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<br /> ' 2� 17���93
<br /> DEED �F T�UST
<br /> Lvan No: 1�'13��974 �Cnnt�nued} Page 5
<br /> Gvverning Law, This Deed of Trus� w�i� he go�erned by federal law applicah�e fio Lender and, �v the extent not
<br /> preempted by federal law,the laws o�the State vf Nebraska withvut rega�d�a its conflic�s vf law prv�isions. This
<br /> Deed of Trust has been a��epted by Lender in fihe Sfiate v�Nebraska,
<br /> Time is of fihe Essence. T�me is of the essence in the performance af�his Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> VIlai�er af Hvmestead Exemp�ion. Trus�fiar hereby r�leases and wai�es a�� �igh�s and benefits ❑f the homes�ead
<br /> exemp�ian laws of�he State vf Nebraska as�o a�l Indebtedness secured by�his �eed of Trust.
<br /> DEF�NIT[�NS. The fvllowing w�rds shall ha�e the foZ�vwing meanings when used in this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Benefi�iary. The word "Benefi�iary" means Fi�e Points gank, and ifis successors and assigns.
<br /> gorrower. The word "6orrower" means TIM�THY J KLEIVIME and SETH ANN KLEMME and includes all co--signers
<br /> and ca�makers signing the Credi�Agreement and all�heir successors and assi�ns.
<br /> Credit Agreement. The wards "Credit Agreement" mean the credit agreement dated December 2�, �Q�5, With
<br /> cred�t limit of $45.d��.��frvm Trustar ta Lender,�agether wi�h all renewals vf, extensions of, m�difi�ations
<br /> o�, �-efinancings o�F, cansvlidations of, and substitutions far the promissory note or agreemenf.
<br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this ❑eed ❑f Trust among Trustor, L�nder, and Trustee, and
<br /> inc�udes wi�hvu� limi�ation al[ assignment and securifiy interest pr��isions relat�ng to fihe Persona� Prvperty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�riranmen�al Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and all state, federal and Ioca� statutes,
<br /> regulations and ardinances relat�ng �o the pro�ec�ion of human heal�h or the en�ir�nment, inc[uding without
<br /> limitatian the Comprehens�ve En�ironmental Response, Cvmpensati�n, and Lia�ili�y Act ❑� �98�, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. 5ectian 95��, e� seq. �"CERCLA"}, �he 5uper�und Amendments and Reauth�rizatton Act a� 1986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 39-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materials Transpvrtation Ac�, 49 IJ.S.C. 5ecfion �801, efi seq.,the Resaurce
<br /> Gonser�a�ion and Reco�e�y A�t, 4� U.S.C. 5ection �9��, et seq., ar❑ther appli�ab[e state ❑r federaf laws, rules,
<br /> ar regulations advp�ed pursuan��hereto.
<br /> Even�o�DefauEt. The words "E�en�of Defau[t" mean any❑f the e�ents❑�de�ault se�forth in this Deed �f Trust in
<br /> the e�ents af defaul�sect�on of�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Existing �ndebtedness, The wards "Existing lnde�tedness" m�an the indebtedness described in the Exis�ing Liens
<br /> pro�isi�n❑f this Deed of Trust.
<br /> lmprovemen�s. The word "lmpra�ements" m�ans a[[ existing and �u�ure impro�ements, buildings, s�rucfiures,
<br /> mobile homes affixed ❑n �he Real Prvperty, facilities, additions, replacemenfis and �the� canstructian on the Real
<br /> I��op�rfiy.
<br /> lndebtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means all principal, infierest, and nther amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> payable under �he Credit Agreement or- Rela�ed ❑vcuments, �oge�her wi�h alf renewais o�, ex�ensions of,
<br /> modifica�ions af, consolidations of and subs�i�u�ions for �he Credit Agr��ment vr Related Dacuments and any
<br /> amounts expended or ad�anced by Lender t❑ discharge Trustar's vbligatians or expenses incurred by Trustee or
<br /> L�nder �a enfarce Trus�or's obiigations under this ❑eed o�f Trust, to�e�her wi�h interest on such am�un�s as
<br /> pro�ided in this ❑eed o�Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Points Bank, i�s successors and assigns. The wards "successors vr
<br /> assigns" mean any person or company that acquires any�nterest in the Credi�Agreement.
<br /> Personal Property. The wvrds "P�rsanal Pr�perty" mean all equipment, fixtures, and v�her ar�i�les vf personal
<br /> prvper�y now ❑r hereafter ❑wned by Trus�or, and naw or hereafter attached or affixed �o the Real Property;
<br /> toge�her with all accessions, parts, and additions �o, all replacemen�s v�, and all subs�itufiivns for, any of such
<br /> proper�y; and together with all proceeds �includin� rrvithout limitati�n all insurance praceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums} �rom any sale or other disposi�ion of�the Property.
<br /> Proper�y. The w�rd "Praperty" means collecti�ely the Real Prvperty and�he Personal Property.
<br /> Real Property, The wards "R�al Praperty" mean�he real prvperty, Enteres�s and rights, as fur�her described in�fihis
<br /> Deed of Trust. �
<br /> Rela�ed Dvcuments. The words "Rela�ed ❑acumen�s" mean al� pramissvey no�es, credi� agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, enWironmentaE agreements, guaran�ies, security agreements. mortgages, deeds of trust, security
<br /> deeds, c�fEateral mor�gages, and aE� other ins�ruments, agreemenfis and d�cumen�s, whether now ar hereafter
<br /> existing, executed in connectivn with the Indebtedness.
<br /> F�ents. The wvrd "Rents" means all present and �utu�e rents, re�enues, income, issues, royal�ies. pr��its, and
<br /> athe�-benefits deri�ed from the Property.
<br /> Truste�, The word "T�ust�e" means Fi�e Pvints Bank, whvse address is P.D Box �5�7, Grand �sland, NE
<br /> 588D2-�5�7 and any substitu�e or successor trus�kees.
<br /> Trus�vr. The wvrd "Trustvr" means TEM�THY J KLEMME and BETH ANN KLEMME.
<br />