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2� 17�� 18� <br /> Gontinu�to pay to L.ender�he amount�f the separateiy designated pa�ments that v�rer�due when�he <br /> insurance coverag�ceased to be in effect. Lender vvill accept, use and r�tain these payments as a <br /> non-refunda�le loss reserv� in�ieu of Mor�gage Insurance. Such loss res�r`re sha�l be non-refundab�e, <br /> no�withstanding the fact�ha�the Loan is u�t�mate��pa�d in full, and Lender sha�� not be requ�red�o pay <br /> Barrower any interest or earn�ngs on such�oss reserve. Lender can no longer require Ioss reserve pa�rnzents <br /> �f Mor�gage�nsurance c��erage �in the amount and for th�period�ha� Ilender requires}provided�y an <br /> �nsurer se��cted by L.ender again becomes a�a��ab��, �s obta�ned, and Lender requires separa�ely designated <br /> payments toward�he premiums for Mor�gag�Insurance. �f Lender requ�red Mor�gage�nsurance as a <br /> ��ndition af making the Laan and Borrawer was required�a make s�para��I�designaYed paym�nts tav�ard th� <br /> �renuurns for Mor�gage�nsurance, Borrower shal�pa��he prem�ums required�o maintain Mortgage <br /> �nsurance in effect, or to pro��de a n�n�r�funda�le loss reserve, unt�� L.ender's requirement for Mor�gag� <br /> Insurance ends in accordance v�ri�h any�ri�ten agreement between Borrovver and Lender pr�viding for such <br /> termination or un�il term�nat�on�s required by Applicab�e Law. Nothing in�his Section �� affe�ts <br /> Borr�u�er's obl�ga�i�n to pay interest at�he rate prnv�ded in the Note. <br /> Mor�gage Insurance reimburses Lender�or any en�it�t�at purchases the N��e} for cer�ain lasses i�may incur <br /> �f Borrow�r does no�repay th�Loan as agreed. Borrower is not a par�y to the Mor�gage�nsuran�e. <br /> Mor�gage insurers e�a�uat��heir total risk on aI� such �nsurance in force from time�o �ime, and may en�er <br /> into agr�emen�s with�ther parties that share or mod�fy their risk, or reduce�ass�s. These agreemen�s are on <br /> terms and Gnnditions tha� are sa�isfact�r�t�the r�or�gage insurer and th�o�her par�y �or�art�es}�o�hese <br /> agre�ments. These agreemen�s rnay require the mortgage insurer�o make pa�men�s using an� �our�e of fund� <br /> �hat the mor��a�e insurer ma�have a�a��ab�e�wh�ch may �nciude funds ob�ained fram Mar�gage Insurance <br /> prenr��ums}. <br /> As a resul�of�hes�agreements, L�nder, any purchaser of�he No�e, another insurer, an�r reinsurer, an}�o�her <br /> ent�t�, �r an� affi�iate of an�of�he foregoin�, ma3r re�ei���directiy or�ndirec�iy} amounts that der��e from <br /> �or migh�be characteriz�d as} a por�ion of Borro�er's paymen�s for Mor�gage Insurance, �n exchange for <br /> sharing�r mod�f�ing �he�nortgage insurer's risk, �r reduc�ng Ioss�s. �f such agre�men�pro��des �ha�an <br /> affiliate of L.�nder takes a share of�he insurer's risk in exchange for a share of th�premiums paid�a th� <br /> insurer, the arran�ement is often termed "capt�v�reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> �a} Any such agreemen�s ��v��l n�t affect the amounts�hat Borro��ver has agreed to pay far Mor�gage <br /> Insurancey ar any o�her�erms of the Loan, Such agreemen�.s�����not increase the amount <br /> Borrovver v����aw�for Martgage Insuran�e, and they vvill no�ent�tle Barrower�v any refund. <br /> ��� Any such agreemen�s wi�l nvt affect the r�ghts Borrower has-if any�with respec��a the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance under the Homeowners�rotect�on Act of 1998 or any ather law. 'These r�gh�s <br /> ma��nclude the righ��o rece�ve cer�ain disciosures, to reques�and obta�n cancel�ation of the <br /> N�ortgage Insuran�e, to ha�e the Mortgage Insurance termina�ed au�omat�ca��y, andlor to re�ce��e <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insurance pre�m�ums tha�were unearned at the�ime of such <br /> cancellatian or�ermination. <br /> '1�. Ass��nment of Misce�[aneous Praceeds; Farfeiture. All Miscell�neous Praceeds are hereby assigned t� <br /> and sha�1�e paid ta I.ender. <br /> If�e Property is damaged, su�h M�sce�lan��us Praceeds shall be app��ed to restora�ion or repair of�he <br /> Property, �f the restora�ian or repa�r�s economica��� feasible and Lender's secur��y �s no��essened. �uri�g <br /> such r�pair and r�stora��on period, Lender sha��ha�e the r�gh�ta h�id such Miscellan�ous Froc�e�s unti� <br /> I,ender has had an appor�unit��o inspe�t such Proper�y�o ensu�-��he v�rork has be�n comp�eted�o Lend�r's <br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe�amily-�annie Mael�rsddie Mac UNIFQRM 1N5TRUM�NT Farm 3028�l01 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NEy�'[342y <br /> Walters Kluwer Fin�ncia!Ser�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />