereupon becomedue and payaUfe w�thou�an�pre5entmenf.CemanA,prc!est os r,q!,r.e o<an�k�r.d-Tl�arealh=.r iender may.
<br /> �a) Qem�ndth�lTrusteee�erc�sethePDWEROFSA1.Eg�anreanerem anC�rostEeeh;3ilt�ereaKere&u,e8orrower'sinterest�MheFco,�ertyto0ecaid.
<br /> �na t�t proC�eQS to be Qisthbutca.a0 m the manner pr4�ntlFrt��Ihe Nebraska'f�usl OeeAS Ac7.. • � �
<br /> — (b) ERher m person or Dy agent.wrtD or wrthout br�•mrng an f act�C�or�rocaed�nq:ar b;+a recerver appomteu hy rs rAUrt and w�thout regsrd fo iG�
<br /> edequeCyol�lSSecunty.enteruponandtakepossess�anoltheP:*JGert�.o�AnyA3i��rsr.;n!rrtit�:rf+nnameor�nlhenameoltteTrustee.anCCOanyactswhids .
<br /> 11 dBBrtIS�0CBS9dry Of QBS�f0D1@!O Q�BABIV@ Ih0 v01uB.tnd�kBt3G4il�O'fEf�LlCd�l•l.Ot Tt'e�rcnerty or part+Pereol or�nt2rest therflm,mcrease the mcome �
<br /> Ihetetram Or protetl t�e 58wnty hBre01 an4,w�th ur wdnOUt laking pO;5C55�On p!lhb P:orerly,sce tor or c!rcroise coltecl Itfe rents,issues and protils lhereot.
<br /> � � iaetuEmgt�osepaslduean0unpaid,endapplyihesame.�esscast3andexpnnsesotoperaUana^.uconecLOnmcluC�n9attorneys'tees.uponany�ndebtedrtass
<br /> _� secuted hereby,atl m suCA or�e�as 4ender may determmq TAq EOfAl���u¢Ott A00 t8k1�g F44:Ft:tOO 01 ih2 Prope�ly.Ih0 C�'SWIOOOt Su[h�8nt5.�SSU0S8t1d
<br /> , pro6tsin4lheappUCahonthereOtdsitoresatO.shallnolwr�ortr8luNdnytlelaultornot�Ceofui:f3ulihereunAetonn�al�Qdl�;r�aclCOne�nreSpons6tO5uth -
<br /> �Jelaull Ot pucSUant t0 SuCh rtelirzs Of Caiault and.nOtw�!hStdrtd�ng IrO[Ontmuante�n poSSe55�aa c1 the Pruperty or the Cr�'=r�,un.reCetpl and applttat�On GL
<br /> • �Cnts,iisuei or prOfiis.Tru_tuc�;rlender shalt be enUtted to ecercisc eo�ry��gM pranded tar�n a�/u11he Laan Insuumer.ls,�r ty law uponoccurence ot any .
<br /> eveNOf delaul�.mtiutlmg th�rr�et.IOexerace�he power ot cale.and
<br /> _ . , (C) CAfI1f118�GB 8f1 0G2:4!'�tC fOt$CIC;.L'1��i1!.D2fA U)TfU51 85 8 t�iQft93[E a�poiM a rece�ve� �r S�f::ti�:.,zl:�eritorce any dt Ihe core^��rsheff0l; ' 1
<br /> f�ar�..r�:yhEremCOnlerreAuponorreser.¢OtoTh,stee�aucnaens�ntnndedloDeexclus�veofanyotr.ESta�ed�rne:e�r�:ylawpronQe00rperm�Ued.o�eacbshz.itr•• � �
<br /> U;;r-:;.2''.t�3.Sh�ll b8 madOd�on to every Oth¢r rem8dy g�.�:-he�e�ndet ar uow o�herealter eusUng at�,�u�-r�n�syuuy u 7y statute an0 may G8 e■erciSeO conturrer':f
<br /> i�Ce;,,e�Santly or sur.cessnely r�
<br /> . ,
<br /> 10 Ttuit��.The 7rostee may res�gn at any t�rr.c rr.�l�nut causo anA LenAet may at any Ume and w�lhout cause.'.GG'7�nt r sutte550�ot Sub4tdutB T�U4�88 TtuS.'.�� �
<br /> ahatl nol be I��ble for�ny losa or Gpmage untess aue fa;sd+inabis negbgence or wUitu�m�scanduct an�sAaI1 nol Y.c rr.�..:en�v take any achon m connechOn wnA�he .
<br /> eMOrce+!��nt ot Ih�s OEetl ot Twsl unl�ss mdemmt�ed �n v+r�f�ng.tar an costs.compenSaUOn or e�penses v�h�sh ma,•wYr:wua�ea InereM�tA In add�t�on.Trustee may
<br /> CeepeaeapurehuerntaaysaleoltheProperrypudic�afw�:n3ermepowerofsalegranteahare�n�.pu,�punelnesaiautac sranypo�oon�ltheprope�ty.asprov,aeabylaw.
<br /> or sESL:."�s ProDerty esa w8ote.or m sep�rate parceis or fots -
<br /> �f �ulut�Adqnu�•Upon request of Borrower �enCer may at tls ophon makoaddd�onal.�nd tuiure aAvancesand rea0vances toBorrOw¢� 5uch advances and -_
<br /> reaCv:ac�:as.withmteresUhereon.s�aU be secured Ay th�s Deed ut T�us�Af no t�me shail the D��n��pa�amount of lhe�ndebfPdness seCurea by In�s Duedot Tru51.nol m- '_,„-.,
<br /> c1uCr..gSa�sadvan:elROproteclltfesecuntyotlh�5�ec�Got7rust.e■ceee[heon��nalpnnapalamountsiatranere�n ::�5 � .--• - .- .whiC�everrs ��.�"�
<br /> 9{@IIi¢."
<br /> .9
<br /> ?L- �IUdlsn�ow7rovitlon�.
<br /> fa) Bonow�r Nol Nel�ss�a•E�tens�on ol Iha ume k,r paymenl or mou�6cauon o�a�-•.;:,;ac,.;�o:�ne sums secureT s�v�n�s peeA ot Tn,st grantedC{
<br /> tenGer toany successo�m mterest ot Barrc.+��r shan no�opera�e to�ctec�•.,e m any manner.u-._;:an�t�ty o1:!�e ongmal Ba«a�ci and 8orrowei s succes:�ors-.�
<br /> inlere9l LertCOr Snall not be fequueC to cr,rr„r,�^ce pruceeAings against sueh successor or ret�,su tu ax�end r.�-r.lor payr•er;::;;��th�rwi,e moAdy amurhrat+0�•
<br /> O11he 8ums slcured by Ih�S 08e0 01 Tnt:t�;y�uason o1 any demanas matle Dy Ihe ongma�8onaxer and[-1��':.�9�r s s�.cr_•.:s;urs in m�eresl -
<br /> (b) L��r�POWtfi.WdDpu181f2Ciiri��ihohabddyOfanyotnerpQrsnnhaDletorlhepaymentolenyoCnr;:;�Gnherz^rqenlioned.andwdhoulalletUng
<br /> IAeh�no�Lh8rg8o11hi80eedofTrusluDonanypo�ponulthoProperlynoll�enuilnfretofure�cieasedasscc:.�nyfv:i�+•a� Vamounlotanenpai4oCli9at�ons .
<br /> Lender m�y.trOm timo to hme an0 wdhoul not�ce(U reteasa any Oeisan sa��aAlp.l«►bxien�l t�e matunly or aUO�any ot it�:��ams ot any such o4t�gat�on5,Q��.)
<br /> , grantotner��Autgonces.{iv►releaseo�recunveymcausetooe�e�easetlorrecunv�ye0alanyl�muatlende�sopuunsa�tifG�i'"-el.poitionorellOtlnoPropartf . ,
<br /> (v)take or ie4ease any otner o�a00�twna�Sec ur rty fr,r any ubhgaUOn heic�n men I�Oned.or(��y n�aM�t ompos�Upn,or ot�er arrdngements wdh tlebtur5 m telaliGr. •i'i
<br /> tnereto I•�I'n
<br /> (C) iot0�sanC�by L�edfr Mot a Waivo.any tarbearanca by Lendei�n ererc�s�ng any n9h�ar remedy nereuntler or otherNisc•alfOrdeO Oy appUCabto . -
<br /> — � Iaw.thallnOfbeiwarve�otorp�eCluGet�eOMptWSeofanysuchngMOrremedy ThBprocuremenlut�nsuranceorlheVaymantUllaao,orothC�h8n90►charges
<br /> by lenC�rth�ll not be a w2�ver o)6ender's r�qh�to accaiorate the maiur��y u)Iho�ndebtndnass securea by��is Oeetl ut Trus�
<br /> I (G) Sueu�wn�nd Auyn��ounQ:Jalnl and��r�ral LhbiHty:Gp��Om.The covenants end ayr¢omor�t9 here�n centama0 Shail U�nd.an0 t�e nyGfs
<br /> ' hEr�urtCe�BK�II muro to.t�b�espeCt�ve sucCessors and a.s�g�s of Laoder and Horrower.5ub�er.t to Ihe U�ov�s�uns u1 pa�zg:aFb 81e)hereuf All covenants2R4
<br /> agrtemente ol8ouower 9�aA 0e�o�nlan4 several 7ne caybons ano head�nys o11he paragrapns of Ih��hceA ot irusl are tur conven�onco anly and a�e�ol lobe
<br /> uscU t0 interDitll u�tivuiro��yiuv�e��..�s t����:��
<br /> �,,,_ (e) Rpw�Ifo�NO��cu.71tEp0�U85h4iCbyreQuestlhataCOpyol�nyno��coMde1au11hereunACranAncnpyolenynoUCUUlsdl���reun�erbomadeAtO
<br /> Eachpanytoth���asdotTruslaltheaCdre55sq11orihaCOveint�BmannerpicscnbQ00yapphcu0le�aw EMCapllo�anyolneraoucoraquiredundn�apD��ceG�o
<br /> _ � � (awtoCe ywen m anotAer mann0�.any not�ce provided lor�n Ih�s Oeed u1 Tiu�t shall bv g�ven Oy mad�ny sucb noticu by tortd�od mad addressed to t�e othai
<br /> p�ttil3,it Iha�ddtes!SQl fOf111 9DOr0
<br /> Any npUt�prOhad fa 4n tQls Oee00/Trust Shall be deeme0 to hire been qwen to 8orrower or Lend�r whtln{�wen m ihe mann0r das�gnated Bere�n
<br /> (1) I�ffptl1011.lEnQEle�/ymiMea�ciu50tobEmsOCrESlOn�d�een��ie9upOrlEnd�nSpEC1�OnSOtIfi9P�Op9�ty.0�OVidedlhillC�QO�Sh�Ilgiv�801fOwY�
<br /> � nobto Onor toiny such msyect�on specdym0 reasonablu causo Iherefor ralated to lendor',mtorest m Inu Propu��y �
<br /> (q) A�eonwyMt�.UpOnplymAnl6filtSUmsSCCUtEdGythisp9EAOt7rust.lendetshallrnquesiT�u9teoturoCUnvoylhuPr�pt�rtyanOSh�IlSUrrenOOt
<br /> IMf heW ot T�ual�n0�11 r.ot�s�v+O�nung indeDt@CnBes aewred by this Oeed of Trost to T�usteu T�usteelhall�econv�y Iho Propa�ly wdhoul wnnaNy and
<br /> w�Ih0u1 thirq!to ih�person Or pbra0ns leg�tty eMAteO theteto Such pB�BUn o►Vv+sons sh:f�l pay all cost9 ot rec�rdation.�1 anY►
<br /> (h) ��nonat/rop��.i�ewitYA�rMnwnl.A�aAGdi0nalneCUrdytoithepaymenlotl�ONatoeilf�Nlures.equipmenf.enaot�n�po�aonalpropeityused ; `
<br /> �ncOnn�ct�onwifhther0�1!!l�barimyroveme�iSlotetedlhereon,�ndnotolne+w�se0etlaredo�deomeOlobesparlollhareateslate9ecure0h�r6by Sna�lbo
<br /> suD�aclio�s�turdymteaslml�vorofthelende�und�rthpNebrask�U�doimCommea�alCuUO 1n�s�nstrumqntsha��bacanetroedasaSecusityAgrenmenl
<br /> unC�f l��d Cod�.andthe LenQu��III�are atliha uyht9tnd remediea ot a secured party unda sa�tl Cade in edGdion In Ihy nyhts and remed�of created under
<br /> iti3 GG:OiB.-..'SSt..^.�Ci+d�t;:if2:t3nt ttr lt:iS�_C4W�f 151 .
<br /> (i) i�wrMMMy.InlheavrMinat�nyprpv�ssonollh�sDeedolTruslconlhc�v��moppt�coDioiaworeredoclaiedmva���orothorvusaurtentorcaabio sucn �
<br /> � contl�clor�rnibOdyfha!/nuldtsWtrteot�arprov�s�oi�sotihisOa¢AoftruslarthoNuluwh�cncenbeg��eno�tuctwdnin,tinUtnnlltU�ng�rtt•ns�on.a��Alum�s _
<br /> � and Ih�prov�siona o11he bled ut Tru�t end th9 t�tota areatclared to bn so�erabtv �
<br /> L dan;swe�h�f�aocuted th��UeeO Gt Ttuellhe tlate wntten a0o+e . f
<br /> .
<br /> � �'���f'��f� .�-,_�! �� �- .
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