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2� 17�� 18� <br /> senten��s sha�� nat apply�a the presen��, use, ar starage an the Proper�y of sxnal� quan��ties of Hazardous <br /> Substanc�s tha�are g�nera��y recagn�zed�o be appropr�ate�o narmal residential u�es and�a main�enanc��f <br /> the Prflper�y �inc�uding, but n�t�xm�ted to, hazardous substanc�s in con�um�er prflduc�s}. <br /> Borrower sha��promp�ly g�v�Lender wri�ten notice of�a} any investigat�on, clairx�, demand, Iawsuzt�r oth�r <br /> action�y any go�ernmen�al �r r�gulatory agency or privat�par�y inv�l�ing th�Prapert�and any �3azardous <br /> Substance�r Environmental Law of wh�ch Borrov��r has a�tua� kn�w��dge, �b} any En��ronmen�a� <br /> Cond��zan, including but not limited to, any spiX��ng, �eak�ng, d��charge, r��ease ar threat af re�eas�af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, and �c}any cond�t�on cau�ed by�h�presence, use or re�ease of a Ha2ardaus Substance <br /> which adverse�y affects the�ra�ue af the Pr�perty. �f Barrotiver Iearns, �r is natif�ed by any go�ernmen�al or <br /> regulatory authori�y, or any priva�e party, that any removal or ath�r remedia�ion af ar�y �azard�us Substance <br /> affec:t�ng�he Prflper�y is necessary, Borr�wer shall promptly take all neCessary remed�a� a���ons �n <br /> accordance wz�h En�ironmental La�. No�hzng here�n sha�l crea�e any ob�igatxon on Lender f�r an <br /> Envir�n�nen�a� ��eanup. <br /> Non-Un�form Cv►renants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foll�w�: <br /> Z�. Acceleration; R�medies. Lender�ha��g�v�nat�ce�v Borrower pr�or�o acce�eration fo��owing <br /> Barro��er's breach af any�ovenant or agrQemen�in�his,Se�urity Ins�rument �bu�n�� priar ta <br /> a�ce�era�ion under 5ection 18 un�ess Applicable Law provic�es otherwise}. 'The nntice sha�l specif�: �a} <br /> the defauit; �b3 �he act��n required to cure�he defau�t; �c� a date, n�t less than 3� days frnm�he da�e <br /> the no�ice is given�o Barrvti�ver, by which the default m.ust be cured; and �d} that fa�iure to cure the <br /> defaul�on or before�he date sp�Cif�ed�n the not�ce may resu�t�n acce�erat�on af the su�ns�ecur�d by <br /> th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�and sa�e vf the Prvperty. 'The notice sha���urther�nfornn Bvrrvwer of the <br /> r�ght�u re�ns�a�e af�er acce�erati�n and the right to brir►�a cvu�t act�on��assert the nan-�x�st�nCe of a <br /> default or any a�her def�ns�of B�rrati�ver to acc�I�ratian and sa�e. If the defau�t�s n��cured on or <br /> b�fore the da�e spec�fied�n�h�no�i�e, Lender a��ts op��on may requir��mme�ia�e pa�ment�n ful� af <br /> a���un�s secured by�his Secur�ty�ns�r�am��nt�v�thout fur�her demand and may�n�oke�he pv�ver of sa�e <br /> and any a�her remedies pernl�tted by Applicable Law. Lender sha��be ent���ed�o co���c� a�� expenses <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in�h�s Section 22, including, bu�nvt Iimited�o, reasvnab�e <br /> attarneys� fees and cos�s of ti�Ie evidence. <br /> If�he power af sa�e is�nvoked, Trus�ee�ha��r�cord a no���e of defa����n each coun�y in which any <br /> par� af the Prap�r�y�s loca��d and shal� ma�l cap�Qs of such nvtic�in�he m�anner prescribed by <br /> Applicable Law ta Borro�ver and to the ather persons prescribed by Appi�cab�e Lawv, After the��me <br /> requ�red by App�icab�e Law, Trustee sha�l give �ublic no�ice of sale to�he persons and in the rnanner <br /> pres�ribed by App��cab�e Law. Trustee, tivi�hout demand on Borrower, sha��se��the Prvperty a�pub�ic <br /> auc�ivn to�he highest bidder at �he time and p�ace and under the terms des�gnated�n�he n��ice of sa�e <br /> in ane or n�ore parce�s and�n any order Trustee de�erm�nes. Trus�ee n�ay pvstpone sale af all or any <br /> parcel of the Property by pub�ic announcement at th�time and p�ace�f an�previously schedu�ed sa�e. <br /> Lender�r its designee may pur�hase�he Property a�any�ale. <br /> I�pon rece�p� of paym�nt of the pr�ce b�d, Trus�ee sha�� de��ver�o�he purchaser Trus�ee's deQd <br /> con�ey�ng the Property. 'T'he re��ta�s in the'Trustee's deed sha��be prima facie evid�nce af the�ruth af <br /> th�s�a�ements nr�ade therein. Trus�ee shall apply�he pr�ceeds vf the sale�n�he fvl�o���ng order: �a} to <br /> a��costs and expenses�f ex�rczsing the pa�ver of sa�e, and�he�a�e, �n��ucling fh�paymen�of the <br /> Trustee`�fees activa�ly �ncurred and reasonab�e at�orneys' f�es as per�n�t�ed by App��cable Law; �b} ta <br /> a��sum�5ecured by�his SeCur�ty InS�ruxnQn�; and �c} any�xcess to the per5on or per5ons�egal�y <br /> entitled�o it. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Famity-�anni�Mael�reddie Mac UNiFaRM INSTftUM�NT Farrn 3fl�8 1I03 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�f�1302� <br /> Wo�ters KE�wer Financiai 5er�ices Page 14 vf 17 <br />