2� 17���57
<br /> D��l� �F �'F�LJ�T
<br /> • �� e�
<br /> ���nt��u�d� �
<br /> Tr�st, Lender�hali�� ent�led to r�caver su�h sum as the cvurt may ad�udge re���r�able as�ttarneys'�s��at tr�al
<br /> and upQn an� app�al. 1�hathe� �` nvt any �ourt ae#ion �s �nvc�v�d, and to the ��tent nat Rrohibit�d b��1aw, ail
<br /> rea��n�ble exp�nse� L�nder in�ur� tthat in Lender's �pir��on ar� rrec�ssary at any tirn�far the prat�c�tion af it�
<br /> inter�st or the er�fo��ment vf�ts rights s�ra�i becx�me a p�r�of the Indebtednes$payable�n dem�nd an�sh�11 be�ar
<br /> int�re►s�#�t ths Nt�t�r�te��rarn the��te a�the ex�enditur�e�nti�r��a[d. F.�c�ens�s.��verad�y this paregraph includ�,
<br /> �rithaut limitat�c�, h��evs�r subject t� �ny limits und�r applicable 1a�v, L�nder�s att�vrne�s'�ee�and L�nd�$1eg�l
<br /> exp�n�e�, �h�th�r or not thBre is $ 1a��uit, i��ud�rtg at#.vmeysi �es and expenses far�Sankru�tcy proceeding�
<br /> �inc�ding sffvrfs to modi�y ar v�ca#s any`autam�tic�tay Qr in�unct�can�,apPeals, ��d any�n#�cipated�st�udgma�r�t
<br /> cal�ectivn serv�ce�, the cv�af�e�rching rect�nds, c�t�ining ti#le r��orts�includi�tg fc��clos�� repar�sy, surveyc�rs`
<br /> repa�ts, and appraisal fees, title in�urance, and fe�$f�r#he Truste��ta #he ext�nt perm�ted b� app��icab�e I�w.
<br /> Trustvr�Iso wrill pay any caurt costs,in add�ion tv a!I other sums�arovided t�y la�.
<br /> Right�a#Trustea. Trust�e sha�l�have a11 c�f#he rights and duties of Lan�e��s��fvrth in this sectitsn.
<br /> RC��IVIERS aNQ C?BL��ATI��l��F TRU�TEE. 1Whe ftall��i�n�pravi�ian�r�elating to the porr�ers and Qblig�tic�rts v�T�ru$t�e
<br /> ar�part vf this�eed vf Trust;
<br /> R'vw�rs r�t Tru�ee. I�r�dd���n tv al�pv�rers af Tru�tee�ris�ng as�matt�r af lava�, Tru�t�e shall haWe#he�t�wer tv
<br /> take th�fvlb�ing��tions�rith r�spe�t t�a the P�roRer#y upt�n th�r�rri�ten r�quest vf Lender and Trustar; �a��in in
<br /> �repar�n� and filinQ � map ar�I�t of the R�al Pr�pe�rty, incl�d�ng the de�licati�n af str��ts ar ather right.s tv th�
<br /> puk�l�c; �b� ,ja�n in grant�g any �asement ar cr�at�ng an� restr�c�san �n the R�al Prop�rty; and �cj�ain in �r�y
<br /> su�Qrdin�tion or oth�r agreer�er�t aff�cting t��s�3eed c�Trust ar the int�re�t�f Lender under th�s D�eed af Tnast.
<br /> Tru�#ee. Trus#e� sh�l1 m�et al! qu�l�icaf�ons req���ed fvr Tru�tee under �ppiicabfe 1�vw, in addition bca the rights
<br /> and��rr�ed�es �et forth �bo�e, with res��ct to� aiI r�r�ny part af the Rroprert�r, the Truste� shall har►e the righ�ta.
<br /> fr�r�eclo�� b�t no►t�c� and �ale, s�nd Lender r�ri11`have #he right tr�faracl�se by�u�icial fia�closure, in e�her���e in
<br /> accardan ce r�rith and ta th e fu��extent�c�r�ded by app�ica bie la�nr: _
<br /> Suc�es�or 7rus#ea. Lendert at L�n�de�s vpt.�vn, r�y from time#a time appc�int a succ��sor Trus#�e tca�n�t Tru�tee
<br /> ��pa�ted un��r thi� i�e�d of Trus�by ar� in�t�um�nt �xecuted ar�d ackn�wl�dged a� Lende� �nd recorded in #he
<br /> offi�e c�f the r�ecarder af Halt Cc�unt�, Sta#e �f Nebra�ka. The in$trument �hall cc�ntain, in addition ta ali a�ther
<br /> mat#ers required k�y state lav�, the n�mes af#he vrigin�l Lender, 7n�st�et and T�rustor� the k�oak and page {t�
<br /> com�uter sys#em refe�ance�`v�h are th is Deed of Tru st is �cord�i, and th e name �nd at�dress caf#h� s�cce�s�r'
<br /> trustee�and th�ins#rum�nt shall be execute� �nd a�kno�l�dg�d b��!!th�t�ene�iciaries under�his Deed vf Trust or
<br /> th�ir su�ce�st�rs in int�r�st. Tfi�� succe�st�trust,�a, v�ithvut cor7vey�nc�af th�Pr�ert�,�ha11 suc�ed to all #he
<br /> t�t�e, po�ve�,and duties cx�nfi�rred upon the Trustee in this:D�ed of Tnast and b�appl�c�bie law, This procedure fiar
<br /> substitution c��Tru�#ea sh�l�g�vern ta th�excJ�sian vf al�oth�r�r�vi�it�ns far substitution:
<br /> N�TI�E�. Any� natic�r�quured to,be given under this t�eed af Trust; in�luding r�r��ut limitativn any no#ice of d�ault
<br /> and any nc�#ice af sa�le�hal� be giiren �n �rriting, ar�d shsi�i be effe�iWe�rh�n �ctually d���er�ed��h�n actuall�r received
<br /> by t�l��acs�mile�unless c�ther�rvise requi�ed b�law�;v�rh�r� de�as�ted with a nat�anally�recr�gnize� ovem�ght couri�r,o�,if
<br /> rrta�ed��rh�depc�si��s�in the Un�ted�tat�s mail, �s firgt elass, c�rti�ied or r�gi�tQ�!mail�s#ag� p�e�aid,dire�ted ta
<br /> the addres�es shc��rn near the beginning of tih�C��ed cxf'Trust. ���copi�s of nc�ticss o�fc�closur�fr�m the halder of
<br /> any lien wh�h has Rr�ri��aver this �eed af Trust�h�ll be s�nt ta L�nd�r's �ddre��, as shc�rn ne�r the b�ginning�f
<br /> thi�D�ed vf Trust, �y persan m�y change his or he� �ddres��o�r no�ices under f[�is�eea� of Trust i�y gi�ring f�rr���
<br /> wM�ten nca#i�e tv the v#her person or Rer�r�n�, s�e�ifying tha� th� purpa�� of#�h� natiee �� �v ch�ng� the �erson's
<br /> �ddr���. F�r noti���ucp�se�,Trusfor agrees ta fc�ep Lend�r infc�ed at a!I�mes af Trt��tv�'�c�rr�r�#�ddress�. Unless.
<br /> o�herwi�e �t�vided or requEr�d !�1��rE if th�r� i�mare than on�Tru�t�, any nta��c�given�r Ler�d�r tv any Trust�ar i$
<br /> d�err�ed tv be n�ice gf�en t�all Trustar,�: �#va►�#!be Trus�ar's re��ns��it�to t�ll the a�h�rs t�f'the n�t�ce fcam Len�er.
<br /> �l�ELl.AlV�,OIJS RRC�V�SI�NS. 7he fi��ov►rin g rrrisca ll�neous prov��i�n�a�e a part c�f�his 13eed af Tr.0 st:
<br /> Atnendm�nt�. �hat i�wci#t�n in thi��e�d c�f Trust�nd�n the R��ated�4c�rrrent�i�Trustor's en��s�g�eem�nf
<br /> �rith Len�der co�nceming#he ma##ers cc�ver�ed b�this Qeed c�f Trust, To b� ef��etive, any change o��mendm�nt t�
<br /> thi� !?eed af Trust mu�t be in r�rifing and must be �igned ay whve�er�ril�be�aund or c�b�ligate�d�y the�ange ar
<br /> �m�ndr�nt,
<br /> Capt�o�n H�ading�. �ap#ion head�gs a� �his Deed c�f Tn.i�are far cc�nv�nience purpase� o�n�y and are not tv be
<br /> �sed tca in#srpret ar d�fine the�r�avi�ions�af this aeed af Tru�t,
<br /> I�lerger. There �haf!be n�merge�r vf tha inter�est or es#ate cre�ted�y thi�[}eed af Trust w3th any c�h�r interest or
<br /> e5�tete in th�Property at any tim�h�ld b�c�r far#h�benefiit vf Ler�der in �r�y e�pac�y,�ithvu##he tir�►r�#en cons�t#
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Co��reming Lav�r. 7hi� a eed af Tru�t wi ll be:�ov$rn�d b�y��de� t� a�r�t cabl$,tv Lgn d�r and, to the exter�n at
<br /> preempte�by f�+deral Ia�,th�law�c�f the State of 1V$��a�ka wi#hvu#reg��d�o i�s c�nf1[�ks of l�w pra�rl�i�na, Thi�
<br /> Deed of Trust ha�be�n��ept�d�y Len�er in the St�te af Nebr�k�. .
<br /> Jaint and S�var� Liabilit�. All Q�lig�tions af Trustvr under #his C�eed �f Tru�st shall be�aint and s�veral, and al1
<br /> r�fierences tv Trustvr sheii mean each and every Trus�or. This r�e�ns #hat each �'rus#�r sig�ning bel�w �s
<br /> re�pvn�ible far al�a�liga#ion�in#his C�eed af Tnast;
<br /> Nv'Wa��r b�r L�d�r. Trustnr und�rstands L�nder will not give�ap any af L�nd�rs rights under this aeed of Trust
<br /> unless Lend�r dves so in u�►riting. The fact th�t Lender delays or omi�s ta exercise �ny right�i�1 not mean thait
<br /> L�nder�i�s �ivert up that right. �f Lender dves agre� in �vritin� tc� g�ve �p �ne of Lend�r`s rights, #haa��l�es n�
<br /> rr�ean Tru star wiii n at have �o comply�rith th� oth�r �rr��risic�ns vf th is Deed vf Tru st. Trust�r a��a under�#and�
<br /> th�if Lenc�r daes cQn sent ta a r�q uest, that does n ot mear� tha�Tru stor will n�.ha`re tv gef Lend�r"s con sant
<br /> again if#he$itua#�an happe�s ag�in. Trusta�r.further understartds tl��t j�r���e�aus�Le�+de�cor�sert#s ta or��.or mc�re
<br /> of Tna�tvc's requ�sts�that d�es nc�mean Lender�ril1 be requ�red to cc��se�n�ta any�f 7rus�ar's�uture�reque�ts,.
<br /> Trus#c�r�rai�res pr�sen#mer�t�dema�d fvr�a�rment,p�vt�st,and n�#ice vf di�honnr.
<br /> �everab�t��y. If a� cou�t finds that any �rrnvisic�n af this Deed vf T�ru� i� not valid ar�hau�d not be enft��ed,th�
<br /> fact by itself�r+���ncat mea�th�t th���st�f this�eed vf Tn�st�ill ncr�be�a�id�r enfi�r��. T�e�a�re,a court will
<br /> �nft�rce the resf vf the pr�visic�n�t�f thi�D�eed af Tru�.even�f a p�ra�risian af this Deed af Trust may be�und tc�be
<br /> in�alid r�r u ne�tvf�a�le,
<br /> Succe��rs �nd A��ign�. �ub�e�t tv any i�mm,�.ativns s�ated in this De�c# vf TrUst c�n tr�nsfer o�Trus�r's int,�r�st,
<br /> ;this�e�d ca�Tcu�t s,h��� bs l�inding upan ar�d inWre tv t�e bene�t af th�parti�, th�ir succes��and ��s�ns. lf
<br /> c�nrn ers�h�caf th�F'rr�rty beco rri��v�sfed ir�a p ersQn dther th�n.Trusfior�Lende r,w�thvut notice#v Trus�r, may
<br /> deal writh Tru�tcx''s suc�essQrs r�rith reference tc�this C}e�d vf Trust and the Indebtedness by rr��of farbearance ar
<br /> exten�ion withou�releasing Trust�r#ram�he o��igations c�f thi��eed af T�u�c�r li�bil�y und�r the 1nd�bfedness.
<br /> T�me�s af the.E�e�c�e. Ti�ie is o�the��s en�e i�#he p�erf�rman ce vf�h is C}eed of Tru st.
<br /> V�aive Jury. All p�rti�#r�this Deed o�'Tru�t h�e�y w�ive the right to any ju�y tci�l in�ny a�kion, pro�c�►ed�ng,�x
<br /> �aunter�la�rn bro�ght by��Party�g�fn�t��ry oth�r�rrt�.
<br /> �ai�er of hlomestead ���mption. Trustor hereb�relea��s and �r�ives a11 right� and taen�:fi#s of the hQm�s�tead
<br /> e�x�mptian�aws of th��t�te t�f I�ebraska as f�a alf �ndebtedne�s secur�d by thi�D�ed af Trust.
<br />