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<br /> 1�I�HE�V RIE��R�E� 1Vie41L T�:
<br /> P�nnacle�ank-K�II�
<br /> HASTiN�S �FFI�E
<br /> 53�IV�Ul�LINGT�N�4VE
<br /> P����C�'�78
<br /> H���'I�VGS. NE, �$9�'I ,,.,_,. ,..,.,. �_���_�F�R REGDRDER'S L�5„E ONLY
<br /> �EE[] �F TR�J�T
<br /> TH�� �3EED �F T'RL�S� is d�t�d i����m�er 3�. ��'i�, am�n� L��E C HANN�N �nd J►�M1E L
<br /> H�►NN�N, husband �nd �if�, ►�ho�� ad�r��s �s 7�4�1 H�LLT�P R�3., IHASTI�IGS. NE ��9D7
<br /> 4"T'ru���r"}; P�nna�l� �ank - I��IIIV, va�h�se addre�s is H►��TINGS �FF��E, ��D 1V �L�F�L�N�T�N
<br /> ►411E. �� ��]� �7��. H�4��'ING�, IVE ����'I 4referr�d ta be��� sorroe#am�� as "Len��r94 and
<br /> sometirn�s a� "��neficiar�"�; and Pinna��e �ank - I�iVIN, whvse address is �3� N �L1l�LiNL�T�N
<br /> ►4V E, 1P� ��iC �'i 7�. H►�STt iV��. NE �53�'I �r�fe�°red t� b�lo�nr as "Truste�'p�.
<br /> _
<br /> ��NVEY�►IV�E►�ND CRANT. For e►aluabie �onside�a�ion, Trustar conveys tv Trustee in trust, IIV�TH P�1JIrER �F SALE,
<br /> fvr �he t�ene��� o� Lender as Benef6ciary, all of Tr�ustor's right, fiitle, and interest in and to the follow�n� descrihed real
<br /> property, together ►nri�h a!I existing or subsequently erected or affixed build�ngs, imp�v�ements and f�xtu�es; all
<br /> easem�nts, �-ights o� �rvay, and appurtenances; a11 water, vuater rights and ditch rights �inc�uding stock in ut�Eities with
<br /> ditch vr irrigation rights�; and all other rights, royalties, and prvfits relating tv �he rea[ property, including without
<br /> IimitatiQn a[[ minera[s, oil, gas, geo�herma[ and similar matters, �the "F��a� Proper�y"} I���ted i� IH�iLL
<br /> �aunty, �t�te vf N�bra�k�: .
<br /> L�T 1. H���ENSMITH �L1�D[!1[�I�N, [�-[►�L� ��L�IIlTY, iVEBR►���►4, A�C�R�]I�IIG T� THE
<br /> RE��R�E❑ PL►�T THERE�F
<br /> The F�ea� Prap�rt�1 or its �dd�ess i� �amr��anl}� kr���� as 7 54�'� W�LLT�P Fi�]., F�,AST'INCa�, NE
<br /> �/��V'�y
<br /> FUTURE ADV�4,NCE5. In add�tion to the Note, this ❑eed of Trust secu�es all fiuture aduan�es made by Lend�r t❑Trustor
<br /> whether vr nvt the adWances are made pursuant fia a c�mmitment. Specifica[[y, without limitation, this ❑eed of Trust
<br /> secures, in addi�ion to the amounts specified in the N�te, a�1 �uture amvunts Lende� in its discretion may Ioan to
<br /> Trustor,together with all fnterest th�reon.
<br /> Trustor presentfy assigns �v Lender ��lso known as Benefi��ary in this Deed of Trustf all vf Trustor's right, title, and
<br /> interest in and �o aii present and future [eases of the Praperty and ali Rents �rom the Property. ln addition, Trustor
<br /> grants t� Lender a Uniform Cammercial Gode�ecurity interest in the Personal Prvperty and Rents.
<br /> PEF�S�N�'�►L PR�PERTV, 15 Gl11EN Tfl �EG1U�E �A} PAY�ElI�T �F THE l�IIDE�TE�NESS AlVD �B� �E�F�l�M�d,ni�E a�
<br /> AiVV AND �1LL ��LIGATI�NS UNDER TH15 !]EED �F TRLJ��. �H1� [�EED �F TRL95T 15 ��VEiV �liVD ►4��EPTED DIV
<br /> THE F�LLC3W�iV�TERIVl�: �.
<br /> P►4YIVIENT �►ND PERFDR�If�ANCE. Except as otherwise prvuided in this ❑eed of Trust, Trustor sha�� pay to Lende� al!
<br /> amount� secured by this aeed of Trust as �hey becvme due, and shall strict[y and in a �imely manner perfvrm all of
<br /> Trusto�-'s vblig�-t��ns under the Note, this Deed of Trust, and the Related Documents.
<br /> P�SSES�I�N AND 1V1►41NTEN�IIVCIE �F THE PROPERTY. Trusfior agrees that TrustQr's pflssession and use �f the
<br /> P�vperty shalf �e gv�erned by the�ollowing prv��sions:
<br /> Pvssession and Us�. llntil the vccura�ence af an E�ent of ❑efau[t, Trustar may t 1� remain in possess�vn and
<br /> con�tr�!�f the Property; ��f use, operate�r manage th� Property; and {3� co[[�ct th� Fients from the P�-operty.
<br /> I]uty tv Ma�ntain. Trustflr shall maintain the Property in good condition and prvmpt�y perform al! repairs,
<br /> replacements,and maintenance necessary to preser�e i�s�alue.
<br /> Hazardous Substances, Trustor represents and warrants that the Property n��sr has been, and ne�er will be s�
<br /> lang as this Deed vf Trust remains a lien on the Property, used f�r the generation, manufacture, storage,
<br /> t�rea�ment, disposaf, r�lease or threafiened release of a�y Hazard�us Substance in �io�ation of any Environmental
<br /> Laws. Trustar authori�es Lender and i�s ag�nts to enter upon the Prvperty to make such inspections and tests as
<br /> Lender may deem appropriate t� determine cvmplianc� of the PrQperty wi�h this section ❑f the Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustor hereby �1� re[�ases and waives any future claims against Lender for indemni�y or��ntribution in the e�ent
<br /> Trustor becomes liahle for Gleanup �r other costs under any such !av►rs, and �2y agrees to indemnify, defend, and
<br /> ha�d harml�ss Lender against any and a[[ claims and los�es resul�ing from a br�ach vf this paragraph of the Deed vf
<br /> Trust. This obligatian to indemnify and;defend shall sur�i�e the paymen�of the Indebt�dness and the satisfa�-tEQn
<br /> vf this Deed❑�F Trust.
<br /> DUE �iV SALE-��fVSEN� BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's opt'ron, de�lare immediately due and payable all sums
<br /> secur�d by this Deed of Trust upon the sale or transfier, without Lende�'s prior writt�n con�ent, of all or any part o�f the
<br /> Real Property, vr any interest in the Rea! Prvp�rty. A "sale or transf�r" means the can�eyance v�Real Prap�rty or any
<br /> right, �ifile or interest in the Real Property; whether fega[, beneficial vr equitab[e; vvhether ��luntary or in��luntary;
<br /> whether by ❑utright sale, d�ed, installment sale contra�t, land contract, contra�t fvr deed, leaseha�d interest with a
<br /> �erm greater than thre� �3� years, lease-aption cvntract, �r by sale, assignment, �r transfer of any bene��cial �n�e�est �n
<br />