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2� 17�� 148 <br /> B�RR�WER�C]VENANTS�hat Borr�wer is iawfully seised of the esta�e h�reby con�ey�c�and ha�s�he r�g��to <br /> grar�t and can�ey the Proper�y and tha�the Property is unencumb�red, e�cept for encum�ranc�s of rec�rd. <br /> Borr�vver�varrants and wil� d�fend g�n�ral�y the�it1e to the Proper�y agains�all ciaims and demaz�ds, subje��to <br /> any�ncumbranc�s af re�ard. <br /> T��S SE�UR�TY�NSTRUMENT c�mb�n�s uniform�o�enants for na�iona�use and non�un�form covenants�ith <br /> limited varia�ian,�by�urisdi��ion�o c�nst�tu�e a uniform secur�ty ins�rum�nt c�v�ring real p�roperty. <br /> Unifo�rm Cv�enants. Barr��ver and Lender co�enant and agree as foi��ws: <br /> 7. Payment vf �rincipal, Inter�st, Es�r�w �tems, Prepaym�nt Charges� and �.at� �har�es. Borro�er <br /> shali pay when due the princ�pal of, and intere��on, the d�bt evidence�by�he�'�te an� any prepayment <br /> charges and�a�e Charges due under the I�ate. �orr�vver sha�� also pay funds for Escr����ems pursua�xt�� <br /> Sectzfln 3. Payment� due under the�T�te arid�his Securi�y Ins�rumer�t shall be ma�e in�J.S, currenc�. <br /> HovveWer, �f any check or other�nstr�ment received by L�nder as payrnent under�he No�e ar�h�s S�curi��r <br /> �nstrument�s re�urned ta Lender ungaid, Lender ma�require that any or al� subsequent payments due und�r <br /> the Note and th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrument be made in�ne or m�r�of the fa���wing forms, as sel�c��d by Len�.�r: <br /> �a} cash; �b}m�one�order; �c} cert�f�ed checl�, bank cheCk, treasurer's check or cashx�r's c�eck, pr���ded any <br /> such ch�Ck is drawn upon an�ns��tut�on whase d�pasi�s are�nsured by a federa� agency, ins�rumenta�xty, �r <br /> ent�ty; nr�d} Electron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen��are deemed recei�ed by Lender when re�eived at the�acation de�igna�ed in the No�e or at such <br /> other���atzon as may be designated by Lender in acc�rdance with th�notice provisions �n Sect�on �S. <br /> Lender rnay return any payment ar part�a�payrnent if the pa�ment or par�ia.�paymen�s are�nsuff�cient�o <br /> bring�he L�an�urrent. Lender may aCcept any payment or par�ial payment�nsuf�ic�ent to bring the Loan <br /> curr�n�, �ith�ut waiv�r af an�r�ghts hereunder or prejudice to ��s rzghts to refuse suc�paym�n�or par��a1 <br /> pa�rments�n the fu�ure, but L�n�i�r is not obl�gat�d�o app�y such payments a��he�ime su�h paym�ents ar� <br /> accep�ed. �f each P�riodi� Payment is appl�ed as of its scheduie�i due da��, then L�nd�r need no�pay in�er�st <br /> fln unapplied fund�. Lender may ho�d such unappiied funds until Borrower mak�s payrnents to bring th� <br /> L�an�urrent. If Borr�v��r does no�da s�w��hxn a reasonab��per��d�f t�me, i��nder shal�ei�h.�r app��s�ch <br /> funds�r return them to Borrawer. If not appl�ed ear���r, su�h funds wil�be applied to�he�utstand�ng <br /> pr�nc�pa�.ba�ance under th� Na�e immediately prior to forec�osure. No�ffset or claim which Borro�er migh� <br /> have now or xn the future against Lender sha1� relieve Borrow�r from making paymen�s due under the Note <br /> and this Security �nstrument�r perform�ng the co�enants and agreemen.ts secured b�this Security <br /> Instrument. <br /> Z. Application of Payments or Prviceeds. Excep�as o�herw�se d�scr�bed in�his S�ct�or�2, a.�l paymen�s <br /> acc�p�ed and app�ied��Lender sha��b�appl�ed in�h�fol�owing order of priori�y: �a} interes�due under the <br /> Nat�; �b}pr�nc�pa� due under the Note; �c} amounts due under 5ection 3. Such paymen�s sha��be app�i�d to <br /> each Periadic Payment zn the order�n whxCh i��e� due. Any rema�n�ng amoun�s shail b�applied�rst to <br /> �ate charges, second to any other amounts due under this Secur��y Xnstrument, an.d th�n�o reduce t�e <br /> prin�xpa��a�a.nce�f the Note. <br /> �f Lender receiv�s a payment from Bnrrower far a delinquent Perindic Payment which in�luc�es a suf�cient <br /> amoun�to pa� any�ate charge due, the paymen�may be app�ied to the de�ir�quent paymen�and the late <br /> charge. �f more than one Periodic Payment is�utstanding, Len�er may apg�y an�payment r�ce�W�d from <br /> Borrow�r�o�he repa�men�of th�P�riodic Payments if, and to the e��ent that, each payn-�ent paid�n <br /> fu��. To th�exten�that any excess ex�s�s after�he payment is applied t�the ful�payment of�ne or m�re <br /> Peri�dic Paym.ents, such exCess ma�be applied�o any lat�charges due. Voiun�ary prepayments shal�be <br /> applz�d �rs�to any prepaymen�charges and then as described in�he Nate. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Farr�ity-�annie MaelFred�lie Mac tJNIF�RM iNSTRUM�NT Fflrm 3�28 llfll <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEf[13�2) <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Financ+a�5er�ices Pag�4 af 17 <br />