2� 17�� 18�
<br /> AI� insurance po�ic��s r�quire�.�y Lender and renewais of such polici�s shall be subject to Lender's right�o
<br /> disapprove such pali�ies, shall in��ude a s�andard m�r�gage c�au�e, and shali na�me Lender as m�r�gag��
<br /> andlor as an add�t�onal lass payee. L�nder sha�� ha�e the rig�t to hold�he polzcies and renewal cer�i�cates. If
<br /> Lender requires, Barrower shall pr�mptly gi�e��Lender a�i receipts of paid prem�ums and ren�v�ai notices.
<br /> �f Borrovcrer�b�a�ns any form�f insurance co��rag�, not oth�rw�se requir�d�y Lender, f�r damage��, or
<br /> d�struction af, the Propert�, su�h po��cy shall inc�ude a standard martgage clause and sha��name Lender a�
<br /> mor�gagee andlor as an add���ona� �ass payee.
<br /> �n�he event of 1oss, Borrower shai� give prompt n�tice�a��e insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may
<br /> m.ak.e proof of�oss �f no�made prompt�y by Borr�wer. Un�ess L.�nder and Borrower fltherwise agr�e in
<br /> vvri��ng, any insurance proceeds, whe�her or not�he under��ring insurance�as required by L�nder, sha11 be
<br /> appl�ed�o restaration or repair of�he Proper�y, if�he restflra��on or repair is e�anomical�y feasib�e and
<br /> Lender's se�curi�y is not�essen�d. During such repa�r and r�storation period, Lender shal�have the right�o
<br /> ho�d such insurance praceeds un�il Lender has had an�ppor�un�ty to inspect su�h Proper�y to ensure the
<br /> w�rk has been co�np�e��d�o Lender's satisfac�ion, provided�hat such inspec�ion sha1�be unde�aken
<br /> promptly, Lender may disburse proc�eds for�he repairs and res�ara��on in a single pa�men�or in a ser��s of
<br /> pra�re�s paymen�s as�he work is c�mpleted. tlnless an a�reement �s mad�in writ�ng�r Applicab�e Law
<br /> requires interes�to be pa�d on such�nsurance proceeds, Lender shall no�be required to pa� Barrower any
<br /> interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for publi�ad�us�ers, or��her third par�ies, retazned by Borrower
<br /> sha�� no�b�paid out of�h�insurance proceeds and shali be�he sole ob�igation of Barrov�rer. �f th�restora�ion
<br /> or repair�s not ec�nom�ca�ly feasible or L,�:nder's secur���wauld be lessened, the insurance proce�ds s�al�be
<br /> appiied�o the sums secured by this Secur�t��nstrumen�, whe�her or no�then due, w�th�he e�cess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d�o Borrower. Such �nsurance proce�ds sha�1 b�applied in the�rd�r pro�ided for in Sec�i�n 2.
<br /> �f Borr�wer aband�ns the Property, Lender may ��le, negotiate and set�le any a�a�labie insurance cla�n�and
<br /> rela�ed mat�ers. �f Borr�wer does not respond vW�th�n 3D days �o a na�i�e from Lender that �he insurance
<br /> carrier has affered�o settle a c1a�m, then I�ender may negotiate and se�tle the c�a�m. The 34-day period wi�l
<br /> beg�n when the no�ic�is gx��n. �n e�ther ev�n�, or�f L.ender acqu�res the Property under S�c�ion 22�r
<br /> �therw�se, Borrower hereby ass�gns�a Lender�a� B�rrawer's righ�s�o an� insurance proceeds�n an amount
<br /> nat�o exc�e�the arnounts unpaid under�he N�te or�his Secur��� Instrument, and �b} any o�her�f
<br /> Borrower'� r�gh�s �o�her than the r�ght to any refund flf unearned premiums pa�d by Barrower}under a11
<br /> insuran�e pal�c�es cover�ng�he Propert�, ins�far as such rights ar�applicable to�he coverage af the
<br /> Proper��. Lender may use�he insurance pr�ceeds e��her�o repair or rest�re th�Proper�y or to pay amounts
<br /> unpa�d under the Nate�r�his Securi�y Ins�rument, w�ether ar no�then due.
<br /> �. �ecupancy. Borrflv�rer sha�� accup�, es�abiish, and use the Proper�y as Borrower's princ�pal r�sidenee
<br /> within���ays after�he execution of this 5e�ur��� Instrument and shall continu��o occupy the Pr�pert�as
<br /> Borrower's pr�ncipai r�sidence f�r a�leas�flne�rear after�he date�f occupancy, uniess Lender o�hervvise
<br /> agr�es �n writ�ng, which consent sha�l not be unreasanab��w�thheld, flr un�ess extenuating circumstances
<br /> exist whi�h are�eyand Borrov�rer's cantr�l.
<br /> 7. Preser►rat�on, N1a�ntenance and Prote�tion of the Praperty: tnspect�ons. Borrav�rer sha��no�destro�,
<br /> damag�or�mparr�he Proper�y, a11ow th��roperty�o de�er��ra�e ar c�mmit waste on the Proper�y. �hether
<br /> or na�Borrower is res�d�ng in the Propert�, B�rrow�r 5ha11�nainta�n�he Property �n ord�r to pre�en��he
<br /> Property from de�eriora��ng or decreasing in value due�o i�s cond�tion. Unless it�s determin�d pursuant to
<br /> Sec�ion� �,ha�repair or rest�rat�on is n���conamica.��y feasible, Borrn�rer shall prompfily repair the Pr�p�r�y
<br /> �f dan�aged to avoid fur�her deteriaration or damage. �f insurance�r candemnat�on praceeds are pa�d in
<br /> connect�on with damage tfl, ar�he takzng nf, th�Proper�y, Barrower sha11 be respons�ble far repa�ring ar
<br /> restoring the Proper�y anly if L�nder has re�eas�d proceeds for such purposes. I..�nder may d�s�urse proce�ds
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingte�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3��8 110'!
<br /> VMP Q VMP6{N�)(i 3�2�
<br /> Wali�rs Kluwer Finan�ia!5er�ices Page 7 of�7
<br />