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<br /> ' � �L�BOR�INAT�ON A*T�i;3NTEACRe4 Ij OR �IG�F�SEI�iT �
<br /> �iGREE!lEKT, made :as o�f th;:�s 29th day of Jar►�ary, 1990 � `.
<br /> between DEL-VAL FINANCIAL CORPORA.TI�:, a Delaware corporaticn
<br /> hav$ng �an address at 747 Third Aver��:�, ?J�w York, New York 10017 . '
<br /> � (the "Subordinate Mortgagee�'�;, and r��r AMERICAN BANR OF NEW ' ,� �
<br /> � ' � � YoRIt, a New York banking. corpora�.ion having an offiae at 350
<br /> , , Park Avenue, New York, New Ybrk 10m22 (°1First American"} . � . '
<br /> . �7TTi3ESS � TH:
<br /> : .�
<br /> ; .. . • _
<br /> , � �. WHEREAS, �he S�ordin�tet Mortgagee �s the owne����r�d ,
<br /> � holder .of (i} a certain Deed of. T�rust and Security Agreement : , � -
<br /> . . � +�`
<br /> dated as of January 29, 1950, fr��it Kenbee Managem�nt, Ir��. �tY�.e '��`
<br /> � ��Mortgagor") to the 5ubordimate Nortqagee, secu�ing the original :--
<br /> prirtci�r�al amount of $2,378,856.op�: (the "Subordinate Mertgage".� , � � .
<br /> which Subordinate Mar�gage is to �� . � reaorded in the Office of � .
<br /> . the Clerk of the Countk� �f Ha�.�, State of Nebra��s�, (ii) a
<br /> cer�Q�;n Note dated January 2a, 1990; in the original principal
<br /> � amourat of $2,378,856.00 �nd made 1oy the Mortgagor payalaT�e to the
<br /> � ' Subord�nate Mortgac�ee (the ���Su�ardinate Note"};r and (iii) a
<br /> . .�..�
<br /> � certai.n Cca3.].ateral As�ignment of Leases and Rents (the � `�-=�.
<br /> �. ti "Subnrdinate Assiqnment")� dated a;� of Januar� 29, Z990, from the � �
<br /> Mortgagor to the Subordin�te I�ortgagee with respect to the
<br /> Premises (hereinafter dbfinEd) �the Subordinate Mortgage, the
<br /> � Suba�wi:���� Note and th�^ Si�bordinate Assignment are
<br /> collectively, the "Suborda.nate I�lnrtgage Oocuments") ;
<br /> ' , f_—.=�_
<br /> {
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