2� 17���85
<br /> Instrument. MERS is arganized and existing under the Iaws af Delaware,and has an address and telephone number
<br /> of P.�. Box 202�, Flint, MI 485U 1-2D26, tel. �8$S} d79-MERS.
<br /> �F} '�ote"means th�prom i ssory note signed by Borrawer and dated D E�EMB E R 1� , ��16 .
<br /> The Note�tates tha�Borrower owes Lender �NE HUNI�RED F I FTY-T�iJ� TH�USAND S I�
<br /> HUNDRED TjiJENTY-F I VE AND �Q�1�� Dollars�U.S. $ 15 2 , 5 2 5 . �� �
<br /> plus�nterest. Bo.rrovWer has promised ta pay th�s debt�n regular Periodic Payment�and ta pay�he debt in full n�t later �
<br /> than JANUARY l, 2�4 7 .
<br /> tG} '�roperty"means the propertiy tha��s described below under the heading"Transfer of Rights in�he Pr�perty."
<br /> �H} "Laan'�means the deb�evidenced by the Note, ��us interest, �ate charges due und�r�he No�e, and a1]sums due
<br /> under thi s Security Instrum�nt, pl us in�e.res�.
<br /> (I} '�iders"means al1 RYde.rs to this Se�urity Instrument th.at are executed by Barrower. The.follow�ng Riders are
<br /> �o be executed by Borrower [c�eck box as app�icable�:
<br /> � Adjus�able Ra�e Rider [] P]anned Unit De�e�opment Rider
<br /> � �ondomin�um Rider � �ther�s} �specify]
<br /> (J} "Applicab�e Law"means all cantrollirig applicable fede.ral, state and�acal sta�u�es, regulations, ordinances and
<br /> administra�i�e rules and orders �tha� have the effec� of 1�aw} as wel� as all applicable final, non-appealab�e judicaal
<br /> opinions.
<br /> [K� "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Asse�sra�ents"means al�dues, fees, assessm�ents and other charges
<br /> that are impased on Borrower or the Froper�y by a cond�min�urn as�ociat�on, home�wners assaciation or si_milar
<br /> organ�zat�vn.
<br /> (L} "Electroni�Funds Transfer"means any transfer of fun.ds, �ther tha.n a transaction originated by check, draft,
<br /> �r simi�ar paper instrument, vWh�ch is ini�aa�ed through an electronic�earm�nal, telephon�c i.nstrument, �omputer, or�
<br /> magnetic tape s� as to order, 1�'15�'UCt, �t' aUt�'lQI'lZe a flt]a'i1C1aI 1r15�1�u�14I� �U ��blt UI' CI'�dlt ari�CCD�.IIa�. Such term
<br /> includes, but is not limited to, point-of sale transfers, au�amated telle.r ma�hxne�ransactions, transfers �nitiated �y
<br /> telephone, wire transfers, and automa�ed cIearinghouse transfers.
<br /> (M� "Escrow ItemS"means those i�ems�hat are des�.ribed in Section 3.
<br /> (N} "Miscellaneous Proce�ds"means any campensation, ���tlement, award of damages, or proc�eds pa�d by any
<br /> th�rd party �othe.r than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages descrihed in Section 5� for: �i} damage to, or
<br /> destruc�ian of, the Property; �ii�condemna�ion or other�aking of a11 o.r any par�af the Proper�y; �iii} con��yan�e in
<br /> �ieu of candemna�xon; or �iv} misrepresentations�f., ar omissions as�fl, the�alue andlor condition vf�he Property.
<br /> (�} "Mortgage Insurance"means insurance pratect�ng Lender agains�the nanpaymen�of, �r defaul�on, the Loan.
<br /> (P} "Periadi� Payment"means the regu�arly scheduled amount due for ��}principal and interest under the Note,
<br /> plus�ii} any amounts under Section 3 of th�s Securi�y �nstrument.
<br /> (Q} "RESPA"m�ans the Reai Estate Settlern en�Praced�.res Ac� (12 U.S.�. §2�01 et se9.} and its �.mplemen�ing
<br /> regulatiion, Regulatian � �12 C.F.R. Part 1��4}, as�hey might be amended from ��me to time, or any addit�onal or
<br /> successor legislation ar reguiation that go�erns�he same subjec�mat�er.As used in this Secur,ity�nstrument, "RESPA"
<br /> refers to ai1 requirements and restric�ians that are�mposed in r�gard to a"fedexally re�ated mor�gage�oan" e�en if the
<br /> Loan does not qualify as a"federally re�a�ed mortgage loan" under RESPA.
<br /> [R} "Secretary"means the S��retary of the Uni�ed S�at�s Departm�n�of Housing an�Urban Devel�pment or his
<br /> designee.
<br /> �S} "Successor in Interes�of Borrawer"means�ny party that has tak�n title ta the Property, v�rhe�her nr nat that
<br /> party has assumed Borrawer's ab�iga�ions under the Nate andlor this Security Tnstrument.
<br /> N ED�TZ2.FM A D 91141�� Pa g e � of 13 www.docrrrag�c.com
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