2� 17�� 198
<br /> indi�idua� ���igan� or �he member �f a class} tha� aris�s from �he other party's actEans pursuan� to �his
<br /> S�curity Ins��ument ar�ha� a[��ges fihat fih� o�h�r par�y has'br�ach�d any prov�s�on of, or any du�y ow�d
<br /> by reason of, �his Secur��y lnstrumen�, untii such B��r�wer or Lender'has na��fed �he other par�y �wi�h
<br /> such notice gi�en in compl�anc�wi�h�fihe�requiremer�ts of S�c�ion '!5} vf such al�eged�Ioreach and affvr�e�
<br /> the �#her par�y hereta a reasanab'f� �period a�te� �h� �g�v�ng of such �nvtice �o �ake c�r�e�fi�e a�tivn. �If
<br /> Applicable Law pro�ides a fi�me pe�iad which �mus� elapse�b�fore �e�ta�n action can �be taken, �ha� time
<br /> ,period will be deem�d �o be reasonable for pu�;passs of�this;paragraph. The no�ice of acceleration and
<br /> �ppvr�uni�y to cure given t� Borrow�r pursuan� �o Sec�ian �2 and �fhe n��ice of acce�era��vn gi�en ��a
<br /> Bvrrawer,pur�uan��t� Secfiian '�$ shal! be deemed �a satis�y�he no���� and appor�uni�y�o�ake�ca��ecti��
<br /> ac�ivn;pravis�ons��f�this 5e�fi��n 2�.
<br /> �'R. H��ardvu� Subst�nce�. As used��n��his S���i�n �'I�: ��a} "Ha�ardnus S�ubs�ances" are��hose
<br /> subs�ances def�ned as,��xi� or'hazardous subs�ancss, ;pvllufants, or truasfes[by'Environmenfal Law�and
<br /> �he falfow�ng subs�ances: gasoline, ker�sene, ather �[ammab�e or �ox�c �pe�rol�um praducts, ���xic
<br /> pesf�cides and herb�c�d�s, vo[a�ila soi�en�s, ma�erial's can�aintng asbes�os v�- forma�dehyde, and
<br /> radivactive ma�erials, �b} "En�ir�nmenta! Law" means federa���a�rus and laws of,�he�ur�sdi���on where fhe
<br /> P�op�tty is �ocafied #ha# rela#e �o heai�h, safefiy o� enWironmen�al pr��ec��an; �c} "Environmen�al Cleanup"
<br /> �ncludes any response act�an, r�m�d�ai ac��vn, or removal �ct�an, as def�ned �in En�ironmen�ai Lauv, �nd
<br /> �d} an "Envi�onmen�a� �ondi��on" means a candition �hat can cause, can�ribu�e to, o�-othenrvise�r�gger an
<br /> Envi�onmen�al Cleanup,
<br /> Borr�vver sha�l n�� cause �ar permi� the presenc�, use, d�spasa[, stora�e, o�- r�l�as� af any
<br /> Ha�ardaus 5ubs�ancss, �r �threa�en ��� release any Hazardous Sulos#ances, on or �n �he P�roperty.
<br /> gvrrawer sna�l not do, nor allo�v anyone else tv dv, anything af�e���ng�he�Proper�y �a}that is in�iola��on of
<br /> any�En�ironrnen�a� Lavu, �b}which crea�es an Envir�nmen�al �ondit�on, or�c}which= due to the�presence,
<br /> �use, or release �f a Ha�ard�us 'Su�Os�ance, �rea�es a cond�tian �haf�advers�ly a�f�c�s ��he �alue of �he
<br /> Prvperfiy. The preced�ng �wv senfiences shall nv� app�y�o�the �re�enc�, use,�o�storage on �he Pro�e�ty
<br /> v��small �quan�E�ies vf�Ha�ar�dous Subsfances tha� ar��generally recogn�zed tv'be ap,prvpr,iate �a normal
<br /> �-esiden�ial uses and fio mainten�nce af�he�Property �inc�ud�ng, but.no�il�{f�fied �o, �ha�ard�us substances
<br /> in�consumer�praducfs}.
<br /> 'Borrower shal(�promp�ly�gi�e�Lender wr���en�nofi���of�a} any inves#igation,�claim, de,�and,��awsuit
<br /> or o�he�ac�ian by any ga�ernmental�ar���egulatory agency or�pr��a�e,par�y�in�Ql�ing�th��P�roperty and�anly
<br /> Hazardaus Subs#ance �or �Env�ronmen�al �La�r af v�ihich Bor�avver has ac�ua� 'knvv�iledge, �b} any
<br /> En�i�onmenta� Condi��vn, �nclud�ng bu� no��limi�ed �o,�any �pil��ng, �eak�ng, d�s�harg�, re�ease or thr�a� �f
<br /> re�ease�of any�Hazar�dous Subs�ance, and �c} any candi���n Gaus�d'by��h� �aresenc�, use or release of a
<br /> Haza�-daus Substance wh�ch �dWerse�y af�ects the�alue of the Prape�ty. �f Sorrower[earns, or�s no�ified
<br /> by any goWernmen�al vr regulatory au�harity, or any,pr��a��par�y, fiha�any,remvva� vr oth�r remediatEon �f
<br /> any Hazar�dous Subs�ance affecf�ng the Proper�y is necessary, Borrower shall promptly��ke al! nec�ssary
<br /> remedial ac��ons in accordance with �En�ironmen�a� Law. No�h�ng herein sha�! create any ob�iga�ion �on
<br /> Lender far an En�ir�nmen�al C��anup.
<br /> �N�N--UN�FDRM G�VENAfVTS. B�rr�wer and�Lender fur�her cav�nant and agre�as�fol�o�nrs:
<br /> ��. Accelerat�on; Rernedies. Lend�r �ha�� �ive noti�� to �orr�vver ��r�or to acce�e��tio�
<br /> fol�vwing �orro�ver'� breach �of any �o�►en�nt or agree�nent in thi� ���ur�t� lnstrur�e�t ��ut ���t
<br /> prior to acce�eration under �ec�N�n '�8 un�es� A�p�pica��e L��v �provid�s �the�vvis��. Th� ���t�ce
<br /> �`ha�l specify�: ��}the def�ui�; ���the a��ian required��cure th�d�fau'9t; ��} �t��t�,��a�'�����ha� 3�
<br /> �ays from the date th��n�t�ce�is g��e� to�B�rr�►�►er, �by ►nrhich th� de�au�t��us���e��ured; a�d� �dr�
<br /> �that fai�ure ta cure th� �d�fault on or �f��fore �the c�at� ���c�f��d ir� ,�he ��t�c� m�� �r�su�t !�n
<br /> accel�ration of the sums���cur�d�by thi��Se�ur���'�nstrumen�a�� ��`�e ❑f�th��l�rop�a��,. Th�������e
<br /> �sh��i fu�th�r ��fornn �orr��r�r�of the�righ� �o �rein��ate ��er a�G�lerat��� �n� th��r�gh��t� ��r��g a
<br /> courfi act�fln to as��r� �he �nan�existe��e of �a �d�fauft or ��y �th�a� �d�fense �f 'Barr�wer to
<br /> � �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � � �
<br /> '�`� 8 '1 2 f7 � � M C �M � R T ❑ � T �
<br /> NEBRASKA—Srng�e Fam��y-Fannie MaelFreddie�Mac UNIFURM�NSTRUMENT 'Fvrm 3028 'l10'� (page 12 of�i4 pages)
<br /> Martgage Cadence Doc�mer�t Cer�#�r�3�27❑�I��
<br /> a
<br />