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2� 17���82 <br /> vEEv �F T�usT <br /> Loan No: '[�'I 3���8� {Conti�tu�d� Page 3 <br /> Real Property, v�-any interest in the Rea[ Prvperty. A "sale or transfer" means the con�eyance �� Real Property ❑r any <br /> right, �itle ❑r interest in the Real Property; whether lega�, bene�icial ar- equ�table; whether �vluntary or in�o�untary; <br /> whether by autright saie, deed, instal�ment sale confiract, land �antract, contract far deed, leasehaid interest with a <br /> �erm greater than th�ree {3} years, [ease-optian cantract, vr by sale� assignmen�, or transfer o� any beneficial �n�erest in <br /> or to any �and trust holding �itle to the Rea[ Property, vr by any ❑ther method ❑f con�eyance ❑f an interest in the Real <br /> Prnperty. Howe��r, �his option sha[� nflt be exercised by Lender if such exercise Es prohibited by �Federal law ar by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. The folfowing pro�isians re�at�ng to �he taxes and iiens ❑n the Property are part of#his ❑eed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen�. Trus�vr shall pay when due �and in ai! events priar�o delinquency� aIi taxes, spe�ia[tax�s� assessments, <br /> charges �in�iuding water and s�wer}, fines and impositivns le�ied agains� vr an account o�the Prvperty, and shall <br /> pay when due all claims far work done on or for ser�ices rendered or materia[ furnished ta the Property. Trus�or <br /> shal[ maintain the Property free of all liens ha�ing p�rivri�y vver or equal to the in�er�st vf Lender under this ❑e�d ot <br /> Trust, except for the lien v� taxes and assessments nvfi due and except as a�herw�se prv�ided in this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Right#o Con�est, Trusto�may withhoid paymen�af any tax, assessment, or claim in cvnnection wi�h a goad faith <br /> dispute o�er the obl�gatian�o pay, so Iong as Lender's interest in the P�r�perty is nv�jevpar�lized. lf a lien arises ar <br /> is filed as a resul� ❑f nonpayment, Trustor shai! within �ifteen �15� days after the lien ari�es ar� if a [ien �s fil�d. <br /> within fifteen {Z 5� days after Trus�or has notice ��the fi[ing, secure the d�scharge of the lien, ❑r i�f reques�ed by <br /> Lender, deposst with Lender cash❑r a sufficient cvrparate surefy bond or o�her security sa�isfactory�v Lender in an <br /> amvunt suffiicient tv discharge the �zen p[us any casts and attorneys' fees, or vth�r charges that cou�d accrue as a <br /> result❑f a fareclasure❑r sale under the lien. ln any cvntestr Trustor shall defend itsel�F and Lender and sha[[sa��sfy <br /> any ad�ers�judgment be�ore�nfvrcement against fihe Property. Trus�or shall name Lender as an additional obligee <br /> unde�-any sure�y band furnished in�he contes�proce�dings. <br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustar shall upon demand furnish to Lender satEs�actory e�idence af payment af the taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and sha11 authorize�he app�vpria�e governmental afficiai to deli�er to Lender at any time a written <br /> statemenfi of the tax�s and assessmen#s against the Property. <br /> Nv�ice o# Cons#ruction. Trustor shall natify Lender at Ieast fi�fte�n ��5y days before any wark is commenced, any <br /> serWices are furnished, or any mafieriais are supplied to the Proper�y, if any mechanic's l�en, mater�almen's lien, or <br /> v�her lien cou�d be asserted on accaun� o� the work, ser�ices, vr materiais. Trustor will upon request of Lender <br /> furnish t❑ Lender advance assurances satisfactary to Lender tha� Trustor can and will pay the cvst ot such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PRDPERTY DAMAGE �NSURAN�E. The fv[fow�ng prov�sivns relating to insuring the Property ar� a part of this Deed ❑f <br /> Trus�. <br /> Maintenance o� �nsurance. Trustar shall pra�ure and maintain policies ofi fire insurance with standard extended <br /> ca�erage endorsements ❑n a fair �alue basis �or �he tulE insuraE�le �alue co�ering a[[ lmprovemen�s an �he Real <br /> Property in an amaun� suf�icien� tv avoid appEication of any coinsurance ��ause, and wi�h a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�flr o�Lend�r-. Trust�r shal[ also procure and maintain compreh�nsi�e genera! liability insurance in such <br /> co��rage amvunts as Lender may requesfi with Trustee and Lender being named as addstional insureds in such <br /> liability insurance po[icies. Additionally, Trustor shail main�ain such o�her insuran�e, inc[uding but nvt limi�ed to <br /> hazard, business interruptfan, and hoiler insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Pvlicies shal[ be written in <br /> form, amounts, ca�erages and hasis reasanably acceptable tv Lender and issued by a company ar companies <br /> reasanably acceptab[e to Lender. Trustvt-, upan request vt Lender, wit[ deEi�er to L�nder from time ta �ime the <br /> pvlicies �r certificates ❑f insurance in form satisfa�tory to Lend�rr �ncluding stipula�ions that cv�erages will no� be <br /> canc�lled ❑r diminished v►rithout at leas� �en �1�y days pria� wri��en notice to Lender. Each insurance poEicy als❑ <br /> shall inGlude an endarsem�nt pro�iding that coverage ir��av�r ot Lender will not be impaired in any way by any ac�, <br /> omission �r default a�Trus�or or any ��he�r person. 5houfd fhe Reaf Pra�e�rty be �oca�ed in an area designated by <br /> the Administra�ar❑�the Federal Em�rgency Management Agency as a special flood hazard area, Trus�vr agrees t❑ <br /> ob�ain and main�ain Federal Flovd �nsuran�e, if a�ai[abEe, for the full unpa�d principaE halance of the fvan and any <br /> prior liens on the prvperty securing #he loan, up to the maxEmum policy limits set und�r the Natianal Flaod <br /> fnsurance Pragram, ❑r as❑therwise required by Lender, and to maintain su�h insurance fvr�the term af the loan. <br /> Applica�ion o# Proceeds. Trustor shail promptly nvti�y Lender of any loss or damage to the Property. Lender may <br /> make proaf ❑f �flss if Trustor fails ta d❑ so within tifteen ��5y days ❑f the casualty. Whe�her ❑r nat Lende�'s <br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender`s electian, recei�e and retain the pro�eeds of any insurance and apply <br /> the praceeds tv �he reduc�ivn of �he [ndeb#edness, payment v� any lien afifiect�ng the Property, or �he restvrati�n <br /> and repair of the Property. lf Lend�r efects �❑ app[y the prviceeds tv restvrati�n and repai��, Trus�or sha�� repair or <br /> rep�ace �he damaged or destroyed lmpro�ements in a manner satisfac�ory to Lender. Lender shail, upon <br /> safiisfactory praof ❑� such expenditure, pay or reimburse Trusto� from the praceeds fvr the reasonable cvs� of <br /> repair ❑r restvrativn if Trustor is not in default under th�s Deed vf Trus�. Any proceeds which ha�e no� heen <br /> disburs�d within �S� days after their receipt and which Lender has na� committed #❑ the repair vr restoratian nt <br /> the Praper�y shal[ be used tirst t❑ pay any amount owing to Lender under�his ❑eed of Trus�, then to pay a��rued <br /> �nterest, and the remainder, ifi anyf shalf be applsed fio �he principal ba[ance ❑f the [ndebtedness. lf Lender hfllds <br /> any proGeeds after payment in #ull of the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid to Trustvr as Trustor's <br />